Tips on delivering information sessions - Careers Centre

Tips on delivering information sessions

Get the most from your employer information session

Here are some tips on how to use your presentation time to gain the most out of your employer information session.

Format your presentation

  • Start your presentation five or ten minutes past the hour. This gives students time to get to your presentation from their previous class, which may be across campus.
  • Keep the formal presentation time short – 20 to 40 minutes – so it is interactive and you have time to network.
  • Most students attending your presentation will have classes straight after, so aim to finish everything five minutes before the hour.
  • If using Powerpoint, don’t have too many slides and ensure all presentation material is on USB for easy setup.
  • Bring hard copy brochures and materials to give to students.
students at an employer session

Bring senior staff and recent graduates

Bring senior staff and recent graduates. Students respond well to listening to the experiences of individuals, so profile employees with the details of their career path since graduation. Students like to hear:

  • from senior staff as they can demonstrate paths of progression within the organisation.
  • from recent graduates because they were in the students’ shoes not that long ago.
  • about the types of projects they’ll be working on, what an average day looks like, opportunities for social engagement and your organisation’s approach to corporate social responsibility. Ultimately it takes some of the mystery out of what it’s like to work at your organisation.
woman public speaking at employer information session

Have engaging content

The content of your information session could include:

  • a brief overview of the industry as well as your company
  • an overview of the types of positions available for new graduates
  • international opportunities within your organisation
  • internship/vacation work opportunities
  • the value of postgraduate recruits
  • working conditions
  • the expected path of progression within your company and the industry.

Help students with their applications

  • Students respond well to presentations that help with their career development or the job application process.
  • Specify what your organisation looks for in graduates.
  • Describe the skills that are in demand in your organisation.
  • Explain the recruitment process, for example, an online application, assessment centre and interview.
  • Specify the timeline for recruitment, including opening and closing dates for applications, and when offers are made.
  • Give tips on how students can prepare for the graduate recruitment process.
  • Explain what a student can do to stand out from the competition – perhaps hints on addressing selection criteria or sample interview questions.