Dr Bonnie Stanway
BA (Victoria University of Wellington);Med(Intl) (Sydney);PhD (Sydney)
Dr. Bonnie Stanway is a Postdoctoral Research Associate with the Discipline of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Sydney Business School. Bonnie's impactful research is focussed on organizing in innovative ways, and entrepreneurial efforts for social enterprise. She is particularly interested in practice and process studies in her investigations with publications in peer reviewed A-list publications. Alongside this research, Bonnie has experience teaching at both undergraduate and masters level in management, as well as 13 years of experience in industry including working in finance, government, and smaller organizations.
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Research Areas:
- Engaged innovation for scholarship impact
- Social construction of entrepreneurship opportunities and value propositions
- Strategy as practice
- Process studies
- Organizing through the unexpected
- Role of materiality and analogically mediated strategizing
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Book Chapters
- Bell, A., Barahona, S., Stanway, B. (2020). On the Edge. In L. Mercer-Mapstone & S. Abbot (Eds.), The Power of Partnership: Students, Staff, and Faculty Revolutionizing Higher Education, (pp. 123-135). Elon, North Carolina: Elon University. [More Information]
- Stanway, B., Meisiek, S. (2024). From Paths to Patterning: Improvisations and Routine Dynamics. Research in the Sociology of Organisations, 88, 221-244. [More Information]
- Meisiek, S., Stanway, B. (2023). Power, politics and improvisation: Learning during a prolonged crisis. Management Learning, 54(1), 14-34. [More Information]
- Stanway, B., Cao, Y., Cannell, T., Gu, Y. (2019). Tensions and Rewards: Behind the Scenes in a Cross-Cultural Student–Staff Partnership. Journal of Studies in International Education, 23(1), 30-48. [More Information]
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- Stanway, B., Meisiek, S. (2024). From Paths to Patterning: Improvisations and Routine Dynamics. Research in the Sociology of Organisations, 88, 221-244. [More Information]
- Meisiek, S., Stanway, B. (2023). Power, politics and improvisation: Learning during a prolonged crisis. Management Learning, 54(1), 14-34. [More Information]
- Bell, A., Barahona, S., Stanway, B. (2020). On the Edge. In L. Mercer-Mapstone & S. Abbot (Eds.), The Power of Partnership: Students, Staff, and Faculty Revolutionizing Higher Education, (pp. 123-135). Elon, North Carolina: Elon University. [More Information]
- Stanway, B., Cao, Y., Cannell, T., Gu, Y. (2019). Tensions and Rewards: Behind the Scenes in a Cross-Cultural Student–Staff Partnership. Journal of Studies in International Education, 23(1), 30-48. [More Information]