Associate Professor Paul Ginns

Associate Professor Paul Ginns

Associate Professor in Educational Psychology
+61 2 93512611
+61 2 93515027
A35 - Education Building
The University of Sydney
Associate Professor Paul Ginns

Paul is an active educational researcher, and has worked independently and in collaboration with both Australian and international colleagues on a wide variety of educational research projects.

Paul uses numerous research methodologies (for example, experimental and survey-based research) and analytic methods, including general linear models, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, structural modelling and meta-analysis. His research has two broad foci:

  • How the university student experience might be improved through institutionally-aligned, student-focused teaching evaluation systems.
  • Applying the principles of cognitive science to instructional design.

In his research into the university experience, Paul has sought to understand the systemic relations between university students’ approaches to and engagement in learning; the quality of the learning environment; and student learning outcomes, with the ultimate goal of improving all parts of this teaching and learning system. His success in this field led him to be commissioned to write for the national project, “Rewarding and recognising quality teaching and learning in higher education”, funded by the Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (now the Australian Learning and Teaching Council).

Paul’s second focus draws on theories of the human cognitive architecture, consisting of a limited working memory that can be circumvented for learning and problem solving by the longterm memory store, to maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of learning by managing the cognitive load. In this field, Paul has published both original research and meta-analytic reviews of specific instructional design effects.

Learning sciences and psychology of education

  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Learning technologies and new media
  • Learning, cognition and motivation
Project titleResearch student
Dosage effects in tracing to learnJenny BUI
Alternating Finger Tracing For Learning: A Cognitive Load Theory PerspectiveXufei ZHANG



  • KEMBER, D., Ginns, P. (2012). Evaluating Teaching and Learning: A practical handbook for colleges, universities and the scholarship of teaching. New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Park, B., Korbach, A., Ginns, P., Brunken, R. (2020). Embodied cognition?: Effects of pointing and tracing gestures on learning performance, eye movement and cognitive load. In S. Tindall-Ford, S. Agostinho & J. Sweller (Eds.), Advances in cognitive load theory: Rethinking teaching, (pp. 142-154). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Ginns, P., Kydd, A. (2020). Learning human physiology by pointing and tracing: A cognitive load approach. In S. Tindall-Ford, S. Agostinho & J. Sweller (Eds.), Advances in cognitive load theory: Rethinking teaching, (pp. 119-129). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Castro-Alonso, J., Paas, F., Ginns, P. (2019). Embodied Cognition, Science Education, and Visuospatial Processing. In J. C. Castro-Alonso (Eds.), Visuospatial Processing for Education in Health and Natural Sciences, (pp. 175-205). Cham: Springer. [More Information]


  • Way, J., Ginns, P. (2024). Embodied Learning in Early Mathematics Education: Translating Research into Principles to Inform Teaching. Education Sciences, 14(7). [More Information]
  • Lin, L., Lin, X., Zhang, X., Ginns, P. (2024). The Personalized Learning by Interest Effect on Interest, Cognitive Load, Retention, and Transfer: A Meta-Analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 36(3), 88. [More Information]
  • Ginns, P., Martin, A., Freebody, K., Anderson, M., O'Connor, P. (2023). Creative self-beliefs among children and adolescents. Australian Journal of Education, 67(2), 181-195. [More Information]


  • Way, J., Ginns, P. (2022). A call for translational research in embodied learning in early mathematics and science education: The ELEMS Project. 2022 Annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia: MERGA 44 Mathematical confluences and journeys, Launceston: MERGA.
  • Fryer, L., Ginns, P. (2015). "To skip" or "skip to" class: The mediating role of class attendance. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.
  • Martin, A., Collie, R., Malmberg, L., Hall, J., Ginns, P. (2015). A longitudinal analysis of academic buoyancy, achievement, and control. American Educational Research Association 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago IL.

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Ginns, P. (2023). Touch is a simple and effective way to manage learner's cognitive load. Times Higher Education.

Reference Works

  • Ginns, P. (2012). Imagination effect. In Norbert M. Seel (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. (pp. 1484-1487). New York: Springer.

