Two hands clasped, painted with rainbow

Same-sex marriage and the state: global perspectives

A discussion on the status of same sex marriage worldwide
We've just legalised same-sex marriage, but where does the rest of the world stand? Join Bronwyn Winter and Maxime Forest to explore the ways in which same-sex marriage becomes institutionalised (or resisted) through legal and societal norms and practices.

Having just recently co-edited Palgrave’s book, Global Perspectives on Same Sex Marriage: A Neo Institutional Approach, Bronwyn Winter is coming together with Maxime Forest to discuss the different factors impacting on state adoption or refusal of same-sex marriage laws. Through a neo-institutionalist lens, the two investigate the diversity of state and civil society approaches to same-sex partnership recognition around the world.

This event was held at the University of Sydney on Monday 5 March 2018.


  • Associate Professor Bronwyn Winter is Deputy Director of the European Studies Program at the University of Sydney and an affiliated scholar with Sciences Po Paris. She has published widely on topics that are situated at the intersections of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, violence and the state.

  • Maxime Forest is senior lecturer and associate researcher at Sciences Po Paris. His research interest includes the global politics of gender equality and anti-discrimination. He published extensively on the Europeanisation of gender equality, gender and democratic transition and gender and knowledge. He is an executive member of the French High Gender Equality Council.

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