Professor Richard Madden
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Richard, Professor of Health Statistics, was the Director/Co-Director of the National Centre for Classification in Health, an international centre of excellence in health classifications, from 2006 to 2019. The Centre has had responsibility for the Australian modification of the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the Australian Classification of Health Interventions, and the Australian casemix grouper, the AR-DRG classification until 30 June 2019. Since January 2020 Richard is the Head of Classifications at the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Strengthening Rehabilitation Capacity in Health Systems. Richard is a Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Witwatersand Johannesburg, South Africa.
Richard is a member of the following research teams:
WHO-CC Collaborating Centre for Strengthening Rehabilitation Capacity in Health Systems
- Australian Actuary of the Year in 2002
- Public Service Medal in 2003
- Honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of Sydney in 2005
- Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Witwatersand Johannesburg in 2016
- Australian Medal Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia in 2018
- Lifetime Achievement Award by the World Health Organization (WHO) for providing outstanding contributions to the development and use of WHO health related classifications at national and international level in 2019
- Madden, R. (2022). Health Statistics: The Australian Experience and Opportunities. Basel/Switzerland: MDPI Books. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Donada, M., Della Mea, V., Cumerlato, M., Rankin, N., Madden, R. (2018). A System for Supporting Development and Update of the International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI). In A Ugon, D Karlsson, G O Klein, A Moen (Eds.), Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data: The Future of Co-Created eHealth, (pp. 895-899). Amsterdam: IOS Press. [More Information]
- Mpofu, E., Madden, R., Madden, R., Kellett, D., Peterson, D., Gitchel, W., Lee, E. (2016). Advances in rehabilitation and health assessments. In F T L Leong, D Bartram, F M Cheung, K F Geisinger and D Iliescu (Eds.), The ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment, (pp. 244-256). New York: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Satiyadev, S., Madden, R., Bruce, J. (2023). The Public Health Value of Coding Surgery in South Africa Using the International Classification of Health Interventions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3445-1-3445-8. [More Information]
- Madden, R., Fortune, E., Gordon, J. (2022). Health Statistics in Australia: What We Know and Do Not Know. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 1-12. [More Information]
- Bailie, J., Fortune, E., Gordon, J., Madden, R., Llewellyn, G. (2022). Making everyone count: it is time to improve the visibility of people with disability in primary care. Medical Journal of Australia, 217(4), 173-175. [More Information]
- Fortune, E., Madden, R. (2018). The International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI): now available for testing. 35th HIMAA NCCH National Conference 2018, North Ryde: Health Information Management Association of Australia Ltd and National Centre for Classification in Health.
- Madden, R., Coleman, C. (2018). Visibility of indigenous peoples in sustainable development indicators. 16th Conference of IAOS: Better statistics for better lives, Paris: International Association of Statistics.
- Fortune, E., Riley, T., Madden, R., Short, S. (2017). Evaluating a new international classification of public health interventions. 15th World Congress on Public Health, Sydney: ICMS Australasia.
- Smith, L., Ara, J., Barnes, A., Briggs, L., Brown, A., Christensen, D., Guthridge, S., Harrison, K., Hoy, W., Lee, V., Reid, D., Madden, R., et al (2015). Australian Burden of Disease Study. Fatal burden of disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 2010.
- Anderson, I., Lee, V., Madden, R., Ring, I. (2015). The health and welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 2015.
- Madden, R. (2023), Inquiry into the Future of the NDIS. Initial submission 29 October 2021.
- Madden, R. (2023), NDIS Review Submission, March 2023.
- Madden, R. (2023), Response to the NDIS Review 30 June 2023 Interim Report, Third Submission to the NDIS Review, August 2023.
Research Reports
- Madden, R., Madden, R. (2019). Australia's welfare 2019 data insights | Chapter 6 Disability services and statistics: past, present and future, AUS 226, (pp. 115 - 140). Canberra, Australia: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
- Madden, R., Fortune, N., Collings, S., Madden, R., Morkham, B., Blackwood, A. (2014). Cross-sector service coordination for people with high and complex needs: Harnessing existing evidence and knowledge, Policy Bulletin 2, 2014, Sydney, Australia: Faculty of Health Sciences, the University of Sydney. [More Information]
- Madden, R., Gilroy, J., Madden, R., Bundy, A., Glozier, N., Manga, R., Clemson, L., Kayess, R., Mpofu, E., Einfeld, S., Llewellyn, G., Stancliffe, R. (2011). Submission to the Productivity Commission on Disability Care and Support - Submission DR942, 11 May 2011, (pp. 1 - 26). Canberra, Australia: Productivity Commission.
- Madden, R. (2023), Inquiry into the Future of the NDIS. Initial submission 29 October 2021.
