Finding casual and part-time jobs
Below are sites you can use to search for casual and part-time jobs
Casual and part-time work provides the opportunity to build on your employability skills while studying.
Casual and part-time jobs enable you to earn while you learn and gain skills that are an invaluable addition to your job applications.
Even if you don't need the income, casual and part-time work is beneficial because graduate employers prefer to hire students who have had experience in the workplace. It gives you the opportunity to develop your transferable communication, teamwork, problem-solving and organisation skills, making you more employable.
Keep in mind that many casual and part-time jobs are filled by approaching employers directly and word of mouth, so keep your network updated about your job search.
Refer to Fair Work Australia for information on the difference between casual work and part-time work.
Below are sites you can use to search for casual and part-time jobs