Professor Damien Higgins

Professor Damien Higgins

BVSc, M Vet Stud (Wild Animal Medicine & Husbandry), PhD
Professor, Pathobiology and Wildlife Health
61 2 9351 7130
B14 - Mcmaster Building
The University of Sydney

Damien Higgins’ research program integrates pathology, immunology, and disease ecology to define impacts and drivers of disease emergence in wildlife; particularly those experiencing habitat fragmentation and degradation, our most prevalent threatening process.

His past areas of research in koalas have covered diversity of chlamydial strains in fragmented habitat; koala immune gene diversity and association with disease; impact of eucalypt toxins on immune function; risk factors for koala morbidity, based on hospital admissions; and evidence of koala retrovirus- associated changes in immune profiles of koalas. His primary interests are now around integrating those into whole of system studies to determine disease drivers and impacts and inform disease risk assessment for koala management.

His teaching covers general pathology and mechanisms of disease; laboratory disease investigation; wildlife disease ecology, surveillance, and management; and threatened species management.

Since 2014 he has directed the Koala Health Hub, which provides free diagnostic services and expertise to koala care groups and facilitates training, communication, and collaboration among 200+ academic, local state and federal government, peak body, koala care and community group representatives.

Damien also currently directs Veterinary Pathology Diagnostic Services (VPDS) in the Sydney School of Veterinary Science. Through provision of high-quality diagnostic services to clinics and researchers, VPDS supports teaching and research at undergraduate, postgraduate and professional levels.

Wildlife disease ecology, threatened species conservation, and Immunopathology

Undergraduate teaching: Wildlife Disease, Wildlife and Evolutionary Genetics, Introductory Veterinary Pathogenesis, Laboratory Disease Investigation, Honours and DVM research and enquiry..

Postgraduate teaching: PhD and Research Masters

See current students and funding

Wildlife Disease Association

  • 2006 Barry Munday Recognition Award, Wildlife Disease Association, for significant contribution to the field of wildlife health in Australasia over the past five years.
Project titleResearch student
The role of host genetics in chlamydial disease and chlamydial vaccine response in koalasAlana KIDD
Investigation of intranuclear inclusion bodies in the hepatocytes of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) and potential association with herpesvirus infection.Krysten LEE
Diet of Black and Grey Headed Flying Foxes in Australia: Adaptive Responses and Nutritional AssessmentCinthia PIETROMONACO


Book Chapters

  • Higgins, D., Rose, K., Spratt, D. (2018). Marsupials and Monotremes. In Karen Terio, Denise McAloose, Judy St. Lege (Eds.), Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals, (pp. 455-480). USA: Academic Press. [More Information]
  • Barnes, J., Higgins, D., Gray, R. (2008). Pinnipeds. In Larry Vogelnest, Rupert Woods (Eds.), Medicine of Australian Mammals, (pp. 541-589). Collingwood, Australia: CSIRO Publishing.


  • Wright, B., Casteriano, A., Muir, Y., Hulse, L., Simpson, S., Legione, A., Vaz, P., Devlin, J., Krockenberger, M., Higgins, D. (2024). Expanding the known distribution of phascolartid gammaherpesvirus 1 in koalas to populations across Queensland and New South Wales. Scientific Reports, 14(1). [More Information]
  • Wright, B., Jelocnik, M., Casteriano, A., Muir, Y., Legione, A., Vaz, P., Devlin, J., Higgins, D. (2023). Development of diagnostic and point of care assays for a gammaherpesvirus infecting koalas. PloS One, 18(2024-06-06 00:00:00). [More Information]
  • Casteriano, A., Van Aggelen, A., Fischer, S., Flanagan, C., Marschner, C., Nugent, H., Huston, W., Higgins, D. (2023). Evaluation of a biosecurity survey approach for contamination by Chlamydia pecorum in koala rehabilitation, field capture, and captive settings. PeerJ, 11. [More Information]


  • March, D., Wong, C., Higgins, D., Curthoys, I., Brown, G. (2013). Analysis of the Odontocete inner ear with Microcomputed tomography. AMSA2013 Golden Jubilee, N/A: N/A.
  • Higgins, D., Lau, Q., Maher, I., Griffith, J. (2013). Chlamydia in Koalas: New Pieces to the Puzzle. National Koala Conference, N/A: N/A.
  • Marcus, A., Higgins, D., Gray, R. (2013). Ivermectin treatment of free-ranging Australian sea lion pups: effect on hookworm infection status, pup growth and survival and haematological parameters. Wildlife Disease Association - Australasian Section Conference, n/a: N/A.


  • Higgins, D., Casteriano, A., Sangster, C., Leigh, K., Grillo, V., Alquezar, D. (2017). Koala Disease in NSW- sampling, storing and sharing information.
  • Higgins, D., Noad, M. (2005). Standardized protocols for the collection of biological samples from stranded cetaceans.


