Professor Cameron Clark

Professor Cameron Clark

B. Sc. Agr. (Hons), PhD (University of Sydney), FRSN
Associate Professor of Livestock Production and Welfare
Principal Research Fellow
School of Life and Environmental Sciences
Professor Cameron Clark
I am enabling a step-change in livestock productivity and welfare both in Australia and internationally through my novel, collaborative research. My research is changing the global focus of farming towards the individual production animal to improve efficiency and welfare by revealing the value of technology, data and associated advanced precision livestock systems. I plan to expand on this highly innovative research to link the individual production animal and farm practice with the needs of the market and in so doing, add significant value to the food produced in systems that exceed the welfare demands of society. I have a particular interest in the diversity in heat resilience within livestock species.
  • Turning existing, and new sensor derived, farm data into information that farmers can use to improve profit, lifestyle and animal welfare
  • The use of sensor data and livestock behaviour to detect reduced health earlier than conventional methods
  • The use of sensor data and livestock behaviour to improve livestock climate resilience

I co-ordinate and teach into AVBS1002: Concepts of Animal Management. A fantastic broad Unit introducing animal production systems and our environment with practicals at our Camden Campus.

Lead Supervisor to:
Ms Sarah Mac: Optimising weaning

Mr Ashraful Islam: Monitoring livestock heat

Supervisor to many other fantastic students!

  • Objective measures of welfare for the Australian red meat industry. Collaborators: Consolidated Pastoral Company, Australian Country Choice, Allflex.
  • Remote sensing buffalo fly. Collaborators: The University of Queensland
  • DairyUP - Data science for the NSW dairy industry.

Member of the Royal Society of New South Wales

Fellow of the Royal Society of NSW

Animal behavior and ecophysiology, Animal production and welfare, Food and nutrition
Project titleResearch student
Data driven dairy disease detection: Enabling early intervention for improved cow healthMaddison PEARCE
The Impact of Rumen Temperature on MicrobiomeShaheen RAHMAN
Revealing and exploiting the diversity in dairy cattle reticulorumen temperature data for heat stress ameliorationAlice SHIRLEY


Book Chapters

  • Lyons, N., Garguilo, J., Clark, C., Garcia, S. (2022). Technology and Robotic Milking in Dairy Production. In Paul McSweeney, John McNamara (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, Third Edition, (pp. 823-829). United States: Academic Press. [More Information]
  • Islam, M., Garcia, S., Sarker, N., Roy, B., Sultana, N., Clark, C. (2021). The Role of Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) for Improving Ruminant Production Efficiency and Human Nutrition in the Tropics. In Veerasamy Sejian · Surinder Singh Chauhan · Chinnasamy Devaraj · Pradeep Kumar M (Eds.), Climate Change and Livestock Production: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives, (pp. 151-160). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. [More Information]


  • Islam, M., Garcia, S., Islam, M., Bashar, M., Roy, A., Roy, B., Sarker, N., Clark, C. (2024). Ruminant Production from Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum): A Review. Animals, 14(3). [More Information]
  • Mac, S., Lomax, S., Doughty, A., Thomson, P., Clark, C. (2024). The Impact of Abrupt and Fenceline-Weaning Methods on Cattle Stress Response, Live Weight Gain, and Behaviour. Animals, 14(11). [More Information]
  • Mac, S., Lomax, S., Clark, C. (2023). Behavioral responses to cow and calf separation: separation at 1 and 100 days after birth. Animal Bioscience, 36(5), 810-817. [More Information]


  • Qiao, Y., Su, D., Kong, H., Sukkarieh, S., Lomax, S., Clark, C. (2020). BiLSTM-based Individual Cattle Identification for Automated Precision Livestock Farming. 16th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2020), Hong Kong: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
  • Qiao, Y., Su, D., Kong, H., Sukkarieh, S., Lomax, S., Clark, C. (2020). Data Augmentation for Deep Learning based Cattle Segmentation in Precision Livestock Farming. 16th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2020), Hong Kong: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
  • Qiao, Y., Su, D., Kong, H., Sukkarieh, S., Lomax, S., Clark, C. (2019). Individual Cattle Identification Using a Deep Learning Based Framework. 6th IFAC Conference on Sensing, Control and Automation Technologies for Agriculture (AGRICONTROL 2019), Sydney: International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). [More Information]


  • Clark, C. (2006), Identifying indicators of energy balance for pasture based dairy cows in early lactation.


