WHO Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity - Faculty of Medicine and Health

WHO Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity

Increasing the role of prevention

The World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity (CCPANO) aims to reduce non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through prevention.

About us

The World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity was established under the auspices of WHO's head office in Geneva to influence policy and public health work on chronic disease prevention globally.

In particular, the centre focuses on physical activity promotion, public health nutrition, obesity prevention and diabetes prevention, and will work in developed and developing countries, as chronic disease is prevalent in most countries across the globe.

The centre is a collaboration between the University of Sydney’s  Prevention Research Collaboration and Boden Collaboration with the Charles Perkins Centre.

Terms of Reference

  • To support WHO in the implementation and monitoring of the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030 and strengthening country capacity for implementation.
  • To support WHO with non-communicable disease prevention and management, specifically diabetes and the new Global Diabetes Compact
  • To provide ad hoc technical advice to WHO on physical activity and diabetes and related areas of nutrition and obesity, specifically in monitoring and surveillance systems, interventions and policy implementation and evaluation, and translation and scale-up of NCD prevention programs.

Workplan major themes

  • Technical support on effective interventions to promote physical activity among older adults
  • Technical support to strengthen implementation of national communication campaigns on physical activity, including those specifically focused on older adult
  • Development of a framework for understanding regulatory approaches to promoting physical activity
  • Inform WHO’s effort to develop a prioritized research agenda for the Global Diabetes Compact
  • Technical support to inform the adaptation of WHO guidance on insulin treatment
  • Develop and evaluate systems approaches to physical activity promotion
  • Build evidence on the relationship between sport, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity



Our people

Administration Officer

Cathie Kiernan
Phone: +61 2 8627 1849 
Email: catherine.kiernan@sydney.edu.au

Our partners


Professor Adrian Bauman
Emeritus Professor Adrian Bauman
View academic profile


Professor Stephen Colagiuri
Emeritus Professor Stephen Colagiuri
View academic profile