Associate Professor Paul Ginns
Associate Professor in Educational Psychology
A35 - Education Building
The University of Sydney
Paul is an active educational researcher, and has worked independently and in collaboration with both Australian and international colleagues on a wide variety of educational research projects.
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Learning sciences and psychology of education
- Assessment and evaluation
- Learning technologies and new media
- Learning, cognition and motivation
Project title | Research student |
Dosage effects in tracing to learn | Jenny BUI |
Alternating Finger Tracing For Learning: A Cognitive Load Theory Perspective | Xufei ZHANG |
Selected publications
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- KEMBER, D., Ginns, P. (2012). Evaluating Teaching and Learning: A practical handbook for colleges, universities and the scholarship of teaching. New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Park, B., Korbach, A., Ginns, P., Brunken, R. (2020). Embodied cognition?: Effects of pointing and tracing gestures on learning performance, eye movement and cognitive load. In S. Tindall-Ford, S. Agostinho & J. Sweller (Eds.), Advances in cognitive load theory: Rethinking teaching, (pp. 142-154). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Ginns, P., Kydd, A. (2020). Learning human physiology by pointing and tracing: A cognitive load approach. In S. Tindall-Ford, S. Agostinho & J. Sweller (Eds.), Advances in cognitive load theory: Rethinking teaching, (pp. 119-129). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Castro-Alonso, J., Paas, F., Ginns, P. (2019). Embodied Cognition, Science Education, and Visuospatial Processing. In J. C. Castro-Alonso (Eds.), Visuospatial Processing for Education in Health and Natural Sciences, (pp. 175-205). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
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- Way, J., Ginns, P. (2024). Embodied Learning in Early Mathematics Education: Translating Research into Principles to Inform Teaching. Education Sciences, 14(7). [More Information]
- Lin, L., Lin, X., Zhang, X., Ginns, P. (2024). The Personalized Learning by Interest Effect on Interest, Cognitive Load, Retention, and Transfer: A Meta-Analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 36(3), 88. [More Information]
- Ginns, P., Martin, A., Freebody, K., Anderson, M., O'Connor, P. (2023). Creative self-beliefs among children and adolescents. Australian Journal of Education, 67(2), 181-195. [More Information]
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- Way, J., Ginns, P. (2022). A call for translational research in embodied learning in early mathematics and science education: The ELEMS Project. 2022 Annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia: MERGA 44 Mathematical confluences and journeys, Launceston: MERGA.
- Fryer, L., Ginns, P. (2015). "To skip" or "skip to" class: The mediating role of class attendance. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.
- Martin, A., Collie, R., Malmberg, L., Hall, J., Ginns, P. (2015). A longitudinal analysis of academic buoyancy, achievement, and control. American Educational Research Association 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago IL.
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Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Ginns, P. (2023). Touch is a simple and effective way to manage learner's cognitive load. Times Higher Education.
Reference Works
- Ginns, P. (2012). Imagination effect. In Norbert M. Seel (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. (pp. 1484-1487). New York: Springer.
Research Reports
- O'Connor, P., Anderson, M., Freebody, K., Ginns, P. (2020). Replanting creativity during post-normal times, (pp. 1 - 58). Auckland, New Zealand, New Zealand: Centre for Arts and Social Transformation, University of Auckland. [More Information]
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- Way, J., Ginns, P. (2024). Embodied Learning in Early Mathematics Education: Translating Research into Principles to Inform Teaching. Education Sciences, 14(7). [More Information]
- Lin, L., Lin, X., Zhang, X., Ginns, P. (2024). The Personalized Learning by Interest Effect on Interest, Cognitive Load, Retention, and Transfer: A Meta-Analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 36(3), 88. [More Information]
- Ginns, P., Martin, A., Freebody, K., Anderson, M., O'Connor, P. (2023). Creative self-beliefs among children and adolescents. Australian Journal of Education, 67(2), 181-195. [More Information]
- Galbraith, F., Ginns, P. (2023). Does the size of tracing actions affect learning outcomes? The Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 40(2), 232-243. [More Information]
- Park, B., Korbach, A., Ginns, P., Brünken, R. (2023). How Learners Use Their Hands for Learning: an Eye-Tracking Study. Educational Psychology Review, 35(4), 116. [More Information]
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- Way, J., Ginns, P. (2022). A call for translational research in embodied learning in early mathematics and science education: The ELEMS Project. 2022 Annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia: MERGA 44 Mathematical confluences and journeys, Launceston: MERGA.