- Madden, R. (2023), NDIS Review Submission, March 2023.
- Madden, R. (2023), Response to the NDIS Review 30 June 2023 Interim Report, Third Submission to the NDIS Review, August 2023.
- Madden, R., Fortune, E., Gordon, J. (2022). Health Statistics in Australia: What We Know and Do Not Know. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 1-12. [More Information]
- Madden, R. (2022). Health Statistics: The Australian Experience and Opportunities. Basel/Switzerland: MDPI Books. [More Information]
- Madden, R. (2022), Inquiry into the Future of the NDIS. Submission 25 February 2022 (Current Scheme Implementation and Forecasting for the NDIS. Submission 37 - Supplementary Submission).
- Griffiths, K., Ring, I., Madden, R., Jackson Pulver, L. (2021). In the pursuit of equity: COVID-19, data and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 37(1), 37-45. [More Information]
- Madden, R. (2021), NDIS Annual Financial Sustainability Report 2020-21. Comments by Richard Madden (Current Scheme Implementation and Forecasting for the NDIS Submission 37 - Attachment 1) December 2021.
- Fortune, E., Madden, R., Riley, T., Short, S. (2021). The International Classification of Health Interventions: an 'epistemic hub' for use in public health. Health Promotion International, 36(6), 1753-1764. [More Information]
- Fortune, N., Short, S., Madden, R. (2020). Building a statistical classification: A new tool for classification development and testing. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 36(4), 1213-1221. [More Information]
- Ohannessian, R., Fortune, E., Moulin, T., Madden, R. (2020). Telemedicine, Telestroke, and Artificial Intelligence Can Be Coded with the International Classification of Health Interventions. Telemedicine and e-Health, 26(5), 574-575. [More Information]
- Tu, S., Martinuzzi, A., van Gool, C., della Mea, V., Chute, C., Frattura, L., Hardiker, N., ten Napel, H., Madden, R., Almborg, A., Sykes, C., et al (2020). Toward a harmonized WHO family of international classifications content model. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 270, 1409-1410. [More Information]
- Dimitropoulos, V., Yeend, T., Zhou, Q., McAlister, S., Navakatikyan, M., Hoyle, P., Pilla, J., Loggie, C., Elsworthy, A., Madden, R., Marshall, R. (2019). A new clinical complexity model for the Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups. Health Policy, 123(11), 1049-1052. [More Information]
- Madden, R., Madden, R. (2019). Australia's welfare 2019 data insights | Chapter 6 Disability services and statistics: past, present and future, AUS 226, (pp. 115 - 140). Canberra, Australia: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
- Madden, R., Coleman, C., Mashford-Pringle, A., Connolly, M. (2019). Indigenous identification: Past, present and a possible future. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 35(1), 23-27. [More Information]
- Donada, M., Della Mea, V., Cumerlato, M., Rankin, N., Madden, R. (2018). A System for Supporting Development and Update of the International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI). In A Ugon, D Karlsson, G O Klein, A Moen (Eds.), Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data: The Future of Co-Created eHealth, (pp. 895-899). Amsterdam: IOS Press. [More Information]
- Coleman, C., Man, W., Gilroy, J., Madden, R. (2018). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disability prevalence: making sense of multiple estimates and definitions. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42(6), 562-566. [More Information]
- Fortune, E., Madden, R. (2018). The International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI): now available for testing. 35th HIMAA NCCH National Conference 2018, North Ryde: Health Information Management Association of Australia Ltd and National Centre for Classification in Health.
- Ohannessian, R., Fortune, E., Rodrigues, J., Moulin, T., Derex, L., Madden, R., Schott, A. (2017). Coding acute stroke care and telestroke with the International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI). International Journal of Medical Informatics, 108, 9-12. [More Information]
- Fortune, E., Riley, T., Madden, R., Short, S. (2017). Evaluating a new international classification of public health interventions. 15th World Congress on Public Health, Sydney: ICMS Australasia.
- Madden, R. (2017). Functioning properties in ICD-11: new opportunities for casemix systems. HIMAA/NCCH 2016 National Conference - Health Information Management: At the Heart of Healthcare, North Ryde and Lidcombe: Health Information Management Association of Australia Ltd and National Centre for Classification in Health.
