Dr Jennifer Kent
DECRA and Robinson Fellow
Dr Jennifer Kent is a Senior Research Fellow in Urbanism at the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning. Jennifer’s research interests are at the intersections between urban planning, transport and human health. She specialises in combining quantitative and qualitative data with understandings from policy science to trace the practical, cultural and political barriers to healthy cities. Key issues examined to date include parenting and private car use, the links between health and higher density living, the interpretation of health evidence into urban planning policy, the health impact of extended commute times, and cultural and structural barriers to sustainable transport use.
Jennifer’s work is funded by external agencies, including the Australian Research Council, government land development agency Landcom and the National Heart Foundation. She has experience working across institutions, including with the Ministry of Health and with local health districts and transport agencies across NSW on several projects examining translation of health evidence. Her findings are policy relevant and have been incorporated into State and Federal urban planning agendas. She publishes regularly in highly ranked scholarly journals across the fields of urban planning, public health and transport and her work is widely cited within these disciplines.
- Parenting and private car use
- The overscheduled child and the car
- Slower speeds on local streets
- Cultural barriers to reduced private car dependency
- Institutional, political and policy barriers to to reduced private car dependency
- Policy science
- Social practice theory
- Mixed methods
Project title | Research student |
Incorporating human behavioural factors into transport infrastructure design to enable a mode shift towards active travel. | Sara HAIDER |
The Effects of Built Environment Elements on the Use of Active Travel Modes among School Students. | Laya HOSSEIN RASHIDI |
Selected publications
- Kent, J., Thompson, S. (2019). Planning Australia's Healthy Built Environments. New York: Routledge. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Thompson, S., Kent, J. (2024). Delivering a Health-Supportive Environment: A Key Role and Responsibility for the Construction Industry. Umeokafor, N., Emuze, F., Che Ibrahim, C,K.I., Sunindijo, R,Y., Umar, T., Windapo, A. and Teixer, J. (Eds.), Handbook of Drivers of Continuous Improvement in Construction Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, (pp. 17-29). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Thompson, S., Kent, J. (2024). Human Health and a Sustainable Built Environment. Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies (Second Edition). London: Elsevier.
- Kent, J. (2024). Parenting, care and the private car. Handbook of Gender and Mobilities, (pp. 110-122). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
- Luo, M., Nguyen-duy, T., Nau, T., Chiu, S., Bauman, A., Freebairn, L., Bellew, W., Rychetnik, L., Burns, D., Calleja, E., Corbett, L., Kent, J., Sherrington, C., Tiedemann, A., Ding, D., et al (2024). A Holistic Way to Understand the Determinants of Physical Activity in Urban New South Wales, Australia: A Codesigned Systems Mapping Project. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 21(12), 1325-1329. [More Information]
- Rashidi, L., Kent, J., Moylan, E. (2024). Assessing the Impact of Distance Modelling Approaches on Active Travel Predictions. Findings, October. [More Information]
- Kent, J. (2024). Book Review - Roadways for People: Rethinking Transportation Planning and Engineering. Urban Policy and Research. [More Information]
- Zhang, Y., Nelson, J., Mulley, C., Kent, J. (2024). Shared E-Scooters: A Whim or the Wheels of Tomorrow? Thredbo 18 Conference 2024, Cape Town, South Africa: University of Sydney Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies.
- Zhang, Y., Kent, J., Nelson, J., Tong, M., Vardoulakis, S. (2023). Active transport during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from international experience. 44th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Perth, Australia: Australasian Transport Research Forum. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Mason, M., Virgona, N., Ryan, H. (2022). Parenting in proximity to others: the importance of transitions, temporalities and trajectories. State of Australasian Cities Conference, Melbourne: SOAC 2021.
Reference Works
- Thompson, S., Kent, J. (2017). Human Health and a Sustainable Built Environment. In Martin Abraham (Eds.), (pp. 71-80). Elsevier.
