Professor Emeritus Frances Waugh

Professor Emeritus Frances Waugh

GradCertTeaching(HE)(Sydney), BSW(UNSW), PhD(Sydney)
Emeritus Professor in Social Work, Sydney School of Education and Social Work
A35 - Education Building
The University of Sydney
Professor Emeritus Frances Waugh

Following over 20 years professional experience as a registered nurse and then a social worker, I worked from 2000 until 2020 as an academic in the Social Work and Policy Studies programs in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work (SSESW), in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney. I held a number of leadership roles including: Program Convenor, Postgraduate Coursework Coordinator, Coordinator of the Doctor of Social Work, eLearning Academic Convenor, the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), acting Associate Dean (Academic Programs), Associate Dean (International), Pro Dean and Acting Dean in the former Faculty of Education and Social Work and Head of School of SSESW. I was passionate about Field Education being core to the integration of students' learning. My research interests included higher education pedagogy to optimise students’ education experiences and knowledge building in social work practice to enhance evidence-based practice with vulnerable populations. I am currently Emeritus Professor in Social Work in SSESW. I continue to provide voluntary community service to four organisations.

Higher education pedagogy including:

transition to university, authentic assessment in field education, blended learning, embedding

diversity, internationalisation, leadership in mentoring and reflection and employability.

Social work practice with vulnerable populations, including:

Children experiencing abuse and/or neglect,

Women experiencing domestic violence,

Children and palliative care,

Older people living with dementia.

I taught across most units of study in the Social Work undergraduate and a number in the postgraduate coursework program.

I provided supervision to a number of research higher degree students and six former students are currently working as academics in Australia and overseas.

  • The contribution of becoming reflective on the employability of teachers and social workers. Co-researcher
  • Authentic assessment of students in practice settings: A participatory design approach. Co-researcher
  • Developing a sustainable system of online evaluation for professional practice and fieldwork units across the Faculty. Co-researcher
  • Investigating exclusion in the Faculty through research of the first year experience and student attrition. Co-researcher

I am a member of:

The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW).

  • Vice Chancellor's Award for Systems that Achieve Collective Excellence in Teaching and Learning 2009

  • Excellence in Teaching Award, Faculty of Arts, 2002

  • Certificate in recognition and appreciation of 20 years of membership of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) 2012



  • Giles, R., Irwin, J., Lynch, D., Waugh, F. (2010). In the Field: From Learning to Practice. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • Irwin, J., Waugh, F., Wilkinson, M. (2002). Domestic violence and child protection : a research report ; a collaborative research project. Sydney, NSW: The Department of Social Work, Social Policy and Sociology, University of Sydney.
  • Irwin, J., Waugh, F. (2001). Routine Screening for Domestic Violence in New South Wales Health. Australia: Education Centre Against Violence.

Edited Books

  • Ewing, R., Waugh, F., Smith, D. (2022). Reflective practice in education and social work: Interdisciplinary explorations. London: Routledge.
  • Fawcett, B., Waugh, F. (2008). Addressing Violence, Abuse and Oppression: Debates and Challenges. TBC.

Book Chapters

  • Smith, D., Ewing, R., Waugh, F. (2022). Conclusions and recommendations. In R. Ewing, F. Waugh & D. L. Smith (Eds.), Reflective practice in education and social work: Interdisciplinary explorations, (pp. 197-203). London: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Kervin, L., Ewing, R., Smith, D., Waugh, F., Mantei, J. (2022). Identifying resonances for a reflective practice pedagogy for the Education and Social Work professions. In R. Ewing, F. Waugh & D. L. Smith (Eds.), Reflective practice in education and social work: Interdisciplinary explorations, (pp. 26-40). London: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Ewing, R., Waugh, F., Smith, D. (2022). Introduction: What is reflection and reflective professional practice? In R. Ewing, F. Waugh & D. L. Smith (Eds.), Reflective practice in education and social work: Interdisciplinary explorations, (pp. 1-12). London: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Waugh, F. (2019). Opportunities and challenges for increasing resources in field education: Commentary on "A national survey of Australian Social Work Field Education Programs: Innovation with limited capacity" (Zuchowski, Cleak, Nickson, & Spencer, 2018). Australian Social Work, 72(1), 121-123. [More Information]
  • Egan, S., Waugh, F., Giles, R., Bowles, W. (2017). Authentic assessment: Partners in developing a web-based guide. Social Work Education, 36(6), 731-744. [More Information]
  • Waugh, F. (2009). Where does risk feature in community care practice with older people with dementia who live alone? Dementia, 8(2), 205-222. [More Information]


  • Chambers, B., Anderson, J., Waugh, F., Markauskaite, L., Barnes, J. (2012). Investigating inclusion and exclusion reasons for student attrition in first year at university. 2012 Joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
  • Bloomfield, D., White, S., Waugh, F., Bowles, W., Reimann, P., Goulding, J. (2012). Supporting assessment in practice settings: a cross disciplinary co-operative approach. 2012 Joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
  • Chambers, B., Waugh, F., Barnes, J. (2012). Using the student perspective to enhance student transition resources. 15th International First Year in Higher Education Conference | New Horizons, Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology.


