Research overseas scholarships - Scholarships
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Research overseas scholarships

Postgraduate research scholarships
Browse scholarships for presenting at overseas conferences, conducting international fieldwork and undertaking research and study at other leading institutions around the globe.

To find a scholarship that works for you, expand the relevant category and click on the scholarship title links. Alternatively, you can browse the full list of undergraduate scholarships for study overseas in the table below.

This page includes scholarships for both prospective and current students. 

Scholarship Value Eligibility
American Australian Association Australia to US Fellowships See page details
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Pursue postgraduate studies in the US
Albert Scholarship $25,000
  • Postgraduate coursework or research student at the Conservatorium 
Arthur Macquarie Travelling Scholarship Up to $15,000
  • PhD or Doctor of Arts student
  • Demonstrate that travel is required for your studies
Catherine Southwell-Keely Travel Grant Up to $3,500


  • Honours or higher degree student or post doctoral early career researcher 
  • Researching the archaeology of Egypt, Cyprus or Western Asia
  • Need for extensive travel
  • Applying for a specific research project funding

Frank Knox Memorial Fellowships to Harvard University

  • Australian citizen
  • Graduates admitted to Harvard University
Gowrie Scholarship $5000
  • Australian citizen
  • Australian tertiary institution graduate
  • Child or grandchild of, or a member of the Australian Armed Forces
Grants-in-aid (GIA) Value determined by selection committee
  • Higher degree by research student
JDRF Australia Travel Grants Applications

Up to $1,000 for virtual conferences and short training courses

Up to $2,000 for domestic travel within Australia

Up to $4,000 for international travel

  • Research in Type 1 Diabetes
  • Domestic and international students
John Monash Scholarships $70,000
  • Australian citizen
  • Australian university graduate
  • Plan to study a postgraduate degree abroad
Lionel Murphy Postgraduate Scholarship $40,000
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Pursue a postgraduate degree in science, law, legal studies or a related area
Mary Greville and Bert Coughtrey Scholarship for pianists TBC
  • Full-time student at the Conservatorium
  • Wanting to study piano overseas
Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Grant-in-Aid Up to $5,000
  • Honours or higher degree student or post doctoral early career researcher 
  • Researching the archaeology of Egypt, Cyprus or Western Asia
  • Applying for a specific research project funding
Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund Various
  • Australian university graduate
  • Plan to undertake a postgraduate or second bachelor's degree at Oxford University
Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program See page details
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate student in Taiwan
  • Undertake Huayu courses in Taiwan
University of Sydney Exchange Programs Various
  • See page details
University of Sydney Travelling Scholarships Various
  • Graduates planning to study overseas
Vice Chancellor's Global Mobility Award Up to $5000
  • See page details
Westpac Asian Exchange Scholarships $12,000
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate student
George and Margaret Henderson Scholarship $50,000 per annum
  • Student or alumni of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music
  • Wanting to study operatic studies, piano or violin overseas
George Henderson Scholarship TBC
  • Student at the Conservatorium pursuing studies abroad
Keith and Eileen Ong Prize for Piano $7000
  • Recent piano graduate from the Conservatorium
  • Plan to complete a master's at the Conservatorium or overseas
The Richard and Doreen Wilson Organ Travelling Scholarship TBC
  • Organ student
  • Undertake overseas studies
Australasian Pioneers' Club Travel Research Scholarship Up to $12,000
  • Master's by research or PhD student
  • Undertaking research in Australian History
  • Applying for research travel funding
Dr Helen Marchant-Pritchard Memorial Scholarship
Up to $6000
  • Postgraduate research student in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Researching in the field of social work or social policy
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Doctoral Research Travel Grant Scheme Up to $3500
  • PhD or professional doctorate student
  • Applying for research outside of Sydney
John Anthony Gilbert (Humanities) Research Grant Up to $15,000
  • PhD, Doctor of Arts or Doctor of Social Sciences student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Undertake research in humanities
  • Be able to demonstrate travel is essential to the completion of your research
Peter Lawrence Memorial Scholarship TBC
  • Enrolled in Anthropology in an Honours, Master of Arts (Research), MPhil or PhD degree
  • Applying for specified research project funding
Polymnia and Aimilia Kallinikos Scholarship Up to $2,800
  • Enrolled in a master's by research or PhD at an Australian university (Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens member)
  • Researching Greek Studies up to 1453 AD
  • Must travel either to Greece or a neighbouring country 
Sydney Conservatorium of Music Mobility Scholarship Up to $5,000 