  • Islam, M., Garcia, S., Islam, M., Bashar, M., Roy, A., Roy, B., Sarker, N., Clark, C. (2024). Ruminant Production from Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum): A Review. Animals, 14(3). [More Information]
  • Mac, S., Lomax, S., Doughty, A., Thomson, P., Clark, C. (2024). The Impact of Abrupt and Fenceline-Weaning Methods on Cattle Stress Response, Live Weight Gain, and Behaviour. Animals, 14(11). [More Information]


  • Mac, S., Lomax, S., Clark, C. (2023). Behavioral responses to cow and calf separation: separation at 1 and 100 days after birth. Animal Bioscience, 36(5), 810-817. [More Information]
  • Sheng, K., Foris, B., von Keyserlingk, M., Gardenier, J., Clark, C., Weary, D. (2023). Crowd sourcing remote comparative lameness assessments for dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 106(8), 5715-5722. [More Information]
  • Mac, S., Lomax, S., Clark, C. (2023). Dairy cow and calf behavior and productivity when maintained together on a pasture-based system. Animal Bioscience, 36(2), 322-332. [More Information]


  • Han, X., Lin, Z., Clark, C., Vucetic, B., Lomax, S. (2022). AI Based Digital Twin Model for Cattle Caring. Sensors, 22(19), 1-18. [More Information]
  • Brown, J., Qiao, Y., Clark, C., Lomax, S., Rafique, K., Sukkarieh, S. (2022). Automated Aerial Animal Detection When Spatial Resolution Conditions Are Varied. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 193, 106689.
  • Brown, J., Qiao, Y., Clark, C., Lomax, S., Rafique, K., Sukkarieh, S. (2022). Automated aerial animal detection when spatial resolution conditions are varied. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 193, 1-11. [More Information]


  • Qiao, Y., Clark, C., Lomax, S., Kong, H., Su, D., Sukkarieh, S. (2021). Automated individual cattle identification using video data: A unified deeplearning architecture approach. Frontiers in Animal Science, 2, 1-14. [More Information]
  • Islam, M., Lomax, S., Doughty, A., Islam, M., Jay, O., Thomson, P., Clark, C. (2021). Automated monitoring of cattle heat stress and its mitigation. Frontiers in Animal Science, 2, 1-20. [More Information]
  • Colusso, P., Clark, C., Ingram, L., Thomson, P., Lomax, S. (2021). Dairy Cattle Response to a Virtual Fence When Pasture on Offer is Restricted to the Post-grazing Residual. Frontiers in Animal Science, 2, 1-13. [More Information]


  • Islam, M., Lomax, S., Doughty, A., Islam, M., Clark, C. (2020). Automated monitoring of panting for feedlot cattle: Sensor system accuracy and individual variability. Animals, 10(9), 1-20. [More Information]
  • Qiao, Y., Su, D., Kong, H., Sukkarieh, S., Lomax, S., Clark, C. (2020). BiLSTM-based Individual Cattle Identification for Automated Precision Livestock Farming. 16th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2020), Hong Kong: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
  • Green, A., Clark, C., Lomax, S., Favaro, L., Reby, D. (2020). Context-related variation in the peripartum vocalisations and phonatory behaviours of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 231, 105089. [More Information]


