Professor Peter Morgan
BA(Hons), MA, PhD (Monash), FAHA
Director, European Studies Program
Room 535
Room 535
+61 2 9036 5480
A18 - Brennan MacCallum Building
The University of Sydney
Member of The Vere Gordon Childe Centre
Peter Morgan is Director of the European Studies program at the University of Sydney. Research areas include world literature, German and European literature and Intellectual History and Gay literature.
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- Dictatorship and Literature: Ismail Kadare
- Masculinity and Homosexual Identity in European Modernism
- World Literature Theory
- European Studies undergraduate and postgraduate units
- MA and Ph.D. Supervision in German and European Studies
- Ismail Kadare after Communism, 1990-2010. Volume 2 of a comprehensive study of the Albanian writer’s life and works.
- Homosexual Masculinity and the European Modernist Novel.
- The Impace of World Literature Theory on National Literature Paradigms.
University and Community
- Director of the European Studies Program, University of Sydney
- President, German Studies Association of Australia (GSAA)
- Vice-President, Contemporary European Studies Association of Australia (CESAA)
- SEA (Secondary Education Authority, WA) German Syllabus Committee
- Chief Examiner, TEE German Examinining Board, WA
- Goethe Institute, Munich, Accredited Examiner
- Head of Department, German, UWA, 1994-2000
- Head, School of European Languages and Studies, UWA, 1999-2004
- Acting Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Humanities and the Social Sciences, UWA, 2006
- Acting Head, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney, 2011
Professional journal editorial boards
- Editor, Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies (ANZJES)
- Advisory Board, Journal of European Studies
- Advisory Board, Oxford German Studies
- Editorial Board, Essays in French Literature and Cultural Studies (EFLaCS)
- Editorial Board, Transpositionen - Studien zur deutschen Literatur, Philosophie und Kultur
- Advisory Board, Limbus: Australisches Jahrbuch für germanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft / Australian Yearbook of German Literary and Cultural Studies
Project title | Research student |
Finding the True Self: The Conception of Authenticity from Jean-Jacques Rousseau to Charles Taylor | Fanzy FAN |
Time and Other Worlds in Late Nabokov | David POTTER |
Selected publications
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- Morgan, P. (2024). Stefan George: The Homosexual Imaginary. Cambridge: Legenda. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2010). Ismail Kadare: The Writer and the Dictatorship, 1957-1990. Leeds, United Kingdom: Maney Publishing.
Edited Books
- Bandhauer, A., Lay, T., Lu, Y., Morgan, P. (2018). The World Within: Self-perception and images of the Other in German literatures and cultures. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2016). Text, Translation, Transnationalism: World Literature in 21st Century Australia. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
Book Chapters
- Morgan, P. (2019). Pederasty and Anarchist Individualism in the Work of John Henry Mackay. In Christine Magerski, David Roberts (Eds.), Kulturrebellen – Studien zur anarchistischen Moderne, (pp. 119-137). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2018). Germanistik, German Studies and the New World Literature. In Andrea Bandhauer, Tristan Lay, Yixu Lu, Peter Morgan (Eds.), The World Within: Self-perception and images of the Other in German literatures and cultures, (pp. 3-26). Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
- Morgan, P. (2018). Teaching European Studies in Australian Universities. In Bruce Wilson and Bruno Mascitelli (Eds.), 'So Distant, So Close': Australia and the European Union in the 21st Century, (pp. 226-243). Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
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- Morgan, P. (2022). Tenses of the Present. Critical Horizons, 23(2), 203-210. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2020). Literature and lustration: Rebuilding social trust through literature. Journal of European Studies, 50(1), 60-69. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2020). The afterlife of a dictatorship: Ismail Kadare's post-communist reckoning with the Albanian past. Journal of European Studies, 50(3), 281-294. [More Information]
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Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Morgan, P. (2006). Kadare, një Homer modern. Shekulli (The Century), 10.
- Morgan, P. (2005). Ismail Kadare: Creativity under Communism. The Australian Newspaper.