  • Be willing to undertake travel overseas to further music studies
  • Currently enrolled in full-time at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music 
Sydney Global Mobility Joint PhD Travel Scholarship $5000
  • Domestic or international student
  • Enrolled in Joint PhD Program
  • Sydney is your home institution
Sydney Moss Scholarship $20,000
  • Born in NSW
  • Postgraduate student or alumni of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music
  • Identify as an instrumentalist, vocalist or composer
  • Travel overseas to a music school
The Alexander Mackie Research Fellowship Up to $18,000
  • Full-time postgraduate research student in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Researching education
  • Graduate or undergraduate of Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Pursuing research overseas
  • Under 30 years of age
The Chinese Studies Travelling Bursary $2,000
  • Chinese studies student
  • Plan to travel to China and study at a Chinese university
The Coleman-Hilton Scholarship at the British School at Rome $42,000
  • Domestic PhD student
  • Conducting research in classics and ancient history
  • Six months residency at the British School at Rome
The Frances Merenda Travelling Scholarship Up to $7,500
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate student
  • Undertaking an approved exchange, further studies or research in Italy
The Sakuko Matsui Postgraduate Travel Scholarship in Japanese Studies $5700
  • PhD student
  • Undertaking research in Japanese Studies
  • Wanting to travel to Japan within 12 months as part of your studies
The Wentworth Fellowship $5000 pa (for 3 years)
  • Full-time PhD, DArts or DSocSci student
  • Hold an honours degree
  • Researching humanities or social sciences
  • Need to travel to England and Europe
  • Over 25
The Zhuanglin Hu Postgraduate Research Support Scholarship in Linguistics Up to $1500
  • Postgraduate research student in Linguistic
  • Officially accepted to present a paper or poster at a conference, symposium or workshop, or enrolled or confirmed to participate in an event or activity that will advance your core research aims
  • Applied for the maximum number of PRSS applications, be applying given a shortfall in PRSS funding received, or are not eligible to apply for PRSS funding
Thomas and Ethel Mary Ewing Scholarships $45,000 per year + tuition fees
  • Postgraduate research student undertaking research in the field of education
  • Travelling interstate, overseas or outside Sydney as part of your degree
Thomas and Ethel Mary Ewing Scholarships (Travelling Research) Up to $20,000
  • Postgraduate research student in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Undertake travel for your degree
Thomas T Roberts Education Fellowship Up to $18,500
  • Master's by research or PhD in education
  • Graduate of Sydney School of Education and Social Work
  • Need to undertake overseas travel
  • Under 35 years of age
Sydney Law School Exchange Scholarship $2000
  • High academic achiever experiencing financial hardship
  • Enrolled in final year of Bachelor of Laws (LLB) or Juris Doctor Program
The Walter Reid Scholarship Up to $10,000
  • Enrolled in a research degree in the Sydney Law School
  • Undertaking research in law
  • Plan to research overseas
Campbell Perry International Research Scholarship $6000
  • Full-time PhD student in the School of Psychology
  • Hold a primary scholarship from the University that provides a stipend allowance
  • Planning to travel overseas for your PhD
Dr Joan R Clark Research Scholarship Various
  • Domestic PhD candidate
  • Researching inorganic chemistry
  • Study overseas
SCA Postgraduate Fauvette Loureiro Memorial Scholarship in Visual Arts Research University of Sydney RTP stipend rate for up to 3.5 years
  • PhD student in the Sydney College of Arts
  • Conduct research into visual art
  • Demonstrate a need to undertake travel as part of your research
Neil and Allie Lesue Travel Scholarship $10,000
  • Domestic/international student
  • Research in the areas of small animal clinical studies
  • Research student within Faculty of Science 
Postgraduate Travel Bursary in Classics and Ancient History Up to $1,980
  • Masters by Research or PhD students
  • Conduct research in classics and ancient history
  • Travel outside Australia
Sam Eames Grant-in-Aid Up to $1,500
  • Honours or higher degree student or post doctoral early career researcher
  • Researching the archaeology of Egypt, Cyprus or Western Asia
  • Applying for a specific research project funding
Leone Crawford Travel Grant Up to $5,000
  • Honours or higher degree student or post doctoral early career researcher
  • Pursuing overseas archaeological site research 
  • Applying for a specific research project funding
William Ritchie Research Scholarship in Classics Up to $12,500
  • Master's by research or PhD student, or an academic  
  • Planning to travel to the University of Cambridge to undertake research in Classics

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