Dr Petri Hallikainen holds a D.Sc. (Econ.) degree from the Helsinki School of Economics, Finland. He earned his M.Sc. and L.Sc. degrees from the same institution. He was also awarded the title of Adjunct Professor at the Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki, Finland. Before joining the discipline of Business Information Systems at The University of Sydney Business School he worked as Assistant Professor at the Aalto University School of Business, Department of Business Technology, discipline of Information Systems Science. Petri’s research focuses on understanding the use of novel digital technologies in organisations. Particularly, he is interested in understanding the managerial challenges and the organisational changes that are caused by the introduction of the new digital technologies. He is doing case study research aiming at understanding the adoption of the digital technologies in their organisational context. He has conducted or is currently conducting case studies on topics, such as Robotic Process Automation, the use of the Internet of Things technology in organisations and the application of the Blockchain technology in organisations. He serves as associate editor for the Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) journal. He has taught a range of topics both on the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including topics such as Enterprise Systems, Project Management and Information Systems Sourcing.
Petri’s research focuses on understanding the use of novel digital technologies in organisations. Because of the challenging economic conditions, changing behaviour of customers and the fast pace of the digitalisation of products and services, both public and private organisations need to adapt to these new demands from the markets and from the customers. Learning becomes a key capability for contemporary organisations. Information technology is the backbone of most of the companies nowadays and the capability to adapt the technology to the changing conditions and requirements can be considered to be the key to success in the current business environment. Petri’s first research stream aims at understanding the managerial challenges related to responding to the new demands created by digitalisation in “traditional” industries. As part of this research stream he aims to understand what kind of capabilities organisations need to develop in order to be successful in the current business environment. Moreover, he aims to understand what is the role of different organisational actors in facilitating the transformation to increasingly digitalised business processes, particularly the role of middle managers. Middle managers play a very important role in organisations because of their understanding of daily business practices and because of their interaction channels towards top management. The research tries to understand how middle managers may have a critical role in both exploiting the existing technologies and in the exploration of novel technologies. His second research stream focuses on understanding the use of new digital technologies in organisations. Particularly, he is interested in understanding the related managerial challenges and the organisational changes that are caused by the introduction of the new digital technologies. His research follows the case study research methodology aiming at understanding the adoption of the digital technologies in their organisational context. He has conducted and is currently conducting case studies on topics, such as Robotic Process Automation, application of the Blockchain technology and the use of data analytics in the mobile gaming industry.
- INFS3050 Business Intelligence for Managers
- INFS5001 Project Management
- INFS6002 Strategic Information Systems Sourcing
- INFS6018 Managing Business Intelligence
Book Chapters
- Marjanovic, O., Hallikainen, P. (2015). Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes in Disaster Recovery. In Lapo Mola, Ferdinando Pennarola, Stefano Za (Eds.), From Information to Smart Society: Environment, Politics and Economics, (pp. 113-122). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
- Marjanovic, O., Hallikainen, P., Balnave, N., Patmore, G., Rittau, Y. (2015). Social Media Use in Australian Co-operatives: current applications and future opportunities. In Anthony Jensen, Greg Patmore, Ermanno Tortia (Eds.), Cooperative Enterprises in Australia and Italy: Comparative analysis and theoretical insights, (pp. 231-244). Firenze: Firenze University Press.
- Hallikainen, P. (2015). Why People Use Social Media Platforms: Exploring the Motivations and Consequences of Use. In Lapo Mola, Ferdinando Pennarola, Stefano Za (Eds.), From Information to Smart Society: Environment, Politics and Economics, (pp. 9-17). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
- Gao, S., Hallikainen, P. (2024). Rethinking the Gaming Experience: A Critical Review, Synthesis of Current Knowledge, and Research Agenda. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 55, 897-945. [More Information]
- Tamm, T., Hallikainen, P., Tim, Y. (2022). Creative analytics: Towards data-inspired creative decisions. Information Systems Journal, 32(4), 729-753. [More Information]
- Tim, Y., Hallikainen, P., Pan, S., Tamm, T. (2020). Actualizing Business Analytics for Organizational Transformation: A Case Study of Rovio Entertainment. European Journal of Operational Research, 281(3), 642-655. [More Information]
- Elbanna,, A., Hallikainen, P., Merisalo-Rantanen,, H., Sturmann,, J. (2018). ICT Enabling Customer Agility: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective. ICIS 2017: Transforming Society with Digital Innovation, : Springer Verlag.
- Elbanna, A., Hallikainen, P., Merisalo-Rantanen, H. (2017). ICT Enabling Customer Agility: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective. 38th International Conference on Information Systems: Transforming Society with Digital Innovation, ICIS 2017, Seoul: Association for Information Systems (AIS).
