Brain and Mind Centre Symposium and Awards - The University of Sydney

Brain and Mind Centre Symposium and Awards

12 November 2024
The 7th Annual Symposium, welcomed renowned international guest speakers and the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia
This year's Symposium brought together people from multidisciplinary backgrounds to showcase their work in brain and mind research

The commencement address was given by Her Excellency the Honourable Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia. Followed by keynote presentations given by Professor Pepijn van de Ven of the University of Limerick and Professor Jianfeng Feng of Fudan University. 

Early-Career Researchers and HDR students had the opportunity to display their latest research and attendees on the day were able to vote on posters for the award ceremony. 

We all share and should share a singular focus on the wellbeing of Australians and the communities that support them. That would be our mental wealth.
Her Excellency the Honourable Sam Mostyn AC

The Symposium is an opportunity for our Brain and Mind Centre members and stakeholders to come together for a day that celebrates its researchers. It's also an opportunity to showcase new research coming out of the Brain and Mind Centre from our Early-career researchers and our HDR researchers. 

The Brain and Mind Centre had over 350 members split across the University of Sydney and all the way to Westmead Children's hospital. 

Brain and Mind Centre Symposium 2024

The 7th Annual Symposium, welcomed renowned international guest speakers and the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia The commencement address was given by Her Excellency the Honorable Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia. Followed by keynote presentations given by Professor Pepijn van de Ven of the University of Limerick and Professor Jianfeng Feng of Fudan University.

Brain and Mind Centre Awards

Research Excellence and Impact Awards

The Research Excellence and Impact Award aims to acknowledge and reward research excellence, impact, and collaboration at all career levels at the Brain and Mind Centre. Congratulations to the following researchers: 

Dr Paul Crosland
Lewis Crawford
Dr Noemi Meylakh
Dr Adam Poulsen
Dr Johannes Michaelian

Brain and Mind Centre Emerging Researcher Awards

The Emerging Researcher Award support scheme aims to provide travel funding for Early-Mid Career Researchers to engage and network with the broader brain and mind science community nationally and internationally to facilitate their development as emerging researchers.

Dr James Kang
Dr Jasmin Galper
Dr Tiffany Li
Mathew Varidel
Grace Wei

Poster Awards

Throughout the day of the Symposium, attendees can view and vote for Post-doc and HDR posters, a chance to see the research of tomorrow coming from Brain and Mind Science.

Congratulations to the Poster Award winners of their categories:

Gabi Adler – Research Professional Staff
Dr Tonima Ali - Early-Mid Career Researcher
Anne Li - Higher Degree by Research
Anne Li - Audience choice

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