Experience Global English
Sample past masterclasses
"CET has empowered me as a professional and as a woman to express my opinions with confidence. In the GE course I realised the importance of communicating clearly my aspirations and desires. At the end of the course I feel confident enough to express my opinions."
Key benefits
Students will study for 4 hours each weekday, a total of 20 hours of classes per week.
Private group classes
Minimum 1 week for a minimum of 20 students.
Minimum 2 weeks for a mininum of 15 students.
You will have your own private group classes. This requires a minimum of 15 or 20 students depending on your nominated course duration. Please enquire using the course enquiry form.
Private classes occur on an ad hoc basis so start dates are subject to availability.
We offer additional activities such as workshops, university lectures and guided tours that can be taken in conjunction with this program. Fees for these activities range from $60 to $90 per person.
You can sign up for these activities while studying this program. Please contact us via cet.international@sydney.edu.au to confirm availability or find out more.
Sample past masterclasses