- Hallikainen, P., Seethamraju, R. (2015). Aligning Enterprise Systems with the Organisation - A Sensemaking Perspective. 26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems ACIS, Adelaide: University Of South Australia.
- Hallikainen, P., Kivijarvi, H. (2003). Appraisal of Strategic IT Investments: Payoffs and Tradeoffs.
- Gao, S., Hallikainen, P. (2024). Rethinking the Gaming Experience: A Critical Review, Synthesis of Current Knowledge, and Research Agenda. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 55, 897-945. [More Information]
- Tamm, T., Hallikainen, P., Tim, Y. (2022). Creative analytics: Towards data-inspired creative decisions. Information Systems Journal, 32(4), 729-753. [More Information]
- Tim, Y., Hallikainen, P., Pan, S., Tamm, T. (2020). Actualizing Business Analytics for Organizational Transformation: A Case Study of Rovio Entertainment. European Journal of Operational Research, 281(3), 642-655. [More Information]
- Hallikainen, P., Bekkhus, R., Pan, S. (2018). How OpusCapita Used Internal RPA Capabilities to Offer Services to Clients. MIS Quarterly Executive, 17(1), 41-52.
- Elbanna,, A., Hallikainen, P., Merisalo-Rantanen,, H., Sturmann,, J. (2018). ICT Enabling Customer Agility: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective. ICIS 2017: Transforming Society with Digital Innovation, : Springer Verlag.
- Elbanna, A., Hallikainen, P., Merisalo-Rantanen, H. (2017). ICT Enabling Customer Agility: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective. 38th International Conference on Information Systems: Transforming Society with Digital Innovation, ICIS 2017, Seoul: Association for Information Systems (AIS).
- Paavola, R., Hallikainen, P. (2016). Antecedents for successful collaboration in requirements engineering. VINE, 46(3), 353-370. [More Information]
- Hallikainen, P., Seethamraju, R. (2015). Aligning Enterprise Systems with the Organisation - A Sensemaking Perspective. 26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems ACIS, Adelaide: University Of South Australia.
- Paavola, R., Hallikainen, P. (2015). Antecedents for Successful Collaboration in Requirements Engineering. 26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems ACIS, Adelaide: University Of South Australia.
- Marjanovic, O., Hallikainen, P. (2015). Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes in Disaster Recovery. In Lapo Mola, Ferdinando Pennarola, Stefano Za (Eds.), From Information to Smart Society: Environment, Politics and Economics, (pp. 113-122). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
- Kivijarvi, H., Leppanen, A., Hallikainen, P. (2013). Antecedents of Information Technology Trust and the Effect of Trust on Perceived Performance Improvement. International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in Information Technology, 3(3), 17-32. [More Information]
- Marjanovic, O., Hallikainen, P. (2013). Disaster Recovery - New Challenges and Opportunities for Business Process Management Research and Practice. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 5(1), 23-43. [More Information]
- Kivijarvi, H., Leppanen, A., Hallikainen, P. (2013). Technology Trust: From Antecedents to Perceived Performance Effects. 2013 46th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2013), Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Hallikainen, P., Chen, L. (2012). A Holistic Framework on Information Systems Evaluation with a Case Analysis. In E Berghout (Eds.), Leading Issues in ICT Evaluation Research, (pp. 43-59). Reading, United Kingdom: Academic Publishing International Limited.
- Hallikainen, P., Marjanovic, O., Merisalo-Rantanen, H., Syvaniemi, A. (2012). Becoming an Analytics-Based Organisation: Strategic Agency in the Change Process in a Retail Organisation. 23rd Australasian Conference on Information Systems ACIS 2012, Geelong, Australia: Deakin University.
- Mousavi, P., Marjanovic, O., Hallikainen, P. (2012). Disaster Recovery - the Process Management Perspective. 16th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems PACIS 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Association for Information Systems (AIS).
