About the centre - Charles Perkins Centre
About the Charles Perkins Centre
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Our centre

Reconceiving the systems of health
The Charles Perkins Centre is a multidisciplinary research centre committed to improving global health. Our unique, complex systems approach brings together world-leading thinkers in unexpected research collaborations to find new solutions to combat chronic lifestyle diseases.

Reconceiving the systems of health

The Charles Perkins Centre is reconceiving the systems of health (pdf, 117KB) through its revolutionary approach to easing the burden of chronic diseases – obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and their related conditions – through innovative research collaborations and partnerships, and teaching. Established in 2012 as the first of the University of Sydney’s multidisciplinary initiatives (MDIs), its model has since been applied to numerous other MDIs at the University and globally.

Drawing on principles from evolutionary biology and ecology, we bring together multidisciplinary teams in unexpected collaborations – from clinicians and basic scientists to writers and philosophers. These teams form part of a complex adaptive research and education ecosystem. The Charles Perkins Centre’s ability to harness the energy and solutions-focused outcomes of cross-disciplinary, collaborative teams has been applied to real-world impact and translation.

Housed at our state-of-the-art, purpose-built Centre on the University’s Camperdown campus, we work closely with colleagues at the nearby Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney Local Health District, and related faculties, units, and services on campus. We also work collaboratively with our research and commercial partners to translate our work to real-world outcomes including NSW Health, Qantas, World Health Organization, Heart Research Institute, Sydney Health Partners, Obesity Australia, and an international network of higher education including the University of Glasgow and the University of Copenhagen.

A unique approach to research solutions

Professor Stephen J Simpson introduces the Charles Perkins Centre

We're different

We understand that these diseases are more complicated than biology alone. They are about the layout of our cities; the places we work; the food supply; the demands of modern life, and so much more.

To solve the problem of these diseases, the Charles Perkins Centre pursues research that is mindful of the interconnected effect of the environment, food, genetics, and technology – among other factors – in determining individual and wider population health.

We facilitate unusual research collaborations

Our people are leading Australian and international researchers. They are experts in a diverse range of fields with a shared mission to find real-world solutions that improve lives.

From researchers in medical and scientific fields to experts in business, architecture and agriculture, we’re strengthened by the diverse experiences and expertise of our collaborative team.

Our research strategy aligns researchers under research themes and domains, ensuring common research goals and faciliatating unexpected research outcomes.

We’re teachers, too

As leaders in our fields, we have the responsibility to educate a new generation of students, researchers and practitioners so that they too can think differently about and pioneer new approaches to tackling complex societal issues such as the burden of chronic disease.

That’s why the Charles Perkins Centre is training future researchers, doctors and other health professionals – through our undergraduate and postgraduate courses and degrees, our PhD programs and our suite of courses for existing health professionals.

Visit our education page to learn more.

We’re here to help

Whether you’re looking to find out more about our current research, our clinics or to learn more about our people, we’re happy to help. You may also want to be a part of our research and help us to transform the health outcomes of millions of people across the world.

Please feel free to get in touch