Peter Wolnizer is Professor Emeritus at The University of Sydney where he served as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business from 1999-2010 and Professor of Accounting until his retirement at the end of 2011.
Prior to returning to The University of Sydney, where he lectured over eleven years, he served as Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law at Deakin University 1991-1998 following his appointment as Foundation Professor of Accounting and Finance in 1989. He was appointed visiting professor at the University of Kansas, Czech Management Center, James Cusator Wards Visiting Professor at the University of Glasgow, Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury and Distinguished Visiting Professor at Korea University. He served as Interim Dean of the MGSM at Macquarie University 2017-2018.
Peter Wolnizer was appointed Chairman of the International Accounting Education Standards Board 2012-14, having served as the Australian member 2004-06 and Chairman of CPA Australia’s Education Board 2000-2009. He served on the Board of Directors of AACSB International 2006-11, President of the Australian Business Deans Council 2004-05 and as a member of Australia's Corporations and Securities Panel 1994-99.
He has extensive international experience of chairing accreditation reviews of business schools and universities for AACSB International, EQUIS and government agencies. His service to the wider educational community has included membership of the Councils of Scotch College (Melbourne), The Scots College (Sydney) and Moore College.
Upon completing his PhD under the supervision of Professor R J Chambers AO at The University of Sydney, he was awarded the Kendall D Garff Research Fellowship under the direction of Professor R R Sterling at the University of Utah. His research into various aspects of the theory, regulation and practice of financial accounting and auditing has been published internationally in books, academic journals and professional journals.
Professor Wolnizer was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in the 2011 Queen's Birthday Honours List 'for service to higher education in business and economics as an academic and administrator'.
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