- Luo, M., Nguyen-duy, T., Nau, T., Chiu, S., Bauman, A., Freebairn, L., Bellew, W., Rychetnik, L., Burns, D., Calleja, E., Corbett, L., Kent, J., Sherrington, C., Tiedemann, A., Ding, D., et al (2024). A Holistic Way to Understand the Determinants of Physical Activity in Urban New South Wales, Australia: A Codesigned Systems Mapping Project. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 21(12), 1325-1329. [More Information]
- Rashidi, L., Kent, J., Moylan, E. (2024). Assessing the Impact of Distance Modelling Approaches on Active Travel Predictions. Findings, October. [More Information]
- Kent, J. (2024). Book Review - Roadways for People: Rethinking Transportation Planning and Engineering. Urban Policy and Research. [More Information]
- Zhang, Y., Kent, J., Nelson, J., Tong, M., Vardoulakis, S. (2023). Active transport during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from international experience. 44th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Perth, Australia: Australasian Transport Research Forum. [More Information]
- Delbosc, A., Kent, J. (2023). Employee intentions and employer expectations: a mixed-methods systematic review of “post-COVID” intentions to work from home. Transport Reviews. [More Information]
- Kent, J. (2023). How are practices of care sometimes not fair? The case of parenting and private car use. Australian Geographer. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Paine, G., Thompson, S., Prior, J., Connon, I. (2022). Bringing History Forward: Learning from Historical Context when Translating Contemporary Health Evidence into Planning Practice. Journal of Planning History, 21(2), 107-131. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Crane, M. (2022). Impacts on Health. In C. Mulley, M. Attard (Eds.), Transport and Pandemic Experiences, (pp. 303-322). Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Mason, M., Virgona, N., Ryan, H. (2022). Parenting in proximity to others: the importance of transitions, temporalities and trajectories. State of Australasian Cities Conference, Melbourne: SOAC 2021.
- Kent, J., Mulley, C. (2021). Oral Abstract: Mobile Mutts - Transport and the Health Benefits of Pet Dog Ownership. Journal of Transport and Health, 22(101147). [More Information]
- Kent, J., Mulley, C., Goh, L., Stevens, N. (2021). Public Transport and Travel with Dogs. In C. Mulley, J Nelson and S. Ison (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Public Transport, (pp. 381-392). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Kent, J. (2021). Transport, access, and health. In Not known (Eds.), Urban Form and Accessibility: Social, Economic, and Environment Impacts, (pp. 207-222). TBC. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Mulley, C., Stevens, N. (2020). Challenging policies that prohibit public transport use: Travelling with pets as a case study. Transport Policy, 99, 86-94. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Thompson, S. (2020). Healthy Cities. In Dallas Rogers, Adrienne Keane, Tooran Alizadeh, & Jacqueline Nelson (Eds.), Understanding Urbanism, (pp. 195-210). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
- Harris, P., Kent, J., Sainsbury, P., Riley, E., Sharma, N., Harris, E. (2020). Healthy urban planning: an institutional policy analysis of strategic planning in Sydney, Australia. Health Promotion International, 35(5), 1251. [More Information]
- Riedy, C., Kent, J., Thompson, N. (2019). Meaning work: reworking institutional meanings for environmental governance. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 62(1), 151-171. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Thompson, S. (2019). Planning Australia's Healthy Built Environments. New York: Routledge. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Mulley, C., Stevens, N. (2019). Transport and wellbeing in a newly constructed greenfield estate: A quantitative exploration of the commuting experience. Journal of Transport and Health, 13, 210-223. [More Information]
- Prior, J., Connon, I., McIntyre, E., Adams, J., Capon, A., Kent, J., Rissel, C., Thomas, L., Thompson, S., Westcott, H. (2018). Built environment interventions for human and planetary health: integrating health in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Public Health Research and Practice, 28(4), 1-5. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Dowling, R. (2018). Commercial Car Sharing, Complaints and Coping: Does Sharing Need Willingness? Urban Policy and Research, 36(4), 464-475. [More Information]
- Harris, P., Kent, J., Sainsbury, P., Thow, A., Baum, F., Friel, S., McCue, P. (2018). Creating 'healthy built environment' legislation in Australia; a policy analysis. Health Promotion International, 33(6), 1090-1100. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Dowling, R., Maalsen, S. (2017). Catalysts for transport transitions: Bridging the gap between disruptions and change. Journal of Transport Geography, 60, 200-207. [More Information]
- Clancey, G., Kent, J., Lyons, A., Westcott, H. (2017). Crime and crime prevention in an Australian growth centre. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 19(1), 17-30. [More Information]
- Thompson, S., Kent, J. (2017). Human Health and a Sustainable Built Environment. In Martin Abraham (Eds.), (pp. 71-80). Elsevier.