- Krieglstein, F., Beege, M., Rey, G., Ginns, P., Krell, M., Schneider, S. (2022). A Systematic Meta-analysis of the Reliability and Validity of Subjective Cognitive Load Questionnaires in Experimental Multimedia Learning Research. Educational Psychology Review, 34(4), 2485-2541. [More Information]
- Smyrnis, E., Ginns, P., Bobis, J. (2022). Mimicking tracing actions enhances young children's mathematical learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36(6), 1356-1364. [More Information]
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- Martin, A., Ginns, P., Burns, E., Kennett, R., Munro-Smith, V., Collie, R., Pearson, J. (2021). Assessing Instructional Cognitive Load in the Context of Students' Psychological Challenge and Threat Orientations: A Multi-Level Latent Profile Analysis of Students and Classrooms. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-19. [More Information]
- Martin, A., Ginns, P., Burns, E., Kennett, R., Pearson, J. (2021). Load Reduction Instruction in Science and Students’ Science Engagement and Science Achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(6), 1126-1142. [More Information]
- Martin, A., Ginns, P., Anderson, M., Gibson, R., Bishop, M. (2021). Motivation and engagement among Indigenous (Aboriginal Australian) and non-Indigenous students. Educational Psychology, 41(4), 424-445. [More Information]
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- Mansfield, A., Cotton, W., Ginns, P. (2020). Design principles of youth development programs in outdoor environments: A scoping review. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 23, 241-260. [More Information]
- Park, B., Korbach, A., Ginns, P., Brunken, R. (2020). Embodied cognition?: Effects of pointing and tracing gestures on learning performance, eye movement and cognitive load. In S. Tindall-Ford, S. Agostinho & J. Sweller (Eds.), Advances in cognitive load theory: Rethinking teaching, (pp. 142-154). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Ginns, P., Kydd, A. (2020). Learning human physiology by pointing and tracing: A cognitive load approach. In S. Tindall-Ford, S. Agostinho & J. Sweller (Eds.), Advances in cognitive load theory: Rethinking teaching, (pp. 119-129). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
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- Ginns, P., Kim, T., Zervos, E. (2019). Chewing gum while studying: Effects on alertness and test performance. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 33(2), 214-224. [More Information]
- Castro-Alonso, J., Paas, F., Ginns, P. (2019). Embodied Cognition, Science Education, and Visuospatial Processing. In J. C. Castro-Alonso (Eds.), Visuospatial Processing for Education in Health and Natural Sciences, (pp. 175-205). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
- Tang, M., Ginns, P., Jacobson, M. (2019). Tracing enhances recall and transfer of knowledge of the water cycle. Educational Psychology Review, 31(2), 439-455. [More Information]
- Fryer, L., Ginns, P. (2018). A reciprocal test of perceptions of teaching quality and approaches to learning: A longitudinal examination of teaching-learning connections. Educational Psychology, 38(8), 1032-1049. [More Information]
- Fryer, L., Ginns, P., Howarth, M., Anderson, C., Ozono, S. (2018). Individual differences and course attendance: Why do students skip class? Educational Psychology, 38(4), 470-486. [More Information]
- Smyrnis, E., Ginns, P., Bobis, J. (2018). Mirror mirror: A strategy to enhance mathematical learning. iNK: the professional journal of International Grammar School, 1, 15-18.