  • Lomax, S., Colusso, P., Clark, C. (2019). Does Virtual Fencing Work for Grazing Dairy Cattle? Animals, 9(7), 1-11. [More Information]
  • Qiao, Y., Su, D., Kong, H., Sukkarieh, S., Lomax, S., Clark, C. (2019). Individual Cattle Identification Using a Deep Learning Based Framework. 6th IFAC Conference on Sensing, Control and Automation Technologies for Agriculture (AGRICONTROL 2019), Sydney: International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). [More Information]
  • Dias, K., Garcia, S., Islam, M., Clark, C. (2019). Milk Yield, Milk Composition, and the Nutritive Value of Feed Accessed Varies with Milking Order for Pasture-Based Dairy Cattle. Animals, 9(2), 1-11. [More Information]


  • Lee, J., Clark, D., Clark, C., Waugh, C., Roach, C., Minnee, E., Glassey, C., Woodward, S., Woodfield, D., Chapman, D. (2018). A comparison of perennial ryegrass- and tall fescue-based swards with or without a cropping component for dairy production: Animal production, herbage characteristics and financial performance from a 3-year farmlet trial. Grass and Forage Science, 73(2), 340-354. [More Information]
  • Khatun, M., Thomson, P., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Lyons, N., Clark, C., Molfino, J., Garcia, S. (2018). Development of a new clinical mastitis detection method for automatic milking systems. Journal of Dairy Science, 101(10), 9385-9395. [More Information]
  • Green, A., Johnston, I., Clark, C. (2018). Invited review: The evolution of cattle bioacoustics and application for advanced dairy systems. Animal, 12(6), 1250-1259. [More Information]


  • Lomax, S., Colusso, P., Gargulio, J., Clark, C. (2017). Determining learning and behavioural response to a virtual fence for dairy cows. 8th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, France: European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming.
  • Khatun, M., Clark, C., Lyons, N., Thomson, P., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Garcia, S. (2017). Early detection of clinical mastitis from electrical conductivity data in an automatic milking system. Animal Production Science, 57(7), 1226-1232. [More Information]
  • Molfino, J., Clark, C., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Garcia, S. (2017). Evaluation of an activity and rumination monitor in dairy cattle grazing two types of forages. Animal Production Science, 57(7), 1557-1562. [More Information]


  • Clark, C., Farina, S., Garcia, S., Islam, M., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Fulkerson, W. (2016). A comparison of conventional and automatic milking system pasture utilization and pre- and post-grazing pasture mass. Grass and Forage Science, 71, 153-159. [More Information]
  • John, A., Garcia, S., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Freeman, M., Clark, C. (2016). Diurnal feeding patterns of dairy cattle and implications for automatic milking systems. Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, Australia: N/A.
  • Watt, L., Clark, C., Krebs, G., Pretzel, C., Utsumi, S. (2016). Impact of concentrate feeding and rumination on the methane production of cows in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Dairy Research Foundation 2016 Symposium, Sydney: The University of Sydney.


  • Watt, L., Clark, C., Krebs, G., Petzel, C., Nielsen, S., Utsumi, S. (2015). Differential rumination, intake, and enteric methane production of dairy cows in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Journal of Dairy Science, 98(10), 7248-7263. [More Information]
  • Talukder, S., Thomson, P., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Clark, C., Celi, P. (2015). Evaluation of infrared thermography body temperature and collar-mounted accelerometer and acoustic technology for predicting time of ovulation of cows in a pasture-based system. Theriogenology, 83, 739-748. [More Information]
  • John, A., Freeman, M., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Clark, C. (2015). Herd synchronisation in a pasture-based automatic milking system. Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, Australia: N/A.


  • Clark, C. (2014). Dairy farmer Z. Dairy Research Foundation Symposium, Australia: N/A.
  • Clark, C., Kwinten, N., van Gastel, D., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Lyons, N., Garcia, S. (2014). Differences in Voluntary Cow Traffic between Holstein and Illawarra Breeds of Dairy Cattle in a Pasture-based Automatic Milking System. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 27(4), 587-591. [More Information]
  • Clark, C., Horadagoda, A., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Scott, V., Islam, M., Kaur Jhajj, R., Garcia, S. (2014). Grazing Soybean to Increase Voluntary Cow Traffic in a Pasture-based Automatic Milking System. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 27(3), 422-430. [More Information]


  • Clark, C., Garcia, S., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Underwood, J., Nieto, J., Calleija, M., Sukkarieh, S., Cronin, G. (2013). A robot amongst the herd: A pilot investigation regarding the behavioural response of dairy cows. 4th Australian and New Zealand Spatially Enabled Livestock Management Symposium, Camden, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Underwood, J., Calleija, M., Nieto, J., Sukkarieh, S., Clark, C., Garcia, S., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Cronin, G. (2013). A robot amongst the herd: remote detection and tracking of cows. 4th Australian and New Zealand Spatially Enabled Livestock Management Symposium, Camden, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Clark, C., Kwinten, N., van Gastel, D., Kerrisk (nee Davis), K., Lyons, N., Garcia, S. (2013). Can breed selection impact voluntary cow traffic in pasture-based automatic milking systems. The precision dairy conference and expo, N/A: N/A.


  • Minnee, E., Clark, C., McAllister, T., Hutchinson, K., Lee, J. (2012). Chicory and plantain as feeds for dairy cows in late lactation. 5th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2012, Melbourne: Australasian Dairy Science Symposium.
  • Minnee, E., Clark, C., McAllister, T., Hutchinson, K., Lee, J. (2012). Chicory and plantain as feeds for dairy cows in late lactation. 5th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2012, Melbourne: Australasian Dairy Science Symposium.
  • Lee, J., Hemmingson, N., Minnee, E., Clark, C. (2012). Chicory and plantain management strategies to increase herbage dry matter yield, nutritive value and plant survival. 5th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2012, Melbourne: Australasian Dairy Science Symposium.


  • Clark, C., Waghorn, G., Gregorini, P., Woodward, S., Clark, D. (2011). Diurnal pattern of urinary and faecal nitrogen excretion by dairy cows fed ryegrass pasture twice daily indoors. 8th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores, Aberystwyth, Wales: Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences.
  • Gregorini, P., Clark, C., McLeod, K., Glassey, C., Romera, A., Jago, J. (2011). Short Communication: Feeding station behavior of grazing dairy cows in response to restriction of time at pasture. Livestock Science, 137(1), 287-291. [More Information]


  • Clark, C., McLeod, K., Glassey, C., Gregorini, P., Costall, D., Betteridge, K., Jago, J. (2010). Capturing urine while maintaining pasture intake, milk production, and animal welfare of dairy cows in early and late lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 93(5), 2280-2286. [More Information]
  • Clark, C., Romera, A., Macdonald, K., Clark, D. (2010). Inter-paddock annual dry matter yield variability for dairy farms in the Waikato region of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(2), 187-191. [More Information]
  • Clark, C., Clark, D., Waugh, C., Roach, C., Glassey, C., Woodward, S., Minnee, E., Woodfield, D. (2010). Systems to increase grazeable forage production in the Waikato: A progress report on the tall fescue and perennial ryegrass component of these systems. 72nd Conference of the New Zealand Grassland Association (2010), Lincoln: New Zealand Grassland Association (Inc).


  • Gregorini, P., Clark, C., Jago, J., Glassey, C., McLeod, K., Romera, A. (2009). Restricting time at pasture: Effects on dairy cow herbage intake, foraging behavior, hunger-related hormones, and metabolite concentration during the first grazing session. Journal of Dairy Science, 92(9), 4572-4580. [More Information]
  • Clark, C., Macdonald, K., Dalley, D. (2009). Stocking Rate and Calving Date Decisions for Dairy Farmers. South Island Dairy Event, New Zealand.
  • McLeod, K., Clark, C., Glassey, C., Gregorini, P., Costall, D., Betteridge, K., Jago, J. (2009). Strategically reducing time on pasture: Dairy cow intake, production, welfare, and excretory behaviour. 69th New Zealand Society of Animal Production Annual Conference NZSAP 2009, Canterbury: New Zealand Society of Animal Production.


  • Romera, A., Clark, C. (2008). Paddock to paddock pasture yield variation on dairy farms in the Waikato region of New Zealand. Joint XXI International Grassland Congress / VIII International Rangeland Congress Conference IGC/IRC 2008, China: Guangdong Peoples Publishing House.
  • Beukes, P., Clark, C., Romera, A., Levy, G., Lee, J. (2008). Using a climate-driven farm model to predict pasture mass for individual paddocks on New Zealand dairy farms. 70th Conference of the New Zealand Grassland Association (2008), Dunedin: New Zealand Grassland Association (Inc).


  • Phyn, C., Clark, C., Kolver, E. (2007). Extending lactation to 670 days. South Island Dairy Event (2007), Canterbury, New Zealand.
  • Clark, C., Clark, D., Fulkerson, W. (2007). Feed Conversion efficiency and genotype by environment interaction: matching a cow with high feed conversion efficiency to a low input, pasture based environment. 3rd Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2007, Australia: National Dairy Alliance.
  • Fulkerson, W., Neal, J., Clark, C., Horadagoda, A., Nandra, K., Barchia, I. (2007). Nutritive value of forage species grown in the warm temperate climate of Australia for dairy cows: Grasses and legumes. Livestock Science, 107, 253-264. [More Information]


  • Fulkerson, W., Nandra, K., Clark, C., Barchia, I. (2006). Effect of cereal-based concentrates on productivity of Holstein-Friesian cows grazing short-rotation ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) or kikuyu (Pennesitum clandestinum) pastures. Livestock Science, 103(1/2), 85-94. [More Information]
  • Clark, C. (2006), Identifying indicators of energy balance for pasture based dairy cows in early lactation.
  • Clark, C., Fulkerson, W., Nandra, K., Smith, H., Macmillian, K. (2006). Pattern of change in the concentration of milk acetone and its association with ovarian activity for pasture-based cows in early lactation. Livestock Science, 105(3), 144-150. [More Information]


  • Clark, C., Fulkerson, W., Nandra, K., Barchia, I., Macmillan, K. (2005). Erratum to "The use of indicators to assess the degree of mobilisation of body reserves in dairy cows in early lactation on a pasture-based diet"[Livest. Prod. Sci. 94 (2005) 199-211]. Livestock Science, 100(2), 276-276.
  • Clark, C., Fulkerson, W., Nandra, K., Barchia, I., Macmillian, K. (2005). The use of indicators to assess the degree of mobilisation of body reserves in Dairy cows in early lactation on a pasture-based diet. Livestock Science, 94(3), 199-211. [More Information]


  • Clark, C., Fulkerson, W., Nandra, K., Dove, H. (2004). Estimating pasture intake using n-alkanes and known supplement intake. 25th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production, Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO Publishing.
  • Clark, C., Fulkerson, W., Nandra, K. (2004). The Effect of Cereal Grain-Based Supplements on Blood B-hydroxyl-butyrate concentrations in dairy cows in a pasture-based system. 25th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production, Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO Publishing.

Selected Grants


  • Data driven system optimising the forage base for sustainable beef production, Lomax S, Clark C, Meat and Livestock Australia Ltd/Research and Development Grant


  • Practical Strategies to Increase Individual Layer Hen Feed Efficiency (FE), Groves P, O'Shea C, Akter Y, Clark C, Liu S, Australian Eggs/Research Grant
  • Objective, robust, real-time animal welfare measures for the Australian red meat industry, Clark C, Lomax S, Reynolds M, Xu Z, Sukkarieh S, Meat and Livestock Australia Ltd/Research and Development Grant
  • Enhancing the profitability and productivity of livestock farming through virtual herding technology, Clark C, Lomax S, Dairy Australia/Research and Development Grants

In the media
