Health humanities - Charles Perkins Centre

Health humanities

A holistic approach to health promotion

We holistically explore how the arts and humanities can promote human health and wellbeing in hospitals, households, and communities.

We’re creating space to explore innovative approaches to health promotion through incorporating the arts and humanities in hospitals, residential and community settings. 

We offer a complementary and constructive set of approaches to understanding health, its meanings, communication, and promotion. We also reflect on its social, cultural, political, ethical, and spiritual dimensions and contexts.

Our work connects humanities, social and health science scholars, medical and health professionals, voluntary sector workers, family carers, and creative practitioners to develop strategies that incorporate arts into health and wellbeing programs.

New ways of expressing heath and wellbeing will emerge from using the practices of the arts, literature, languages, media and communication, sociology, cultural and gender studies, law, history, philosophy, and religion. These findings will contribute to major challenges and opportunities in contemporary health, medicine, wellbeing, science and technology. 

Project Node Leader

Dr Olaf Werder