Industry projects - The University of Sydney
Unit of study_

Industry and community projects

Boost your employability and tackle real-world issues
Your learning goes beyond the classroom and into the workplace, so you can graduate with confidence in your ability to tackle real industry problems.

The University of Sydney has partnered with over 85 leading business, government and community organisations in Australia and globally to offer undergraduate students the opportunity to work on real-world projects and engage with major industry partners.

Our partner organisations include Adobe, EY, Youth Justice NSW, Singapore Airlines, Westpac and many more.

You’ll have the opportunity to work on real-world problems and explore complex topics such as the war on waste, future possibilities for the global space industry, the impact of artificial intelligence and creating a renewable energy future.

These project units can be taken intensively or as a semester-long project. In collaboration with an industry partner and academic lead, you will work in a group with other students from a range of disciplinary backgrounds and together you will research, analyse and present solutions to real-world problems set by the partner. You will then have the opportunity to engage with and learn from industry experts and present your recommendations and ideas to the industry partner with your group.

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