- Kent, J., Dowling, R. (2016). "Over 1000 cars and no garage": How urban planning supports car(park) sharing. Urban Policy and Research, 34(3), 256-268. [More Information]
- Harris, P., Kent, J., Sainsbury, P., Thow, A. (2016). Framing health for land-use planning legislation: A qualitative descriptive content analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 148, 42-51. [More Information]
- Thompson, S., Kent, J. (2016). Healthy Planning: The Australian Landscape. Built Environment, 42(1), 90-106. [More Information]
- Riedy, C., Kent, J. (2015). Australian climate action groups in the deliberative system. Environmental Politics, 24(3), 363-381. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Thompson, S. (2015). Healthy Planning in Australia. In Hugh Barton, Susan Thompson, Sarah Burgess, Marcus Grant (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Planning for Health and Well-Being: Shaping a Sustainable and Healthy Future, (pp. 443-454). Oxon: Routledge.
- Kent, J. (2015). Making Health a Planning Priority: how was health framed in the review of the NSW planning system? 2015 State of Australian Cities National Conference (SOAC 2015), Gold Coast: Australian Cities Research Network (ACRN).
- Thompson, S., Kent, J., Lyons, C. (2014). Building partnerships for healthy environments: research, leadership and education. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 25(3), 202-208. [More Information]
- Kent, J. (2014). Carsharing as active transport: What are the potential health benefits? Journal of Transport and Health, 1(1), 54-62. [More Information]
- Thompson, S., Kent, J. (2014). Connecting and strengthening communities in places for health and well-being. Australian Planner, 51(3), 260-271. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Thompson, S., Capon, A. (2013). Designing Health Promotion in Practice: An Australasian Perspective. Australian Healthcare Design. In Copeland, K. (Eds.), Australian Healthcare Design 2005-2015: A Critical Review of the Design and Build of Healthcare Infrastructure in Australia, (pp. 26-31). Brisbane: International Academy for Design and Health.
- Thompson, S., Kent, J., Lyons, C. (2013). Planning and Health: Forging New Alliances in Building Healthy and Resilient Cities. Joint Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) and Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Congress 2013, Dublin: Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP).
- Kent, J. (2013). Private Car Use as Resistance to Alternative Transport: Automobility's Interminable Appeal. 6th State of Australian Cities National Conference (SOAC 2013), Sydney: State of Australian Cities Research Network.
- Thompson, S., Kent, J. (2012). Evidence Based Policy and Practice for Healthy Built Environments: The Three Domains. 5th Healthy Cities: Making Cities Liveable Conference, Geelong: Healthy Cities.
- Kent, J., Thompson, S. (2012). Health and the Built Environment: Exploring Foundations for a new Interdisciplinary Profession. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2012 (2012), 1-10. [More Information]
- Kent, J., Thompson, S., Capon, A. (2012). Healthy Planning. In Susan Thompson, Paul Maginn (Eds.), Planning Australia: An Overview of Urban and Regional Planning, 2nd Edition, (pp. 381-408). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Wheeler, A., Kent, J., Thompson, S. (2011). A Pathway for Practice: Translating Research Evidence into Healthy Planning Policy. World Planning Schools Congress 2011 (WPSC 2011), Perth, Australia: University of Western Australia.
- Kent, J. (2011). Biting the hand that feeds us - town planning at the front line in the war against unhealthy eating. World Planning Schools Congress 2011 (WPSC 2011), Perth, Australia: University of Western Australia.
- Kent, J. (2011). Biting the hand that feeds us: urban planning at the front line in the war against unhealthy eating. Universitas 21 Graduate Research Conference, Semenyih: University of Nottingham Malaysia.
- Kent, J. (2006). A question of fact and degree: The impact of the doctrine of ancillary use on place-based planning. Local Government Law Journal, 11(3), 135-138.
Selected Grants
- Promoting active travel and public transport for a post-pandemic world, Kent J, Nelson J, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Linkage Projects (LP)
- Trust and Safety in Autonomous Mobility Systems: A Human-centred Approach, Tomitsch M, Hespanhol L, Worrall S, Nebot E, Kent J, Wiethoff A, Ellison A, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)
- Parenting and the Private Car, Kent J, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA)