We are dedicated to developing collaborations with the business community through qualitative, engaged research approaches to a wide range of phenomena of organising with digital technology.
Our work with industry partners extends from short-term engagements such as workshops and events to consulting, directly funded research in partnerships, and larger public-private funded initiatives such as Australian Research Council Linkage Projects.
We are known for our influential, analytical thinking on matters of information technology design, implementation, management and use, at the intersection of people, work practices and organisation.
Generally, we take a balanced and socio-technical view of technology with a sensitivity for both new opportunities from digital innovation and transformation for individuals, business and society, as well in relation to matters of individual privacy, agency and freedom, market disruptions, or power and inequality in organisations and society.
Our areas of interest include:
We are home to the newly founded Motus Research Lab, which explores the role of new visual interfaces and artificial intelligence in increasing trust and emotive user involvement with technological devices. Our aim is to improve service effectiveness in areas such as business advisory, healthcare, education and personal assistance. The lab has a strong focus on ethical and societal implications of technology, including AI personal assistance and 'digital humans'.
Meet our academics and research students.
Professor Carol Hsu
Dr Sebastian Boell (Education)
Associate Professor Manoj Thomas (Research)
Professor John Buchanan
Professor Uri Gal
Professor Dirk Hovorka
Professor Carol Hsu
Professor Kai Riemer
Professor Daniel Schlagwein
Associate Professor Daniel Gozman
Associate Professor Catherine Hardy
Associate Professor Sandra Peter
Associate Professor Manoj Thomas
Professor Emeritus Deborah Bunker
Professor Robert Johnston
Professor Karl Kautz
Professor Allen Lee
Professor Suprateek Sarker
Linda Levine
View our current higher degree by research students.
The Discipline of Business Information Systems seminar series is organised by Dr Malshika Dias.
Anthropogenic climate change threatens human society on a global scale. The scientific consensus is that greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) related to human activities are the cause. This paper argues that municipalities need to focus on eco-sustainability objectives if GHG are to be reduced.