Actions for Water
12 June - 25 July 2025
By intertwining artistic practice with ecological advocacy, Actions for Water fosters a deeper understanding of our relationship with water and its vital role in sustaining life.
Actions for Water unites artists, architects, and cartographers from diverse geographies to examine swamps, ponds, wetlands, and subterranean waters as vital ecologies of renewal. While frameworks like the Ramsar Convention aim to protect these environments, their ongoing degradation highlights the urgent need for intervention. Reimagined as interconnected zones of ancestral, ecological, and scientific networks, subterranean waterscapes are envisioned as spaces of radical sensuality, otherworldliness, and speculative possibilities.
Celebrated for their biodiversity and cultural significance, the exhibition invites audiences to reflect on what lies beneath. Environmental approaches to urbanism, and regenerative futures rooted in care, creativity, and resilience are central themes explored through the works presented. By intertwining artistic practice with ecological advocacy, Actions for Water fosters a deeper understanding of our relationship with water and its vital role in sustaining life.
Tin Sheds Gallery
148 City Road Darlington
Tuesday to Friday: 10am-4pm
Tin Sheds Gallery acknowledges the Gadigal of the Eora Nation, upon whose ancestral lands our exhibitions take place. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, acknowledging them as the traditional custodians of knowledge of these lands, waterways and Country.
Top image: Tomoko Hayashi, 2024. Photo by Yuna Yagi, courtesy Tomoko Hayashi
Bottom image: Performance, Proximity Festival, 2016 by Mei Swan Lim. Photo by Peter Cheng, courtesy Mei Swan Lim
Phone: (02) 9351 3115
Address: 148 City Road, Darlington Sydney, NSW