  • Napier, M., Waugh, F. (2006). Holding it together. Carers' perspectives on decision-making: from home to residential care for people with dementia.
  • Waugh, F., Napier, M., Bonner, M. (2004). Older persons with dementia who live alone. A research report..


  • Waugh, F., Bowles, W., Giles, R., Egan, S. (2013), Authentic assessment in practice settings: A participatory design approach (online resource) Melbourne, Australian Teaching and Learning Council.. [More Information]

Research Reports

  • Bloomfield, D., Chambers, B., Egan, S., Goulding, J., Reimann, P., Waugh, F., White, S. (2013). Authentic assessment in practice settings: A participatory design approach | Final report 2013, (pp. 4 - 94). Sydney, Australia: Office for Teaching and Learning (OLT). [More Information]


  • Smith, D., Ewing, R., Waugh, F. (2022). Conclusions and recommendations. In R. Ewing, F. Waugh & D. L. Smith (Eds.), Reflective practice in education and social work: Interdisciplinary explorations, (pp. 197-203). London: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Kervin, L., Ewing, R., Smith, D., Waugh, F., Mantei, J. (2022). Identifying resonances for a reflective practice pedagogy for the Education and Social Work professions. In R. Ewing, F. Waugh & D. L. Smith (Eds.), Reflective practice in education and social work: Interdisciplinary explorations, (pp. 26-40). London: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Ewing, R., Waugh, F., Smith, D. (2022). Introduction: What is reflection and reflective professional practice? In R. Ewing, F. Waugh & D. L. Smith (Eds.), Reflective practice in education and social work: Interdisciplinary explorations, (pp. 1-12). London: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Waugh, F. (2019). Opportunities and challenges for increasing resources in field education: Commentary on "A national survey of Australian Social Work Field Education Programs: Innovation with limited capacity" (Zuchowski, Cleak, Nickson, & Spencer, 2018). Australian Social Work, 72(1), 121-123. [More Information]


  • Baines, D., Tseris, E., Waugh, F. (2018). Activism and advocacy. In Neil Thompson, Paul Stepney (Eds.), Social work theory and methods: The essentials, (pp. 215-226). New York: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Egan, S., Waugh, F., Giles, R., Bowles, W. (2017). Authentic assessment: Partners in developing a web-based guide. Social Work Education, 36(6), 731-744. [More Information]


  • Waugh, F., Bowles, W., Giles, R., Egan, S. (2013), Authentic assessment in practice settings: A participatory design approach (online resource) Melbourne, Australian Teaching and Learning Council.. [More Information]
  • Bloomfield, D., Chambers, B., Egan, S., Goulding, J., Reimann, P., Waugh, F., White, S. (2013). Authentic assessment in practice settings: A participatory design approach | Final report 2013, (pp. 4 - 94). Sydney, Australia: Office for Teaching and Learning (OLT). [More Information]


  • Chambers, B., Anderson, J., Waugh, F., Markauskaite, L., Barnes, J. (2012). Investigating inclusion and exclusion reasons for student attrition in first year at university. 2012 Joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
  • Bloomfield, D., White, S., Waugh, F., Bowles, W., Reimann, P., Goulding, J. (2012). Supporting assessment in practice settings: a cross disciplinary co-operative approach. 2012 Joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
  • Chambers, B., Waugh, F., Barnes, J. (2012). Using the student perspective to enhance student transition resources. 15th International First Year in Higher Education Conference | New Horizons, Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology.


  • Waugh, F. (2011). Risk assessment: Working within a legal framework. In OHara A, Pockett R (Eds.), Skills for Human Service Practice: working with individuals, groups and communities, (pp. 102-120). Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.


  • Barbaux, M., Waugh, F., Weeks, R., Egan, S., Atkinson, S. (2010). Collaborative blended learning design. Learning Technology Research Fest 2010, Not published: Centre for Research on Computer Supported Learning and Cognition, University of Sydney.
  • Laws, K., Waugh, F., O'Connor, D., Napier, M., Wikramanayake, D. (2010). Global citizenship and the internationalised classroom: What students think. Internationalising Learning and Teaching in Academic Settings: Engagement, Collaboration and Sustainability, Australia: Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney.
  • Waugh, F., Napier, M. (2010). Health promoting approaches to people with dementia. The 6th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health 'Changing Health: Acting and Reacting, Challenges for Social Work Theory and Practice', Not published: Not Published.


  • Atkinson, S., Weeks, R., Barbaux, M., O'Hara, A., Waugh, F., Egan, S. (2009). Making the Move from Static to Activity-Based E-Learning: Investigation of a Possible Model. EDULEARN09: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Spain: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED).
  • Waugh, F. (2009). Where does risk feature in community care practice with older people with dementia who live alone? Dementia, 8(2), 205-222. [More Information]


  • Fawcett, B., Waugh, F. (2008). Addressing Violence, Abuse and Oppression: Debates and Challenges. TBC.
  • Ewing, R., Freeman, M., Barrie, S., Bell, A., O'Connor, D., Waugh, F., Sykes, C. (2008). Building community in academic settings: the importance of flexibility in a structured mentoring program. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 16(3), 294-310.
  • Napier, M., Waugh, F. (2008). Older people and violence. In Not known (Eds.), Addressing Violence, Abuse and Oppression: Debates and Challenges, (pp. 163-173). TBC. [More Information]


  • Ewing, R., Freeman, M., Ahmed, A., O'Connor, D., Waugh, F. (2007). DELETE/Duplicate with 1050696xPUB124 Mentoring in Higher Education: A Case Study. Australian Association for Research in Education 2006, Adelaide: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
  • Irwin, J., Waugh, F. (2007). Domestic Violence: a priority in child protection in New South Wales, Australia? Child Abuse Review, 16(5), 311-322. [More Information]
  • Ewing, R., Freeman, M., Bell, A., Barrie, S., O'Connor, D., Shields, J., Spicer, P., Waugh, F. (2007). The challenge of mentoring in academic settings: A pilot study. AARE's 36th Annual International Education Research Conference - Adelaide 2006, Melbourne: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).


  • Napier, M., Waugh, F. (2006). Holding it together. Carers' perspectives on decision-making: from home to residential care for people with dementia.
  • Waugh, F. (2006). Risk Assessment: Working Within a Legal Framework. In Agi OHara, Zita Weber (Eds.), Skills for human service practice : working with individuals, groups and communities, (pp. 86-98). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • Irwin, J., Waugh, F., Bonner, M. (2006). The inclusion of children and young people in research on domestic violence. Communities Children and Families Australia, 1(1), 17-23.


  • Waugh, F., Bonner, M. (2004). Being on the outside: critical reflections of the research process in paediatric palliative care. Women in Welfare Education, 7, 78-87.
  • Waugh, F., Napier, M., Bonner, M. (2004). Older persons with dementia who live alone. A research report..


  • Waugh, F., Hart, D. (2003). City students go bush: The process of virtual community building in rural social work field education. Women in Welfare Education, 6, 90-102.


  • Irwin, J., Waugh, F., Wilkinson, M. (2002). Domestic violence and child protection : a research report ; a collaborative research project. Sydney, NSW: The Department of Social Work, Social Policy and Sociology, University of Sydney.
  • Waugh, F., Bonner, M. (2002). Domestic violence and child protection: Issues in safety planning. Child Abuse Review, 11(5), 282-295. [More Information]


  • Irwin, J., Waugh, F. (2001). Routine Screening for Domestic Violence in New South Wales Health. Australia: Education Centre Against Violence.


  • Waugh, F. (2000). Initial assessment: a key stage in social work intervention. Australian Social Work, 53(1), 57-63.
  • Waugh, F. (2000). Lessons learnt from researching policy in action. Women in Welfare Education, (4), 50-58.

Selected Grants


  • Understanding Critical Reflection OLET1133, Waugh F, Fleming J, DVC Education/Small Educational Innovation Grant


  • The contribution of becoming reflective on the employability of teachers and social workers, Waugh F, Ewing R, Bowles W, O'Mara J, Fook J, Doherty J, McLenachan J, Morley C, Kervin L, Mantei J, Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT)/OLT Grants

This is an on online resource on Assessment Frameworks for students, field educators and academics which was an outcome of the Authentic Assessment in Practice Settings project.

This is an online resource on the contribution of becoming reflective on the employability of teachers and social workers.