  • Wright, B., Casteriano, A., Muir, Y., Hulse, L., Simpson, S., Legione, A., Vaz, P., Devlin, J., Krockenberger, M., Higgins, D. (2024). Expanding the known distribution of phascolartid gammaherpesvirus 1 in koalas to populations across Queensland and New South Wales. Scientific Reports, 14(1). [More Information]


  • Wright, B., Jelocnik, M., Casteriano, A., Muir, Y., Legione, A., Vaz, P., Devlin, J., Higgins, D. (2023). Development of diagnostic and point of care assays for a gammaherpesvirus infecting koalas. PloS One, 18(2024-06-06 00:00:00). [More Information]
  • Casteriano, A., Van Aggelen, A., Fischer, S., Flanagan, C., Marschner, C., Nugent, H., Huston, W., Higgins, D. (2023). Evaluation of a biosecurity survey approach for contamination by Chlamydia pecorum in koala rehabilitation, field capture, and captive settings. PeerJ, 11. [More Information]
  • Tsangaras, K., Höper, D., Beer, M., Greenwoodc, A., Mayer, J., Mirza, O., Dayaram, A., Higgins, D., Bryant, B., Campbell-Ward, M., Casteriano, A., et al (2023). Evolutionarily Young African Rhinoceros Gammaretroviruses. Journal of Virology, 97(4). [More Information]


  • Cerda, M., Gray, R., Thomson, P., Butcher, L., Simpson, K., Cameron, A., Marcus, A., Higgins, D. (2022). Developing Immune Profiles of Endangered Australian Sea Lion (Neophoca cinerea) Pups Within the Context of Endemic Hookworm (Uncinaria sanguinis) Infection. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, Article number 824584-1-Article number 824584-13. [More Information]
  • Odewahn, R., Wright, B., Czirjak, G., Higgins, D. (2022). Differences in constitutive innate immunity between divergent Australian marsupials. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 132, Article number 104399-1-Article number 104399-9. [More Information]
  • Webb, E., McArthur, C., Woolfenden, L., Higgins, D., Krockenberger, M., Mella, V. (2022). Risk of predation and disease transmission at artificial water stations. Wildlife Research, , 1-11. [More Information]


  • White, R., Legione, A., Taylor-Brown, A., Fernandez, C., Higgins, D., Timms, P., Jelocnik, M. (2021). Completing the Genome Sequence of Chlamydia pecorum Strains MC/MarsBar and DBDeUG: New Insights into This Enigmatic Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) Pathogen. Pathogens, 10(12), Article number 1543-1-Article number 1543-20. [More Information]
  • Muir, Y., Bryant, B., Campbell, M., Higgins, D. (2021). Retrospective anti-tetanus antibody responses of zoo-based Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and rhinoceros (Rhinocerotidae). Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 114, 1-7. [More Information]


  • Cerda, M., Gray, R., Higgins, D. (2020). Cytokine RT-qPCR and ddPCR for immunological investigations of the endangered Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) and other mammals. PeerJ, 8, e10306. [More Information]


  • Maher, I., Patterson, J., Curnick, M., Devlin, J., Higgins, D. (2019). Altered immune parameters associated with Koala Retrovirus (KoRV) and Chlamydial infection in free ranging Victorian koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus). Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-8. [More Information]
  • Palmieri, C., Hulse, L., Pagliarani, S., Larkin, R., Higgins, D., Beagley, K., Johnston, S. (2019). Chlamydia pecorum Infection in the Male Reproductive System of Koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus). Veterinary Pathology, 56(2), 300-306. [More Information]
  • Meggiolaro, M., Roeber, F., Kobylski, V., Higgins, D., Slapeta, J. (2019). Comparison of multiplex tandem real-time PCR panel with reference real-time PCR molecular diagnostic assays for detection of Giardia intestinalis and Tritrichomonas foetus in cats. Veterinary Parasitology, 266, 12-17. [More Information]


  • Higgins, D., Rose, K., Spratt, D. (2018). Marsupials and Monotremes. In Karen Terio, Denise McAloose, Judy St. Lege (Eds.), Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals, (pp. 455-480). USA: Academic Press. [More Information]


  • Marschner, C., Higgins, D., Krockenberger, M. (2017). A Survey of Pesticide Accumulation in a Specialist Feeder, the Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 99, 303-307. [More Information]
  • Higgins, D., Casteriano, A., Sangster, C., Leigh, K., Grillo, V., Alquezar, D. (2017). Koala Disease in NSW- sampling, storing and sharing information.
  • Meggiolaro, M., Ly, A., Rysnik-Steck, B., Silva, C., Zhang, J., Higgins, D., Muscatello, G., Norris, J., Krockenberger, M., Slapeta, J. (2017). MT-PCR panel detection of canine parvovirus (CPV-2): Vaccine and wild-type CPV-2 can be difficult to differentiate in canine diagnostic fecal samples. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 33, 20-23. [More Information]