- Morgan, P. (2005). Look Wider for Laureates. The Australian Newspaper.
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- Morgan, P. (2024). Stefan George: The Homosexual Imaginary. Cambridge: Legenda. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2022). Tenses of the Present. Critical Horizons, 23(2), 203-210. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2020). Literature and lustration: Rebuilding social trust through literature. Journal of European Studies, 50(1), 60-69. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2020). The afterlife of a dictatorship: Ismail Kadare's post-communist reckoning with the Albanian past. Journal of European Studies, 50(3), 281-294. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2020). The Ethics of Narration in Helen Demidenko's The Hand That Signed the Paper, 1994 and 2017. AJS Review, 44(2), 368-383. [More Information]
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- Morgan, P. (2019). Pederasty and Anarchist Individualism in the Work of John Henry Mackay. In Christine Magerski, David Roberts (Eds.), Kulturrebellen – Studien zur anarchistischen Moderne, (pp. 119-137). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2018). Changing the Face of Power: The Literary Reeducation of a Dictator. Politics, Religion and Ideology, 19(4), 562-581. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2018). Germanistik, German Studies and the New World Literature. In Andrea Bandhauer, Tristan Lay, Yixu Lu, Peter Morgan (Eds.), The World Within: Self-perception and images of the Other in German literatures and cultures, (pp. 3-26). Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
- Morgan, P. (2018). Teaching European Studies in Australian Universities. In Bruce Wilson and Bruno Mascitelli (Eds.), 'So Distant, So Close': Australia and the European Union in the 21st Century, (pp. 226-243). Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
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- Morgan, P. (2017). Between the World and the Work: Civilisational Analysis in World Literature Studies. Australian Humanities Review, 62, 135-156.
- Morgan, P. (2017). Literary transnationalism: A Europeanist's perspective. Journal of European Studies, 47(1), 3-20. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2017). Teaching European Studies as an Academic Discipline in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies, 9(2), 2-8.
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- Morgan, P. (2016). Introduction: World Literature Studies and the Transnational Turn. In Peter Morgan (Eds.), Text, Translation, Transnationalism: World Literature in 21st Century Australia, (pp. 1-30). Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
- Morgan, P. (2016). Text, Translation, Transnationalism: World Literature in 21st Century Australia. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
- Morgan, P. (2016). The European Origins of Albania in Ismail Kadare's The File on H. In Andrew Hammond (Eds.), The Novel and Europe: Imagining the Continent in Post-1945 Fiction, (pp. 101-113). London: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2014). Stefan George's War: The End of the Homoerotic Dream. Limbus: Australisches Jahrbuch für germanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, 7(2014), 219-244.
- Morgan, P. (2014). The Function of Translation in Global Literary Studies. The AALITRA Review - A Journal of Literary Translation, 8, 6-11.
- Morgan, P. (2013). Translating the World: Literature and Re-Connection from Goethe to Gao. Revue de Litterature Comparee, 345(1), 63-79. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2012). Coming out in Weimar: Crisis and homosexuality in the Weimar Republic. Thesis Eleven, 111(1), 48-65. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2012). Ismail Kadare e l'orientalismo albanese. In Alessandra Scarsella and Giuseppina Turano (Eds.), La Scrittura Obliqua di Ismail Kadare, (pp. 31-46). Venice, Italy: Granviale Editori.
- Morgan, P. (2011). Greek Civilisation as a Theme of Dissidence in the Work of Ismail Kadare. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), 15, 16-32.
- Morgan, P. (2011). Ismail Kadare's Inner Emigration. In Sara Jones and Meesha Nehru (Eds.), Writing under Socialism, (pp. 131-142). Nottingham, UK: Critical, Cultural and Communications (CCC) Press.
- Morgan, P. (2011). Literature and Witnessing. In Deiters, Franz-Josef; Fliethmann, Axel; Weller Christiane (Eds.), Groteske Moderne - Moderne Groteske, (pp. 285-304). St. Ingbert: Roehrig Universitaetsverlag GmbH.
