Child behaviour research clinic - Brain and Mind Centre

Child Behaviour Research Clinic

Bringing together internationally regarded clinicians and researchers in child mental health and development
The Child Behaviour Research Clinic works with children who present a range of behavioural, emotional and social development concerns. The clinic works alongside parents to deliver the most effective outcomes for families.

About the Clinic

We offer assessments and treatments free of charge as part of innovative research into child and family mental health. As we are a research-based clinic, all of our programs are evidence-based and offer families the latest strategies in child behaviour management. Families are considered research partners and we work collaboratively as a team to maximise learning about what works best for children and caregivers to address behavioural and emotional difficulties.

We also offer training internships for clinical psychologists wishing to learn the latest state-of-the-art assessments and treatments as part of their Masters or Doctoral training.

Our Services

Innovative research

Our psychologists are continually studying ways to improve child behaviour problems. We run research projects with the brightest minds from the University of Sydney and beyond to develop innovative new treatments. Learn more about our research and currently recruiting research studies below.

Participate in a study

Who can participate?

  • Parents/caregivers (fathers, mothers, grandparents, foster and kinship carers) of children aged between 3 years and 9 years 11 months 

What is the study about?

  • This study is called Measuring Change in Parenting Programs. It offers an evidence-based 8-10 session parenting program, delivered via telehealth, to help parents manage their child’s challenging behaviours. This study examines the effectiveness of measuring completion at different time points in the program.

  • All families taking part in the study will receive an 8-10 session parenting program and will complete measures about their child and family before and after the program, and again after three months. In addition, families will be randomly allocated to either complete additional weekly measures before and during sessions or to not complete these measures. 

What does the parenting program involve?

This evidence-based parenting program is 8-10 sessions and provides parents with evidence-based strategies to manage challenging child behaviour, promote positive parent-child interactions, and support parental teamwork. 

  • This research will help us find out how often to measure progress and change in parenting programs,  so we can better support parents/caregivers. 

How do I get involved?

Contact the researchers at the University of Sydney to find out more about this study. Email your enquiry to or call (02) 9114 4326.

Growing Minds Australia Clinical Trials Network (GMA-CTN) is the first comprehensive CTN in child and adolescent mental health in Australia. Funded by the Million Minds Medical Research Future Fund in 2021, the GMA-CTN aims to transform the Australian mental health landscape for children and young people and their families. As a Clinical Trial Network, the primary mechanism for achieving this is through high-quality, collaborative, transformative research in child and youth mental health, and its translation into policy and practice. 

Please contact us to learn more about how you can be involved in Growing Minds Australia at

Our Team

Professor Mark Dadds

Clinical Psychologist

Chief Investigator & Clinic Co-Director

NHMRC Principal Research Fellow

Director, Growing Minds Australia 

Professor David Hawes

Clinical Psychologist

Chief Investigator & Clinic Co-Director

Director, Clinical Trials Network in Child & Youth Mental Health, Growing Minds Australia 

Dr Meryn Lechowicz

Clinical Psychologist

Clinic Manager, Senior Psychologist and Project Manager for the REAL Treatment Study 

Ms Alex Roach

Clinical Psychologist

Clinic Manager, Senior Psychologist and Project Manager for the REAL Treatment Study 

Dr Lucy Tully

Senior Lecturer in Child Psychology and Senior Psychologist

Flagship Trials Director, Growing Minds Australia 

Dr Jaimie Northam

Lecturer and Senior Clinical Psychologist

Growing Minds Check up Australia 

Dr Bridie Leonard

Clinical Psychologist/Clinic Manager and Project Manager for ParentWorks Spectrum 

Adrienne Turnell

Clinical Psychologist and Senior Research Officer for Measuring Change in Parenting Programs 

Lindsay McFarlane

Clinical Psychologist and Research Officer, Growing Minds Check Up Australia

Erika Moelle

Research Assistant for ParentWorks Spectrum

Olivia Liew

Clinical Psychologist and Research Officer, Growing Mind Check Up, Australia

Dr Trisha Nowland

Executive Officer/Psychologist, Growing Minds Australia

Dr Talia Carl

Lecturer/Project Manager, Growing Minds Check Up Australia

Rebecca McLean

Research Assistant, Growing Minds Check Up Australia 

Tom Carlick

Research Assistant, Growing Minds Check Up Australia 

  • Alex Roach

  • Rebecca McLean-Chan

  • Jessica Barker

  • Elysha Clark Whitney

  • Adrienne Turnell

Child Behaviour Research Clinic

Clinic and Research Participation
  • Level 1, Building K, Brain and Mind Centre 97 Church Street Camperdown NSW 2050

Professor Mark Dadds

Co-Director, Child Behaviour Research Clinic

Professor David Hawes

Co-Director, Child Behaviour Research Clinic