Research Reports

  • O'Connor, P., Anderson, M., Freebody, K., Ginns, P. (2020). Replanting creativity during post-normal times, (pp. 1 - 58). Auckland, New Zealand, New Zealand: Centre for Arts and Social Transformation, University of Auckland. [More Information]


  • Way, J., Ginns, P. (2024). Embodied Learning in Early Mathematics Education: Translating Research into Principles to Inform Teaching. Education Sciences, 14(7). [More Information]
  • Lin, L., Lin, X., Zhang, X., Ginns, P. (2024). The Personalized Learning by Interest Effect on Interest, Cognitive Load, Retention, and Transfer: A Meta-Analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 36(3), 88. [More Information]


  • Ginns, P., Martin, A., Freebody, K., Anderson, M., O'Connor, P. (2023). Creative self-beliefs among children and adolescents. Australian Journal of Education, 67(2), 181-195. [More Information]
  • Galbraith, F., Ginns, P. (2023). Does the size of tracing actions affect learning outcomes? The Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 40(2), 232-243. [More Information]
  • Park, B., Korbach, A., Ginns, P., Brünken, R. (2023). How Learners Use Their Hands for Learning: an Eye-Tracking Study. Educational Psychology Review, 35(4), 116. [More Information]


  • Way, J., Ginns, P. (2022). A call for translational research in embodied learning in early mathematics and science education: The ELEMS Project. 2022 Annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia: MERGA 44 Mathematical confluences and journeys, Launceston: MERGA.
  • Krieglstein, F., Beege, M., Rey, G., Ginns, P., Krell, M., Schneider, S. (2022). A Systematic Meta-analysis of the Reliability and Validity of Subjective Cognitive Load Questionnaires in Experimental Multimedia Learning Research. Educational Psychology Review, 34(4), 2485-2541. [More Information]
  • Smyrnis, E., Ginns, P., Bobis, J. (2022). Mimicking tracing actions enhances young children's mathematical learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36(6), 1356-1364. [More Information]


  • Martin, A., Ginns, P., Burns, E., Kennett, R., Munro-Smith, V., Collie, R., Pearson, J. (2021). Assessing Instructional Cognitive Load in the Context of Students' Psychological Challenge and Threat Orientations: A Multi-Level Latent Profile Analysis of Students and Classrooms. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-19. [More Information]
  • Martin, A., Ginns, P., Burns, E., Kennett, R., Pearson, J. (2021). Load Reduction Instruction in Science and Students’ Science Engagement and Science Achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(6), 1126-1142. [More Information]
  • Martin, A., Ginns, P., Anderson, M., Gibson, R., Bishop, M. (2021). Motivation and engagement among Indigenous (Aboriginal Australian) and non-Indigenous students. Educational Psychology, 41(4), 424-445. [More Information]


  • Mansfield, A., Cotton, W., Ginns, P. (2020). Design principles of youth development programs in outdoor environments: A scoping review. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 23, 241-260. [More Information]
  • Park, B., Korbach, A., Ginns, P., Brunken, R. (2020). Embodied cognition?: Effects of pointing and tracing gestures on learning performance, eye movement and cognitive load. In S. Tindall-Ford, S. Agostinho & J. Sweller (Eds.), Advances in cognitive load theory: Rethinking teaching, (pp. 142-154). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Ginns, P., Kydd, A. (2020). Learning human physiology by pointing and tracing: A cognitive load approach. In S. Tindall-Ford, S. Agostinho & J. Sweller (Eds.), Advances in cognitive load theory: Rethinking teaching, (pp. 119-129). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Ginns, P., Kim, T., Zervos, E. (2019). Chewing gum while studying: Effects on alertness and test performance. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 33(2), 214-224. [More Information]
  • Castro-Alonso, J., Paas, F., Ginns, P. (2019). Embodied Cognition, Science Education, and Visuospatial Processing. In J. C. Castro-Alonso (Eds.), Visuospatial Processing for Education in Health and Natural Sciences, (pp. 175-205). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
  • Tang, M., Ginns, P., Jacobson, M. (2019). Tracing enhances recall and transfer of knowledge of the water cycle. Educational Psychology Review, 31(2), 439-455. [More Information]


  • Fryer, L., Ginns, P. (2018). A reciprocal test of perceptions of teaching quality and approaches to learning: A longitudinal examination of teaching-learning connections. Educational Psychology, 38(8), 1032-1049. [More Information]
  • Fryer, L., Ginns, P., Howarth, M., Anderson, C., Ozono, S. (2018). Individual differences and course attendance: Why do students skip class? Educational Psychology, 38(4), 470-486. [More Information]
  • Smyrnis, E., Ginns, P., Bobis, J. (2018). Mirror mirror: A strategy to enhance mathematical learning. iNK: the professional journal of International Grammar School, 1, 15-18.


  • Collie, R., Ginns, P., Martin, A., Papworth, B. (2017). Academic buoyancy mediates academic anxiety's effects on learning strategies: An investigation of English- and Chinese-speaking Australian students. Educational Psychology, 37(8), 947-964. [More Information]
  • Durksen, T., Martin, A., Burns, E., Ginns, P., Williamson, D., Kiss, J. (2017). Conducting Research in a Medical Science Museum: Lessons Learned from Collaboration Between Researchers and Museum Educators. Journal of Museum Education, 42(3), 273-283. [More Information]
  • Martin, A., Ginns, P., Papworth, B. (2017). Motivation and engagement: Same or different? Does it matter? Learning and Individual Differences, 55, 150-162. [More Information]


  • Agostinho, S., Ginns, P., Tindall-Ford, S., Mavilidi, M., Paas, F. (2016). 'Touch the screen': Linking touch-based educational technology with learning - a synthesis of current research. In Lijia Lin and Robert Atkinson (Eds.), Educational technologies: Challenges, applications and learning outcomes, (pp. 33-57). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Smyrnis, E., Ginns, P. (2016). Does a Drama-Inspired 'Mirroring' Exercise Enhance Mathematical Learning? The Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 33(2), 178-186. [More Information]
  • Martin, A., Papworth, B., Ginns, P. (2016). Effects of boarding school. The Psychologist, 29(6), 414-414.


  • Fryer, L., Ginns, P. (2015). "To skip" or "skip to" class: The mediating role of class attendance. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.
  • Martin, A., Collie, R., Malmberg, L., Hall, J., Ginns, P. (2015). A longitudinal analysis of academic buoyancy, achievement, and control. American Educational Research Association 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago IL.
  • Collie, R., Martin, A., Malmberg, L., Hall, J., Ginns, P. (2015). Academic buoyancy, student's achievement, and the linking role of control: A cross-lagged analysis of high school students. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85(1), 113-130. [More Information]


  • Barnhardt, B., Ginns, P. (2014). An alienation-based framework for student experience in higher education: New interpretations of past observations in student learning theory. Higher Education, 68(6), 789-805. [More Information]
  • Fryer, L., Ginns, P., Walker, R. (2014). Between students' instrumental goals and how they learn: Goal content is the gap to mind. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(4), 612-630. [More Information]
  • Martin, A., Papworth, B., Ginns, P., Liem, G. (2014). Boarding school, academic motivation and engagement, and psychological well-being: A large-scale investigation. American Educational Research Journal, 51(5), 1007-1049. [More Information]


  • Hu, F., Ginns, P., Bobis, J. (2013). A helping hand in geometry learning: Does haptic tracing promote learning from worked examples? EARLI Biennial Conference, 2013, Munich.
  • Martin, A., Ginns, P., Papworth, B., Ghasemi-Nejad, M. (2013). Aboriginal/Indigenous Students in High School: Understanding their Motivation, Engagement, Academic Buoyancy, and Achievement. In Gregory Arief D. Liem, Allan B. I. Bernardo (Eds.), Advancing Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Educational Psychology: A Festschrift for Dennis M. McInerney, (pp. 273-294). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Martin, A., Ginns, P., Brackett, M., Malmberg, L., Hall, J. (2013). Academic buoyancy and psychological risk: Exploring reciprocal relationships. Learning and Individual Differences, 27, 128-133. [More Information]


  • Barnhardt, B., Ginns, P. (2012). An alienation-based framework for student learning theory: Developing and justifying new interpretations of past empirical observations. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference, 2012, Sydney.
  • Barkl, S., Porter, A., Ginns, P. (2012). Cognitive training for children: effects on inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning,and mathematics achievement in an Australian school setting. Psychology in the Schools, 49(9), 828-842. [More Information]
  • KEMBER, D., Ginns, P. (2012). Evaluating Teaching and Learning: A practical handbook for colleges, universities and the scholarship of teaching. New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]


  • Papworth, B., Martin, A., Ginns, P., Hawkes, T. (2011). Attending boarding school: A comparison of boarding and day students on academic and nonacademic factors. American Educational Research Association 2011 Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
  • Papworth, B., Martin, A., Ginns, P., Liem, G. (2011). Boarding school and students' academic and non-academic outcomes. British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 2011, London.
  • Barkl, S., Ginns, P., Porter, A. (2011). Cognitive training for children: Effects on fluid intelligence, self-concept, and mathematics achievement in an Australian school setting. American Educational Research Association 2011 Annual Meeting, New Orleans.


  • Ginns, P. (2010). A mind is a terrible thing to waste: Enhancing student learning through a focus on cognitive architecture. Synergy, (30), 28-32.
  • Martin, A., Marsh, H., Cheng, J., Ginns, P. (2010). Fathers and male teachers: Effects on boys' academic and non-academic development. Childhood Education, 86, 404-408.
  • Dolmans, D., Wolfhagen, I., Ginns, P. (2010). Measuring approaches to learning in a problem based learning context. International Journal of Medical Education, 1, 55-60. [More Information]


  • Ginns, P., Barrie, S. (2009). Developing and testing a student-focussed teaching evaluation survey for university instructors. Psychological Reports, 104(3), 1019-1032. [More Information]
  • Ellis, R., Ginns, P., Piggott, L. (2009). E-learning in higher education: some key aspects and their relationship to approaches to study. Higher Education Research and Development, 28(3), 303-318. [More Information]
  • Ginns, P., Ellis, R. (2009). Evaluating the quality of e-learning at the degree level in the student experience of blended learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(4), 652-663. [More Information]


  • Ginns, P., Kitay, J., Prosser, M. (2008). Developing conceptions of teaching and the scholarship of teaching through a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education. International Journal for Academic Development, 13(3), 175-185. [More Information]
  • Leung, D., Ginns, P., KEMBER, D. (2008). Examining the cultural specificity of approaches to learning in universities in Hong Kong and Sydney. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39(3), 251-266. [More Information]
  • Brew, A., Ginns, P. (2008). The relationship between engagement in the scholarship of teaching and learning and students' course experiences. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 33(5), 535-545. [More Information]


  • Ginns, P., Ellis, R. (2007). Quality in blended learning: Exploring the relationships between On-line and Face-to-face Teaching and Learning. Internet and Higher Education, 10(1), 53-64. [More Information]
  • Ginns, P., Prosser, M., Barrie, S. (2007). Students' perceptions of teaching quality in higher education: The perspective of currently enrolled students. Studies in Higher Education, 32(5), 603-615. [More Information]
  • Barrie, S., Ginns, P. (2007). The linking of institutional performance indicators to improvements in teaching and learning in classrooms. Quality in Higher Education, 13(3), 275-286. [More Information]


  • Freeman, M., Blayney, P., Ginns, P. (2006). Anonymity and in-class learning: The case for electronic response systems. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (Online), 22(4), 568-580. [More Information]
  • Ginns, P. (2006). Integrating information: A meta-analysis of the spatial contiguity and temporal contiguity effects. Learning and Instruction, 16(6), 511-525. [More Information]
  • Ginns, P., Hollender, N., Reimann, P. (2006). Meta-analysis of the Minimalist Training Model. American Educational Research Association 2006 Annual Meeting, Washington DC USA: AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION.


  • Dolmans, D., Ginns, P. (2005). A short questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of tutors in PBL: validity and reliability. Medical Teacher, 27(6), 534-538. [More Information]
  • Barrie, S., Ginns, P., Prosser, M. (2005). Early impact and outcomes of an institutionally aligned, student focused learning perspective on teaching quality assurance. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 30(6), 641-656. [More Information]
  • Ginns, P. (2005). Imagining instructions: Mental practice in highly cognitive domains. Australian Journal of Education, 49(2), 128-140. [More Information]


  • Ginns, P. (2004). Quality Assurance And Improvement Of The Research Higher Degree Experience At The University Of Sydney. The Third Australian Universities Quality Forum (AUQF): Quality in a Time of Change, Melbourne, Victoria: Australian Universities Quality Agency.
  • Ginns, P., Barrie, S. (2004). Reliability Of Single-Item Ratings Of Quality In Higher Education: A Replication. Psychological Reports, 95(3), 1023-1030. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Embodied Learning in Early Mathematics and Science (ELEMS), Way J, Ginns P, Preston C, Niland A, Uptin J, Department of Education (NSW)/Strategic Research Fund


  • Exploring the Effects of Boarding School on Academic and Non-academic Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study of Boarding and Day Students, Hawkes T, Martin A, Ginns P, Hawkes T, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Linkage Projects (LP)