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- Collie, R., Ginns, P., Martin, A., Papworth, B. (2017). Academic buoyancy mediates academic anxiety's effects on learning strategies: An investigation of English- and Chinese-speaking Australian students. Educational Psychology, 37(8), 947-964. [More Information]
- Durksen, T., Martin, A., Burns, E., Ginns, P., Williamson, D., Kiss, J. (2017). Conducting Research in a Medical Science Museum: Lessons Learned from Collaboration Between Researchers and Museum Educators. Journal of Museum Education, 42(3), 273-283. [More Information]
- Martin, A., Ginns, P., Papworth, B. (2017). Motivation and engagement: Same or different? Does it matter? Learning and Individual Differences, 55, 150-162. [More Information]
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- Agostinho, S., Ginns, P., Tindall-Ford, S., Mavilidi, M., Paas, F. (2016). 'Touch the screen': Linking touch-based educational technology with learning - a synthesis of current research. In Lijia Lin and Robert Atkinson (Eds.), Educational technologies: Challenges, applications and learning outcomes, (pp. 33-57). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Smyrnis, E., Ginns, P. (2016). Does a Drama-Inspired 'Mirroring' Exercise Enhance Mathematical Learning? The Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 33(2), 178-186. [More Information]
- Martin, A., Papworth, B., Ginns, P. (2016). Effects of boarding school. The Psychologist, 29(6), 414-414.
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- Fryer, L., Ginns, P. (2015). "To skip" or "skip to" class: The mediating role of class attendance. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.
- Martin, A., Collie, R., Malmberg, L., Hall, J., Ginns, P. (2015). A longitudinal analysis of academic buoyancy, achievement, and control. American Educational Research Association 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago IL.
- Collie, R., Martin, A., Malmberg, L., Hall, J., Ginns, P. (2015). Academic buoyancy, student's achievement, and the linking role of control: A cross-lagged analysis of high school students. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85(1), 113-130. [More Information]
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- Barnhardt, B., Ginns, P. (2014). An alienation-based framework for student experience in higher education: New interpretations of past observations in student learning theory. Higher Education, 68(6), 789-805. [More Information]
- Fryer, L., Ginns, P., Walker, R. (2014). Between students' instrumental goals and how they learn: Goal content is the gap to mind. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(4), 612-630. [More Information]
- Martin, A., Papworth, B., Ginns, P., Liem, G. (2014). Boarding school, academic motivation and engagement, and psychological well-being: A large-scale investigation. American Educational Research Journal, 51(5), 1007-1049. [More Information]
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- Hu, F., Ginns, P., Bobis, J. (2013). A helping hand in geometry learning: Does haptic tracing promote learning from worked examples? EARLI Biennial Conference, 2013, Munich.
- Martin, A., Ginns, P., Papworth, B., Ghasemi-Nejad, M. (2013). Aboriginal/Indigenous Students in High School: Understanding their Motivation, Engagement, Academic Buoyancy, and Achievement. In Gregory Arief D. Liem, Allan B. I. Bernardo (Eds.), Advancing Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Educational Psychology: A Festschrift for Dennis M. McInerney, (pp. 273-294). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Martin, A., Ginns, P., Brackett, M., Malmberg, L., Hall, J. (2013). Academic buoyancy and psychological risk: Exploring reciprocal relationships. Learning and Individual Differences, 27, 128-133. [More Information]
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- Barnhardt, B., Ginns, P. (2012). An alienation-based framework for student learning theory: Developing and justifying new interpretations of past empirical observations. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference, 2012, Sydney.
- Barkl, S., Porter, A., Ginns, P. (2012). Cognitive training for children: effects on inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning,and mathematics achievement in an Australian school setting. Psychology in the Schools, 49(9), 828-842. [More Information]
- KEMBER, D., Ginns, P. (2012). Evaluating Teaching and Learning: A practical handbook for colleges, universities and the scholarship of teaching. New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
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- Papworth, B., Martin, A., Ginns, P., Hawkes, T. (2011). Attending boarding school: A comparison of boarding and day students on academic and nonacademic factors. American Educational Research Association 2011 Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
- Papworth, B., Martin, A., Ginns, P., Liem, G. (2011). Boarding school and students' academic and non-academic outcomes. British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 2011, London.
- Barkl, S., Ginns, P., Porter, A. (2011). Cognitive training for children: Effects on fluid intelligence, self-concept, and mathematics achievement in an Australian school setting. American Educational Research Association 2011 Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
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- Ginns, P. (2010). A mind is a terrible thing to waste: Enhancing student learning through a focus on cognitive architecture. Synergy, (30), 28-32.
