Livestock veterinary teaching and research unit - Faculty of Science

Livestock Veterinary Teaching and Research Unit

Serving the livestock industries of Australia
We serve the livestock industries of Australia through provision of veterinary services and training and by advancing knowledge through problem orientated research into issues related to animal production health and welfare.

Our aims

  • Provide veterinary services and training 
  • Advance knowledge through problem orientated research
  • Provide veterinary students with an opportunity to get hands on experience
  • Provide commercial ambulatory and herd consultancy services
  • Promote application of science and technology to problem solving on the farm.

Our staff

Livestock Services

24 hour Emergency Service - Farm Visits - Herd Health

Livestock Services

John House

Director, Bovine Clinical Services
  • +61 2 4655 1212
  • University Veterinary Centre, Camden University Veterinary Centre, Camden C08