How to find a job
Job search strategies to help you find employment
We can help you develop a job search plan to increase your chances of successfully locating suitable employment opportunities in both the unadvertised and advertised job markets. We encourage you to use multiple job search methods to make your search more effective.
Learn about jobs and industries directly from the experts. The purpose of an information interview is to talk to an individual working in an occupation or career area you are interested in and would like to learn more about to get an insider’s perspective. They can be conducted in person or on the telephone.
Are you prepared to be Googled by a prospective employer? It’s never too early to start building your professional presence online. Present a positive image to your future employer by curating your social media accounts to showcase your strengths.
Harness social media to aid your job search, research career options and make connections.
Learn to develop and maintain an effective LinkedIn profile and harness multiple social media platforms to support your job search including:
Bring your laptop or device along to create or edit your LinkedIn profile as we work through a live demonstration of the top LinkedIn features.
Identify advertised jobs via the Sydney CareerHub job database, online job boards, recruiters, company websites and professional associations.
Casual and part-time work provides the opportunity to build on your employability skills while studying. Whether or not you need the income, casual and part-time work is beneficial because employers prefer to hire students who have had experience in the workplace. Developing transferable communication, teamwork, problem-solving and organisation skills, makes you more employable.
The semester break is a perfect time to take on an internship or vacation work. Working within a company gives you the chance to learn the inner workings of the organisation and helps develop your professional skills.
An internship is structured work experience, providing you with practical experience that complements your academic studies and sets you up for the graduate workforce. These are paid work opportunities that are directly related to your degree, and offered to penultimate-year students.
Volunteering provides the opportunity to contribute to the community and build the skills employers value while studying.
Volunteering is unpaid work, generally with not-for-profit or community-based organisations both in Australia and overseas. Volunteer roles can also be positions of responsibility within clubs and societies, many of which can be found on campus, and they can be related to either personal or professional interests and goals.
Extracurricular activities are any activities you engage in outside of your studies, such as sporting, public speaking, special interest groups, the arts, political, educational, environmental, community or cultural activities.
Gain key information and resources to find work overseas, whether looking for graduate work, an internship, or jobs while travelling or on a gap year.
The graduate job market after completing your degree includes tailored graduate programs, public sector jobs and overseas opportunities.
Gain experience and build the entrepreneurial skills valued by industry, whether you have a business idea to develop or are seeking employment with a startup.
A startup is not a small version of a larger company. Startups are defined by INCUBATE* as "a fledgling business that is creating a completely new product or service based on technological innovation". They are often doing something completely new and thus are searching for a repeatable and scalable business model, often with the potential for global impact.
* INCUBATE is the startup accelerator and entrepreneur event program developed by the University of Sydney Union.
A social enterprise is a business that trades to tackle social problems, improve communities, people’s life chances, or the environment. They are usually started by a person or group with a particular passion and sense of purpose to address an identified problem.
Social media and your job search