Honours scholarships - Scholarships
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Honours scholarships

Domestic student scholarships
Browse scholarships for students taking an honours year – whether it's an appended degree or embedded in your degree.

To find a scholarship that works for you, expand the relevant category and click on the scholarship title links. Alternatively, you can browse the full list of honours scholarships in the table below.

This page includes scholarships for both prospective and current students. 



Value Eligibility
SEI Honours Scholarship in Indigenous Environmental Studies $8,000 p.a. (for up to 1 year)
  • Honours student
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student
  • Engage with one of Sydney Environment Institute's research themes as part of your Honours research

University of Sydney Honours Scholarship

  • Student applying for honours in Semester 1 or Semester 2, 2022TBC

Diana Inglis Carment Scholarship

  • Commencing the Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) degree

JW and BK Elkins Architectural Award

  • Completion of the Bachelor of Design in Architecture
  • Continuing to honours
Carlyle Greenwell Research Scholarship in Archaeology Up to $20,000
  • Honours, Master of Arts (Research), MPhil or PhD student in Archaeology
Deas Thomson Physical Scholarship in Physics Honours $7,000 p.a. (up to 1 year)
  • Domestic/international student
  • Having an unconditional offer of admission in full time in an Honours program in Physics with the School of Physics
Carlyle Greenwell Postgraduate Fieldwork Scholarship Up to $20,000
  • Enrolled in an honours, Master of Arts (Research), Master of Philosophy or PhD degree in Anthropology
  • Conducting research in Anthropology
Emilie M Schweitzer Scholarship in French and Germanic Studies Up to $8000
  • Studying French and Francophone or Germanic Studies
James S Ashton Memorial Scholarship $4000
  • Undergraduate student in agricultural science
John Frazer Scholarship $5000 (honours) and $8500 (master's or PhD)
  • Enrolled in an appended Bachelor of Arts (Honours) or Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours), master's by research or PhD to study history in the School of Humanities
  • Conducting research in history
Judith Russell Ryan Scholarships in Memory of Signora Tedeschi $5,000
  • Italian honours student
Lucy Firth Equity Honours Scholarship $5,000 p.a.
  • Philosophy honours student
  • Demonstrate financial hardship
Norman Haire Fund for Sexology Studies TBC
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen
  • Honours, master's by research or PhD student, or academic affiliate
  • Researching sexology
Peter Lawrence Memorial Scholarship TBC
  • Enrolled in Anthropology in an Honours, Master of Arts (Research), Master of Philosophy or PhD degree
  • Applying for specified research project  funding

Raymond L Debus Scholarship

$5000 or $8500
  • Domestic student
  • Studying or conducting research in education

The Chinese Studies Alumni Bursary

  • University of Sydney Chinese studies student intending to undertake in-country study program in China or Taiwan
  • Chinese partner university student intending to undertake units in Chinese Studies at the University of Sydney
The James Coutts Scholarship $7,500 p.a. (up to 1 year)
  • Enrolled full-time in a honours year in English within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

The Politis Family Scholarship in Modern Greek and/or Byzantine Studies

  • Undergraduate or postgraduate coursework student in FASS
  • Studying modern Greek or Byzantine studies

The T M Hsiao Scholarship

  • Completed a major in Chinese Studies (introductory)
  • Intend to proceed to Honours in Chinese studies

United States Studies Centre Travel Support Scheme - Honours

See page details
  • See page details
Canon Honours Scholarship Up to $8000
  • Enrolling in a business honours program with marketing specialisation
Finance Honours Scholarship Up to $5000
  • Commencing an honours year in finance
International Business Scholarship in Honours $6000
  • Enrol into an international business honours program
  • Minimum WAM of 75 in undergraduate international business units
RJ Chambers Honours Scholarship Up to $10,000
  • Fourth year honours student in the Discipline of Accounting 
Rabo Tertiary Pathways Scholarship $15,000 
  • Domestic/International students
  • Fourth year of study in agriculture or a business-related discipline at The University of Sydney
Robert R Sterling Distinguished Honours Scholarship in Accounting $10,000
  • Student planning to take an honours year in accounting
The Gilles Kryger Honours Scholarship in Finance Up to $15,000
  • Commencing Finance Honours
Westbrook and Jessie Anstice Honours Scholarship in Business $7000
  • Enrolling in honours at the Business School
Citadel Securities Prize for Excellence in Computer Science $1,000 p.a. (for one year)
  • Domestic/international student
  • Currently enrolled full-time in fourth year (Honours) of the Bachelor of Advanced Computing
Engineering Sydney Industry Placement Scholarship $21,000
  • Full-time undergraduate or postgraduate coursework student
  • Undertake a placement scheme
Engineering Vacation Research Internship Program Scholarship $500 p.w. (internship duration)
  • Coursework student
  • Student at the University of Sydney, or another Australian university
Hume Meller Engineering Scholarship $8,500 p.a. (up to 4 years)
  • Domestic student
  • Current school leaver
  • Female student
Yim Family Foundation Scholarship - Engineering Vacation Research Program $600 p.w. (internship duration)
  • Students studying an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework engineering degree
  • Enrolled at University of Sydney

Douglas and Lola Douglas Scholarship in Health Sciences (Occupational Therapy)

  • Domestic honours student in third-year Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)

Douglas and Lola Douglas Scholarship in Health Sciences (Physiotherapy)

  • Domestic honours student in third-year Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)

Douglas and Lola Douglas Scholarship in Health Sciences (Speech Pathology)

