Postgraduate business students walking in front of the Quad

Our teaching

Redesigning teaching and learning to transform business education
At the University of Sydney Business School, we've adopted an innovative approach to our teaching and learning to develop students into future business leaders.

Transforming education and the student experience is a key strategic pillar in our 2023 - 2027 strategic intent. In order to support innovation and collaboration in the student experience, we've adopted a number of initiatives to revolutionise the ways we teach and learn both inside and outside the classroom.

Students will:

  • connect with other students and disciplines from across the Business School and University to solve critical global, local and personal challenges
  • engage with teaching staff as partners in the educational journey
  • develop the skills, knowledge and values needed to become a future leader in business and the community
  • have opportunities to engage in industry placement programs with leading industry partners in Australia and around the world 

How we engage with our students

Our teaching and learning initiatives are driven by a dedicated Business School unit called Business Co-Design, which comprises academic and professional staff in the roles of educational developers, learning designers, media specialists, evaluators and support staff.

Business Co-design aims to improve student engagement through teaching development, support, and the provision of teaching resources for staff. Read more about their work here.

We listen to student voices

Our students provide feedback through initiatives like the Work Live Play Learn project.


We engage students with real-life problems

We action student insights to help them engage with peers, industry and society.

We build dynamic learning spaces

State-of-the-art digital and physical facilities help our students connect and learn.

Listening to student voices

Student feedback is critical to shaping our teaching, assessment and student experience. Through initiatives like the Work Live Play Learn video project, students are invited to share their insights about working and learning with friends, teachers and the wider community.

These powerful stories have helped us redesign our curriculum in a way that supports students to connect, collaborate and share.

Connecting students to solve real-world challenges

Our Connected Learning at Scale project is designed to help students connect with one another to solve critical real-world challenges. Connected Learning at Scale is built on three principles:

Information engagement: students both individually and collectively engage with discipline knowledge as opposed to having it broadcast at them in a lecture.


Connected participation and active learning: face-to-face teaching time, student learning activities and technology are leveraged to build connections and networks to address, debate and solve critical global and local challenges though innovative teaching approaches


Relevant and authentic assessment and feed-forward: learning is applied and tested through relevant assessments supported by opportunities to receive and share feedback from academics and peers.

Watch our Connected Learning at Scale overview

Our learning spaces

Whether online or on campus, all of our students have access to modern and innovative learning spaces.

As part of the Connected Learning at Scale project, we have been transforming our digital spaces to create interactive content that engages students and gives them opportunities to build strong connections to their discipline content. Read about how we are transforming the online learning experience.

From the state-of-the-art Abercrombie Building to our Sydney CBD campus, we've created dynamic physical environments like our flexible pilot learning space, where we design effective classroom formations to help students create, collaborate and gain real-world experience.

Once we return to campus, we will bring together the best of our digital spaces with our digitally enabled classrooms through a flexible combination of face-to-face and online learning.

Learn more about our location and facilities.

The PNR CONNECTSpace (PNR Learning Studio 310) is a flat-floor interactive teaching space in the PNR building (J02), also known as the Peter Nicol Russell Building at the University of Sydney.

This purposeful, state-of-the-art space allows for the engagement with 160 students at one time. It enables connection, adaptability, flexibility, and engagement and utilises innovative thinking in how students and staff inhabit space for learning and teaching.

The flexibility comes from the capability to deliver different teaching modes of delivery at different class sizes and with different types of active learning in one space and within the same timetabled slot. The adaptability comes from the purposeful selection of furnishing and technology that easily enable multiple modes of engagement and connection for both staff and students.

PNR CONNECTSpace is a design collaboration between the University of Sydney Business School, our learning space design partners, Think Forward (UK), University Infrastructure, the University of Sydney Audio-Visual team, and academic and faculty partners from across the University. Its pilot phase will be led by the Business School in close co-operation with the Faculty of Engineering.

Meet our teachers

Our teachers comprise world-class academics and researchers with strong industry connections and a passion for educational excellence.