Dogs helping people - The University of Sydney

Dogs helping people: In families, hospitals, colleges, and at work

Join us to hear Dr Sandra Barker discuss how therapy dogs help people in a variety of settings.
In partnership with the International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) 2018 Conference, the Charles Perkins Centre and Sydney School of Veterinary Science.

Some studies show dog owners are happier. Could having a dog indeed help combat depression? Could bringing dogs to work help employees and businesses? Could therapy dogs speed up patient’s recovery? Could having a dog help college students during stressful times?

Dr. Sandra Barker will explore a variety of setting in which pet dogs and therapy dogs could be of emotional and physiological help. The special place dogs have in our families will be discussed along with how bringing dogs to work can help employees and businesses. Dr Baker who oversees an evidence-based therapy dog program, Dogs On Call, will also describe a model hospital therapy dog program and explain how therapy dog visits help patients and staff. 


Dr. Sandra Barker is Professor of Psychiatry and Bill Balaban Endowed Chair in Human-Animal Interaction at Virginia Commonwealth University where she serves as Director of the School of Medicine Center for Human-Animal Interaction (CHAI), and Affiliate Scientist in the Center for Biobehavioral Clinical Research. As CHAI Director, she oversees an evidence-based therapy dog program, Dogs On Call, that is fully integrated into a major academic medical center and recently featured on Animal Planet and (Mission Critical Health) healthcare education videos, both aired globally.

This event was held at the University of Sydney on Monday 2 July 2018 in partnership with the International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) 2018 conference.

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