  • Domestic honours student in third-year Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)
George Harris Scholarship in Chemistry Honours $8,500 p.a. (up to 1 year)
  • Domestic student
  • Have an unconditional offer of admission in an Honours degree in the School of Chemistry
  • Demonstrate financial hardship via UAC
The John Andrew Loveridge Scholarship in Pharmacy and Management $20,000 p.a. (up to 5 years)
  • Domestic student
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy and Management (Honours) 
  • ATAR of 90 or equivalent
  • Preference given to applicants from rural or regional areas

Brian Davey Memorial Soil Science Scholarship

  • Undertaking an honours program or specialising in soil science
Deas Thomson Scholarships (Geology and Mineralogy) $6,000 p.a. (up to one year)
  • Domestic/international student
  • Unconditional offer of admission in Honours
  • Studying Geology and/or Mineralogy within the School of Geosciences

Faculty of Science Honours Relocation Scholarships

  • Commencing honours student enrolling full-time
  • Completed an undergraduate degree at a university overseas, interstate or in rural or remote NSW

John Coutts Scholarship

  • Studying the Bachelor of Science (Honours), or appended Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours)
  • Achieve highest grades in third and final year of the Bachelor of Science
McCaughey Memorial Institute Scholarship in Agriculture $7500
  • Progressing to or enrolled in a full-time honour with an agricultural research topic 
  • Have achieved a WAM of 65 or above, or equivalent 
  • Be able to demonstrate financial hardship via the UAC Equity Scholarship Application
Mrs Elva Rae Talented Mathematics Scholarship $5,000 p.a. (up to one year only)
  • Domestic/international student
  • Female student
  • Having an unconditional offer of admission, commencing and enrolled full-time in either an Honours or Masters degree
Norman Scott Noble Honours Scholarship $4000 
  • Undertaking an honours program in agriculture

Philip Thomas Collins Scholarship

  • Applicants must be an Australian Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident, or a New Zealand Citizen
  • Studying a full-time honours program in the Faculty of Science
  • Demonstrate financial need via the UAC Equity Scholarship Application

The Malcolm Turki Memorial Scholarship

  • Australian citizen
  • Commencing/enrolled in an honours degree in the School of Physics
  • Have completed a major in physics in Bachelor's degree
  • Demonstrate financial hardship

Walter Moore Honours Scholarships

  • Being currently enrolled in full-time or part-time in an Honours degree within the School of Chemistry
  • Demonstrate financial need via UAC

Yim Family Foundation Scholarship

  • Dometic student
  • Studying a full-time honours program in chemistry, mathematics, molecular bioscience and/or physics
  • Demonstrate financial need via UAC Equity Scholarship Application
The AgriFutures Gary Sansom Scholarship $35,000
  • See page details
Lebanese Ladies Association Scholarship in Arabic Language and Cultures $8,200 p.a. (up to 1 years)
  • Full time third year student in a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies
  • Student enrolled full time in a combined Bachelor of Advanced Studies or appended honours
  • Majoring in Arabic Languages and Cultures
Tom Austen Brown Honours Scholarship in Archaeology $22,000 p.a. (up to 1 year)
  • Unconditional offer or enrolled in Bachelor of Arts (Honours) or Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours)
  • Honours research area in Archaeology
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent
Carlyle Greenwell Honours Scholarship $8,500 p.a.
  • Anthropology honours student
  • Completed a major in Anthropology in a Bachelor's degree
  • Demonstrate disadvantage or hardship
American Studies Honours Scholarship $1,666.66
  • Unconditional offer or enrolled full-time in Bachelor of Arts (Honours) or Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours)
  • Honours in American Studies
  • Must undertake a project or activity
The Kristina Hacket Memorial Scholarship $6,000 p.a. 
  • Domestic/international female student
  • unconditional offer of admission or being currently enrolled full-time in an Honours degree in the fields of agriculture and animal sciences
Sydney Symposium Choral Foundation Conducting Scholarship TBC
  • Australian citizen
  • Participating in promotion and development of Australian choral music as choral conductor
  • Must be aged up to 35 years
Charles Herbert Currey Memorial Scholarship for LawWithoutWalls Sprint Program $2,000
  • Domestic and international student
  • Currently enrolled in a full-time or part-time Bachelor of Laws, Juris Doctor, Master of Laws and Master of Business Law within the University of Sydney Law School
  • Willing to attend the LawWithoutWalls (LWOW) Sprint program
Honours Scholarship in Indigenous Genomics $3,500 p.a. 
  • An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island person
  • Full-time enrolled or commencing students in the Data Science or Statistics Honours Program 
  • Have achieved a WAM of 65 and above in previous tertiary studies
Philosophy Honours Scholarship on the Ethics of Artificial Wombs $6,000 p.a. (up to 1 year)
  • Philosophy Honours student
  • Unconditional offer or enrolled full-time in first semester
  • Philosophy must be in the areas of bioethics, ethics, or political philosophy
The Gerald Westheimer Quartet Program TBC
  • Currently enrolled in full-time at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music 
  • Member of a string quartet
CSIRO Next Generation Graduates Program in Emerging Technology $10,000  p.a. (up to 1 year)
  • Domestic student
  • Have an unconditional offer of admission in a full-time Honours-level studies in a field related to quantum technology at The University of Sydney
  • Must not be in full-time employment
  • Must meet the requirements for CSIRO Student affiliate onboarding where applicable (e.g., satisfy National Police Check)
Summer Vacation Scholarship in Computational Materials $3,840 for 8 weeks
  • Domestic student
  • Current enrolled full time and completed the third or honours year of Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies 
  • Third or honours year must have been in the area of physics or chemistry

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