- Nurmi, A., Hallikainen, P., Rossi, M. (2011). Emerging evaluation processes in consortium-based outsourced system development. Business Process Management Journal, 17(5), 711-731. [More Information]
- Mattila, M., Nandhakumar, J., Hallikainen, P., Rossi, M. (2011). Role of Enterprise Systems in Organizational Transformation. Engineering Management Journal, 23(3), 8-12. [More Information]
- Kivijarvi, H., Hallikainen, P., Penttinen, E. (2011). Supporting the Supplier Scheduling Decisions in the E-Invoicing Implementation Projects - An Application of the ANP Method. 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Los Alamitos, CA, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Mattila, M., Hallikainen, P., Rossi, M. (2010). Challenges in Implementing Enterprise System Functionalities in a Matrix Organization. 2010 Fourth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), United States of America: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Hallikainen, P., Tuunainen, V., Vihinen, J. (2010). Evaluating mobile game prospects - perspective of a game publisher. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 11(2), 105-120. [More Information]
- Penttinen, E., Hallikainen, P., Salomaki, T. (2010). Implementing Electronic Invoicing in a Textile and Cleanliness Company - Impacts on Buyer-Seller Relationships. Journal of Information Technology Research, 3(1), 28-42. [More Information]
- Peltomaki, A., Hallikainen, P., Tuunainen, V. (2009). A Stage Model for Evaluation of New Mobile Business Services. 8th International Conference on Mobile Business ICMB 2009, Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Penttinen, E., Hallikainen, P., Salomaki, T. (2009). Impacts of the Implementation of Electronic Invoicing on Buyer-Seller Relationships. 42nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS 2009, Washington: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Hallikainen, P., Kivijarvi, H., Tuominen, M. (2009). Supporting the module sequencing decision in the ERP implementation process - An application of the ANP method. International Journal of Production Economics, 119(2), 259-270. [More Information]
- Nurmi, A., Hallikainen, P., Rossi, M. (2007). Coordination of Complex Information System Development Projects: A Case Study of Finnish Universities. In Suzanne Rivard, Benoit A. Aubert (Eds.), Information Technology Outsourcing: Advances in Management Information Systems Volume 8. United States: M.E. Sharpe. [More Information]
- Laukkanen, S., Sarpola, S., Hallikainen, P. (2007). Enterprise size matters: objectives and constraints of ERP adoption. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 20(3), 319-334. [More Information]
- Hu, Q., Frisk, E., Hallikainen, P., Eikebrokk, T., Paivarinta, T., Nurmi, A. (2007). IT Investment Evaluation as a Socio-Political Process: Determinants to Managerial Adoption and Use. 15th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2007, USA: Association of Information Systems.
- Hallikainen, P., Kivijarvi, H., Nurmimaki, K. (2006). A Framework for Evaluating Strategic IT Investments. Establishing Priorities for WCM Investment Alternatives. Journal of Decision Systems, 15(1), 23-53.
- Hu, Q., Frisk, E., Eikebrokk, T., Hallikainen, P., Paivarinta, T., Nurmi, A. (2006). IT Investment Evaluation: Why Hasn’t it Become an Organization Routine? 14th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2006, Sweden: Goteborg University.
- Hallikainen, P., Kimpimaki, H., Kivijarvi, H. (2006). Supporting the Module Sequencing Decision in the ERP Implementation Process. 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS 2006, United States: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Hallikainen, P., Chen, L. (2005). A Holistic Framework on Information Systems Evaluation with a Case Analysis. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 9(2), 57-64.
- Nurmi, A., Hallikainen, P., Rossi, M. (2005). Coordination of Outsourced Information System Development in Multiple Customer Environment – A Case Study of a Joint Information System Development Project. 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2005 (HICSS '05), United States of America: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Hallikainen, P., Peffers, K., Saarinen, T. (2005). Deciding Which IS to Build and Assessing Success: Learning to do it Better. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 6(4), 41-52.
- Nurmi, A., Hallikainen, P. (2004). Evaluation Process of an Outsourced Joint Information System Development Project in Finnish Universities – Learning Proactive Evaluation Practices. 11th European Conference on Information Technology Evaluation ECITE 2004, United Kingdom: Academic Conferences Limited.
- Hallikainen, P., Laukkanen, S., Sarpola, S. (2004). Reasons for ERP Acquisition. 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS 2004.
- Vihinen, J., Hallikainen, P., Tuunainen, V. (2004). Selecting New Games for Mobile Game Publisher's Portfolio. Austin Mobility Roundtable 2004.
- Hallikainen, P., Kivijarvi, H. (2003). Appraisal of Strategic IT Investments: Payoffs and Tradeoffs.
- Hallikainen, P., Laukkanen, S., Sarpola, S. (2003). Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software selection and reasons for the acquisition. 26th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia IRIS26 2003.
- Nurmi, A., Hallikainen, P. (2003). Strategic Options in Acquiring Technological Solutions - A Theoretical View. 26th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia IRIS26 2003.
Selected Grants
- Digital transformation of Food Sensory Quality, Phan-Thien K, Russell A, Lange M, Possell M, Bradbury M, Fajardo Pedraza M, Lu Q, Hallikainen P, University of Sydney/Sydney Institute of Agriculture