  • Maher, I., Higgins, D. (2016). Altered Immune Cytokine Expression Associated with KoRV B Infection and Season in Captive Koalas. PloS One, 11(10), 1-18. [More Information]
  • March, D., Brown, D., Gray, R., Curthoys, I., Wong, C., Higgins, D. (2016). Auditory anatomy of beaked whales and other odontocetes: Potential for cochlear stimulation via a "vibroacoustic duct mechanism". Marine Mammal Science, 32(2), 552-567. [More Information]
  • Mackie, J., Gillett, A., Palmieri, C., Feng, T., Higgins, D. (2016). Pneumonia due to Chlamydia pecorum in a Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). Journal of Comparative Pathology, 155(4), 356-360. [More Information]


  • Lau, Q., Chow, N., Gray, R., Gongora, J., Higgins, D. (2015). Diversity of MHC DQB and DRB Genes in the Endangered Australian Sea Lion (Neophoca cinerea). Journal of Heredity, 106(4), 395-402. [More Information]
  • Jelocnik, M., Bachmann, N., Kaltenboeck, B., Waugh, C., Woolford, L., Speight, K., Gillett, A., Higgins, D., Flanagan, C., Myers, G., et al (2015). Genetic diversity in the plasticity zone and the presence of the chlamydial plasmid differentiates Chlamydia pecorum strains from pigs, sheep, cattle, and koalas. BMC Genomics, 16(1), 1-14. [More Information]
  • Marcus, A., Higgins, D., Gray, R. (2015). Health assessment of free-ranging endangered Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) pups: Effect of haematophagous parasites on haematological parameters. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 184, 132-143. [More Information]


  • Jaratlerdsiri, W., Deakin, J., Godinez M, R., Shan, X., Peterson, D., Marthey, S., Lyons, E., McCarthy, F., Isberg, S., Higgins, D., Chong, A., Gongora, J., et al (2014). Comparative Genome Analyses Reveal Distinct Structure in the Saltwater Crocodile MHC. PloS One, 9(12), 1-33. [More Information]
  • Marcus, A., Higgins, D., Gray, R. (2014). Epidemiology of hookworm (Uncinaria sanguinis) infection in free-ranging Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) pups. Parasitology Research, 113(9), 3341-3353. [More Information]
  • Jaratlerdsiri, W., Isberg, S., Higgins, D., Ho, S., Salomonsen, J., Skjodt, K., Miles, L., Gongora, J. (2014). Evolution of MHC class i in the Order Crocodylia. Immunogenetics, 66(1), 53-65. [More Information]


  • Griffith, J., Dhand, N., Krockenberger, M., Higgins, D. (2013). A retrospective Study of Admission Trends of Koalas to a rehabiliation Facility over 30 years. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 49(1), 18-28. [More Information]
  • March, D., Wong, C., Higgins, D., Curthoys, I., Brown, G. (2013). Analysis of the Odontocete inner ear with Microcomputed tomography. AMSA2013 Golden Jubilee, N/A: N/A.
  • Lau, Q., Jobbins, S., Belov, K., Higgins, D. (2013). Characterisation of four major histocompatibility complex class II genes of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). Immunogenetics, 65, 37-46. [More Information]


  • Higgins, D. (2012). Chlamydial disease in koalas. Wildlife Pathology Short Course, N/A: N/A.
  • Griffith, J., Higgins, D. (2012). Diagnosis, treatment and outcomes for koala chlamydiosis at a rehabilitation facility (1995-2005). Australian Veterinary Journal, 90(11), 457-463. [More Information]
  • Jobbins, S., Sanderson, C., Griffith, J., Krockenberger, M., Belov, K., Higgins, D. (2012). Diversity of MHC class II DAB1 in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). Australian Journal of Zoology, 60(1), 1-9. [More Information]


  • Griffith, J., Higgins, D., Li, K., Krockenberger, M., Govendir, M. (2010). Absorption of enrofloxacin and marbofloxacin after oral and subcutaneous administration in diseased koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus). Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 33(6), 595-604. [More Information]


  • Higgins, D., Canfield, P. (2009). Histopathological examination of the Pancreas of the Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). Journal of Comparative Pathology, 140(4), 217-224. [More Information]
  • Zhu, B., Hartigan, A., Reppas, G., Higgins, D., Canfield, P., Slapeta, J. (2009). Looks can deceive: Molecular identity of an intraerythrocytic apicomplexan parasite in Australian gliders. Veterinary Parasitology, 159(2), 105-111. [More Information]


  • Canfield, P., Krockenberger, M., Higgins, D. (2008). A Proposed Conceptual Framework For The Investigation Of Infectious Wildlife Disease. Wildlife Pathology Short Course 2008, Australia: Taronga Conservation Society.
  • Canfield, P., Krockenberger, M., Higgins, D. (2008). Koala Disease Prevalence - A Mortality Survey (1983-2003). Wildlife Pathology Short Course 2008, Australia: Taronga Conservation Society.
  • Barnes, J., Higgins, D., Gray, R. (2008). Pinnipeds. In Larry Vogelnest, Rupert Woods (Eds.), Medicine of Australian Mammals, (pp. 541-589). Collingwood, Australia: CSIRO Publishing.