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- Morgan, P. (2010). Ismail Kadare: The Writer and the Dictatorship, 1957-1990. Leeds, United Kingdom: Maney Publishing.
- Morgan, P. (2010). Ismail Kadare: Writing under Dictatorship. Arts: the Proceedings of the Sydney University Arts Association, 32, 69-88.
- Morgan, P. (2010). The Wrong Side of History: Albania's Greco-Illyrian Heritage in Ismail Kadare's 'Aeschylus or the Great Loser'. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), 14(2010), 92-111.
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- Morgan, P. (2009). "Your Story is now My Story": The Ethics of Narration in Grass and Sebald. Monatshefte für deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur, 101(2), 186-206.
- Morgan, P. (2009). Kadare after Communism: Albania, the Balkans, and Europe in the Post-1990 Work of Ismail Kadare. In Christian Moraru (Eds.), Postcommunism, Postmodernism, and the Global Imagination, (pp. 137-167). New York, United States: Columbia University Press.
- Morgan, P. (2009). Literature and National Redemption in W.G. Sebald's On the Natural History of Destruction. In Gerhard Fischer (Eds.), W.G. Sebald: Schreiben ex patria / Expatriate Writing, (pp. 213-229). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Morgan, P. (2008). Ismail Kadaré's The Shadow Literature, Dissidence, and Albanian Identity. East European Politics and Societies, 22(2), 402-424. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2008). The Failure to Invent the Truth: W.G. Sebald's Critique of West German Literature. Limbus: Australisches Jahrbuch für germanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, 1, 35-52.
- Morgan, P. (2007). "Die Heimat meiner Seele": The Significance of Hans Pfitzner's Palestrina for Thomas Mann's Doktor Faustus. In Christine Magerski, Robert Ian Savage, Christiane Weller (Eds.), Moderne Begreifen: zur Paradoxie eines sozio-asthetischen Deutungsmusters, (pp. 205-220). Germany: DUV verlag. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2007). Consequences of Secondary Literature Study at University Level. Directions in Education, 16(14).
- Morgan, P. (2006). Ismail Kadare: Modern Homer or Albanian Dissident? World Literature Today, 80(5), 7-11. [More Information]
- Morgan, P. (2006). Kadare - një Homer modern. Studia Albanica, 62, 102-105.
- Morgan, P. (2006). Kadare, një Homer modern. Shekulli (The Century), 10.
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- Morgan, P. (2005). Georges Kien and the 'Diagnosis of Delusion' in Elias Canetti's Die Blendung. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism Volume 157. United States: Gale.
- Morgan, P. (2005). Ismail Kadare: Creativity under Communism. The Australian Newspaper.
- Morgan, P. (2005). Look Wider for Laureates. The Australian Newspaper.
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- Morgan, P. (2004). Leslie Bodi: Literatur, Politik, Identität-Literature, Politics, Cultural Identity: Review. AUMLA, 102, 140-145.
- Morgan, P. (2003). The Spirit of the Place: Idyll as 'Imagined Community' in Goethe's Werther. AUMLA, (Special Issue) February, 42-55.
- Morgan, P. (2002). Ancient Names … Marked by Fate . Ethnicity and the "Man without Qualities" in Ismail Kadare's Palace of Dreams. The European Legacy, 7(1), 45-60.
- Morgan, P. (2002). Between Albanian Identity and Imperial Politics: Ismail Kadare's "The Palace of Dreams". Modern Language Review, 97(2), 365-379.
Selected Grants
- Understanding Europe: 3 x 2cp units (Open Learning Environment - Undergraduate), Winter B, Moir C, Morgan P, Karalis V, Sorbera L, Stott C, Walsh A, Alba A, Rubino A, DVC Education/Small Educational Innovation Grant
- Writing the World - Transnationalism in Literary Studies, Bandhauer A, Borghesi F, Christie W, Cowan R, Dixon R, Giles P, Karalis V, Kirkpatrick P, Lu Y, Minter P, Morgan P, Parsons N, Rooney B, Suter R, Walsh A, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/FASS Collaborative Research Scheme
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