- Martin, A., Marsh, H., Cheng, J., Ginns, P. (2010). Fathers and male teachers: Effects on boys' academic and non-academic development. Childhood Education, 86, 404-408.
- Dolmans, D., Wolfhagen, I., Ginns, P. (2010). Measuring approaches to learning in a problem based learning context. International Journal of Medical Education, 1, 55-60. [More Information]
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- Ginns, P., Barrie, S. (2009). Developing and testing a student-focussed teaching evaluation survey for university instructors. Psychological Reports, 104(3), 1019-1032. [More Information]
- Ellis, R., Ginns, P., Piggott, L. (2009). E-learning in higher education: some key aspects and their relationship to approaches to study. Higher Education Research and Development, 28(3), 303-318. [More Information]
- Ginns, P., Ellis, R. (2009). Evaluating the quality of e-learning at the degree level in the student experience of blended learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(4), 652-663. [More Information]
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- Ginns, P., Kitay, J., Prosser, M. (2008). Developing conceptions of teaching and the scholarship of teaching through a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education. International Journal for Academic Development, 13(3), 175-185. [More Information]
- Leung, D., Ginns, P., KEMBER, D. (2008). Examining the cultural specificity of approaches to learning in universities in Hong Kong and Sydney. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39(3), 251-266. [More Information]
- Brew, A., Ginns, P. (2008). The relationship between engagement in the scholarship of teaching and learning and students' course experiences. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 33(5), 535-545. [More Information]
- Ginns, P., Ellis, R. (2007). Quality in blended learning: Exploring the relationships between On-line and Face-to-face Teaching and Learning. Internet and Higher Education, 10(1), 53-64. [More Information]
- Ginns, P., Prosser, M., Barrie, S. (2007). Students' perceptions of teaching quality in higher education: The perspective of currently enrolled students. Studies in Higher Education, 32(5), 603-615. [More Information]
- Barrie, S., Ginns, P. (2007). The linking of institutional performance indicators to improvements in teaching and learning in classrooms. Quality in Higher Education, 13(3), 275-286. [More Information]
- Freeman, M., Blayney, P., Ginns, P. (2006). Anonymity and in-class learning: The case for electronic response systems. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (Online), 22(4), 568-580. [More Information]
- Ginns, P. (2006). Integrating information: A meta-analysis of the spatial contiguity and temporal contiguity effects. Learning and Instruction, 16(6), 511-525. [More Information]
- Ginns, P., Hollender, N., Reimann, P. (2006). Meta-analysis of the Minimalist Training Model. American Educational Research Association 2006 Annual Meeting, Washington DC USA: AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION.
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- Dolmans, D., Ginns, P. (2005). A short questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of tutors in PBL: validity and reliability. Medical Teacher, 27(6), 534-538. [More Information]
- Barrie, S., Ginns, P., Prosser, M. (2005). Early impact and outcomes of an institutionally aligned, student focused learning perspective on teaching quality assurance. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 30(6), 641-656. [More Information]
- Ginns, P. (2005). Imagining instructions: Mental practice in highly cognitive domains. Australian Journal of Education, 49(2), 128-140. [More Information]
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- Ginns, P. (2004). Quality Assurance And Improvement Of The Research Higher Degree Experience At The University Of Sydney. The Third Australian Universities Quality Forum (AUQF): Quality in a Time of Change, Melbourne, Victoria: Australian Universities Quality Agency.
- Ginns, P., Barrie, S. (2004). Reliability Of Single-Item Ratings Of Quality In Higher Education: A Replication. Psychological Reports, 95(3), 1023-1030. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- Embodied Learning in Early Mathematics and Science (ELEMS), Way J, Ginns P, Preston C, Niland A, Uptin J, Department of Education (NSW)/Strategic Research Fund
- Exploring the Effects of Boarding School on Academic and Non-academic Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study of Boarding and Day Students, Hawkes T, Martin A, Ginns P, Hawkes T, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Linkage Projects (LP)