School of Medical Sciences

The University of Sydney School of Medical Sciences

<p>Leaders in medical science education and research </p>


The University of Sydney School of Medical Sciences

Leaders in medical science education and research

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Tackling global issues from the molecule

The University of Sydney School of Medical Sciences is a global leader in medical science education and provides high-impact research that addresses the most important global health issues.

Our multidisciplinary curriculum prepares our students for an engaging and rewarding career in a variety of fields across medicine, health and science.

Our medical science research aims to improve overall human health by investigating how the human body functions, the maintenance of health and the ways we can treat and prevent disease using pharmacological treatment.

1st in Australia

We're recognised as one of the best universities in Australia for anatomy and physiology.

3,773 in publications

We have generated 3,773 publications and 56,760 citations over the past five years.

248 students enrolled

There are currently 248 students enrolled in a medical science-related course with us.

Help us create a healthier future

Your support will help us to deliver medical breakthroughs, find preventions and cures and create healthier populations.

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  • Asocciate Professor Wendy Gold, Head of School and Dean (Acting)
  • Professor Kevin Keay, Deputy Head of School (Acting)
  • Philippa Chung, School Manager
  • Dr Melissa Cameron, Director of Academic Education
  • Asocciate Professor Wendy Gold, Director of Academic Career Development
  • Professor Adam Dunn, Theme Leader - Biomedical Informatics & Digital Health
  • Professor Steven Wise, Theme Leader -  Chronic Disease
  • Professor Mark Larance, Theme Leader - Molecular Biomedicine
  • Professor Barry Slobedman, Theme Leader - Infection, Immunity and Inflammation
  • Professor Lenka Munoz, Theme Leader - Cancer
  • Professor Kevin Keay, Theme Leader - Neuroscience
  • Mr Martin Brown, Theme Leader - Education Innovation