Implementation and evaluation - The University of Sydney

Implementation and evaluation

How we govern and evaluate the Disability Inclusion Action Plan

The Disability Inclusion Action Plan Implementation Group oversees the implementation of the objectives of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2019-24.

This role includes monitoring performance and outcomes against the objectives of the plan and providing a forum for consultation with stakeholders, staff and students regarding the plan's success. The group meets quarterly and reports biannually to the University Executive on progress.

The Disability Inclusion Action Plan Consultative Group will meet twice per semester for the duration of the plan.

As an evolving plan of action, the DIAP is subject to ongoing feedback and review from the University community. Part of the Implementation Group’s role is to review this feedback and report the key points to the University Executive for consideration.

Implementation Group responsibilities

  • Support the implementation of the objectives of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2019–24, which includes improving access and participation for staff, students and visitors with disability at the University
  • Act as a forum for staff and students to raise key issues regarding access and participation for staff, students and visitors with disability at the University
  • Prioritise the recommendations of the DIAP with respect to planning implementation and advise on the appropriate budget allocations for the annual implementation plan
  • Oversee, review, evaluate and report on the outcomes, as set out in the DIAP
  • Monitor and assist the development and implementation of faculty and professional services unit local DIAPs
  • Provide biannual reports to the University Executive on the progress of DIAP implementation and signal outstanding issues for resolution
  • Monitor and evaluate the culture of inclusivity across the University and make recommendations to the University Executive on areas for improvement
  • Promulgate best practice to support the objectives of the DIAP across the University community
The Implementation Group members ensure that disability access, participation and inclusion is on the agenda in all areas of the University.
Professor David Evans, Professor and DIAP Implementation Group Co-chair

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Details +61 2 9036 6139
The Implementation Group brings together dedicated colleagues from across the University to progress and monitor this important work.
Greg Robinson, Chief University Infrastructure Officer and DIAP Implementation Group Co-chair