- Mpofu, E., Madden, R., Madden, R., Kellett, D., Peterson, D., Gitchel, W., Lee, E. (2016). Advances in rehabilitation and health assessments. In F T L Leong, D Bartram, F M Cheung, K F Geisinger and D Iliescu (Eds.), The ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment, (pp. 244-256). New York: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Madden, R., Wilson, A., Hoyle, P. (2016). Appropriateness of care: why so much variation. Medical Journal of Australia, 205(10), 452-453. [More Information]
- Sykes, C., Leonardi, M., Madden, R., ten Napel, H., Hollenweger, J., Snyman, S., Madden, R., Kraus De Camargo, O., Raggi, A., van Gool, C., et al (2016). Do we really need to open a classification box on personal factors in ICF? Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(13), 1327-1328. [More Information]
- Smith, L., Ara, J., Barnes, A., Briggs, L., Brown, A., Christensen, D., Guthridge, S., Harrison, K., Hoy, W., Lee, V., Reid, D., Madden, R., et al (2015). Australian Burden of Disease Study. Fatal burden of disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 2010.
- Jackson, T., Dimitropoulos, V., Madden, R., Gillett, S. (2015). Australian diagnosis related groups: Drivers of complexity adjustment. Health Policy, 119(11), 1433-1441. [More Information]
- Madden, R., Glozier, N., Fortune, E., Dyson, M., Gilroy, J., Bundy, A., Llewellyn, G., Salvador-Carulla, L., Lukersmith, S., Mpofu, E., Madden, R. (2015). In Search of an Integrative Measure of Functioning. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(6), 5815-5832. [More Information]
- Madden, R., Fortune, N., Collings, S., Madden, R., Morkham, B., Blackwood, A. (2014). Cross-sector service coordination for people with high and complex needs: Harnessing existing evidence and knowledge, Policy Bulletin 2, 2014, Sydney, Australia: Faculty of Health Sciences, the University of Sydney. [More Information]
- Madden, R., Marshall, R., Race, S. (2013). ICF and casemix models for healthcare funding: Use of the WHO family of classifications to improve casemix. Disability and Rehabilitation, 35(13), 1074-1077. [More Information]
- Kellett, D., Mpofu, E., Madden, R. (2013). Reflective action assessment with a prospective clinical problem solving tool in the context of rehabilitation medicine: an illustrative case study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 35(13), 1048-1054. [More Information]
- Taylor, L., Bentley, J., Hunt, J., Madden, R., McKeown, S., Brandt, P., Baker, D. (2012). Enhanced reporting of deaths among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples using linked administrative health datasets. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 12, 1-8. [More Information]
- Madden, R., Tickle, L., Jackson-Pulver, L., Ring, I. (2012). Estimating Indigenous life expectancy: pitfalls with consequences. Journal of Population Research, 29, 269-281. [More Information]
- Xu, F., Sullivan, E., Madden, R., Black, D., Jackson Pulver, L. (2012). Improvement of maternal Aboriginality in NSW birth data. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 12(8), 8. [More Information]
- Dew, A., Veitch, C., Bulkeley, K., Gallego, G., Bundy, A., Lincoln, M., Brentnall, J., Madden, R., Griffiths, S. (2011). Addressing the barriers: People with a disability accessing mainstream and specific services in rural and remote areas. Proceedings of The World Report on Disability Symposium, Faculty of Health Sciences Sydney: Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney.
- Madden, R., Gilroy, J., Madden, R., Bundy, A., Glozier, N., Manga, R., Clemson, L., Kayess, R., Mpofu, E., Einfeld, S., Llewellyn, G., Stancliffe, R. (2011). Submission to the Productivity Commission on Disability Care and Support - Submission DR942, 11 May 2011, (pp. 1 - 26). Canberra, Australia: Productivity Commission.
- Neville, S., Taylor, L., Moore, H., Madden, R., Ring, I., Jackson-Pulver, L., Tickle, L. (2011). Using linkage between hospital and ABS mortality data to enhance reporting of deaths among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 35(6), 543-548. [More Information]
- Madden, R., Jackson-Pulver, L. (2009). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population: More than reported. Australian Actuarial Journal, 15(2), 181-208.
- Soo, I., Lam, M., Rust, J., Madden, R. (2009). Do we have enough information? How ICD-10-AM Activity codes measure up. Health Information Management Journal, 38(1), 22-34.
- Walker, S., Chen, L., Madden, R. (2008). Deaths due to suicide: the effects of certification and coding practices in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 32(2), 126-130. [More Information]
- Soo, I., Lam, M., Rust, J., Madden, R. (2008). Do we have enough information? How ICD-10-AM Activity codes measure up. Health Information Management Journal, 38(1), 22-34. [More Information]
- Jakob, R., Ustun, T., Madden, R., Sykes, C. (2007). The WHO Family of International Classifications. Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz, 50(7), 924-931. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- Health and Well-being Indicators for Disabled Children and Youth, Bundy A, Emerson E, Honey A, Madden R, Llewellyn G, Office of Global Engagement/IPDF Grant