  • Jobbins, S., Sanderson, C., Higgins, D., Krockenberger, M., Belov, K. (2007). An investigation of MHC diversity in koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus). Genetics Society of AustralAsia 54th Annual Conference, Sydney: Genetics Society of AustralAsia, Inc.


  • Hemsley, S., Krockenberger, M., Belov, K., Canfield, P., Carter, D., Govendir, M., Griffith, J., Higgins, D., Jobbins, S., Malik, R., Saul, N., et al (2006). Update on Koala Research at the University of Sydney. Wildlife Disease Association (Australasian Section) Annual Meeting 2008, Australia: Wildlife Disease Association (Australasian Section).


  • Higgins, D., Hemsley, S., Canfield, P. (2005). Association of uterine and salpingeal fibrosis with Chlamydial Hsp60 and Hsp 10 antigen specific antibodies in Chlamydia infected koalas. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 12(5), 632-639. [More Information]
  • Higgins, D., Hemsley, S., Canfield, P. (2005). Immuno-histochemical demonstration of the role of Chlamydiaceae in renal, uterine and salingeal disease in koala & Chlamydiaceae in novel sites. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 133(2-3), 164-174. [More Information]
  • Higgins, D., Noad, M. (2005). Standardized protocols for the collection of biological samples from stranded cetaceans.


  • Higgins, D., Hemsley, S., Canfield, P. (2004). Assessment Of Anti-Bovine IL4 And IFN Gamma Antibodies To Label IL4 And IFN Gamma In Lymphocytes Of The Koala And Brushtail Possum. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 101(3-4), 153-160. [More Information]
  • Higgins, D., Hemsley, S., Canfield, P. (2004). Chlamydial disease of koalas: new information on pathogenesis and host-response. 2006 Australian Society for Veterinary Pathology Annual Conference.
  • Higgins, D., Tobias, G., Stone, G. (2004). Excretion Profiles Of Some Reproductive Steroids In The Faeces Of Captive Female Short-Beaked Echidna (Tachyglossus Aculeatus) And Long-Beaked Echidna (Zaglossus Sp.). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 125, 279-286.


  • Higgins, D., Hemsley, S., Canfield, P. (2003). Detection of Interferon gamma in marsupials: A tool for disease susceptibility investigations? 3rd International Wildlife Management Congress incorporating the 16th Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference, Christchurch, N.Z.
  • Higgins, D., Hemsley, S., Canfield, P. (2003). Host-response of koalas to chlamydial infection: detection of interferon gamma and chlamydial hsp60- and hsp10-specific IgG in koalas. AVA Annual Conference: 2003 Conference of the Australian Association of Veterinary Conservation Biologists, QLD, Australia: School of Animal Studies, University of Queensland.
  • Tahmindjis, M., Higgins, D., Lynch, M., Barnes, J., Southwell, C. (2003). Use of a pethidine and midazolam combination for the reversible sedation of crabeater seals (lobodon carcinophagus). Marine Mammal Science, 19(3), 581-589. [More Information]


  • Higgins, D., Rogers, T., Irvine, A., Hall-Aspland, S. (2002). Use of Midazolam/Pethidine and Tiletamine/ Zolazepam combinations for the chemical restraint of Leopard seals (Hydrurga Leptonyx). Marine Mammal Science, 18(2), 483-499. [More Information]


  • Higgins, D., Rogers, T., Irvine, A., Hall-Aspland, S. (2001). Use of midazolam/ pethidine and tiletamine/ zolazepam combinations for the chemical restraint of leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx). Annual Conference AAVCB (Australian Association of Veterinary Conservation Biologists ), Cairns.

Selected Grants


  • Koala Health Hub: Providing a sustainable future for Australias endangered koalas, Higgins D, Phalen D, Krockenberger M, NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service Inc (WIRES)/Research Partner


  • Impacts and drivers of chlamydial disease in the koala: relationships between the host, pathogen and environment, Higgins D, Krockenberger M, Crowther M, Mella V, McArthur C, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW)/NSW Koala Research Plan
  • Vaccination against Chlamydiosis: An effective disease management tool in wild populations, Krockenberger M, Higgins D, Wylie C, Crowther M, Mella V, McArthur C, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW)/NSW Koala Research Plan

See the Koala Health Hub website

In the media