Dr Andre van Renssen

Dr Andre van Renssen

Ph.D. Computer Science, Carleton University (Canada)
Senior Lecturer
School of Computer Science
Dr Andre van Renssen

Dr André van Renssen's research focuses on calculating the shortest possible paths through various types of networks - from computer and communications networks to road and other transport networks. By designing routing algorithms that can perform this task quickly and efficiently, he aims to help alleviate both information and vehicle traffic congestion without the need to build more roads or add more cables.

"The main purpose of the networks I study is to allow either information or traffic to move from one node (location) to another. So we need to find the shortest paths between the various nodes. My research focuses on designing efficient algorithms that can determine which node to direct information or traffic to so it reaches its destination in the shortest possible time.

"The problem of finding the fastest route between two locations depends on the state of the network. If there's a lot of communication or traffic over a certain cable or road, additional traffic that intends to use this route will have to wait its turn. This can be solved by adding more cables or building more or wider roads, but that approach is both expensive and impractical. By designing better routing algorithms, I hope to help alleviate these problems without the need to add new cables or roads.

"The time it takes to get from one location to another may also vary depending on the time or day of the week. During rush hour it might be better to take a longer route using side roads than to take the shortest route, which might be fine on weekends. Other factors, such as lanes being closed due to an accident or construction work, must also be taken into account by the algorithm.

"Results from this kind of research are already being used in, for example, the navigation function of Google Maps, which updates routes when a certain road is congested. I hope my work will lead to even fewer or shorter delays in the future.

"I've been working in this field since around 2010, and I joined the University of Sydney in 2018. I'm very eager to start working with my colleagues here and to expand my research."

FOR Codes

  • 080201 Analysis of Algorithms and Complexity
Project titleResearch student
Utilisation of Realistic Input Models and the Computation of Their Input ParametersZijin HUANG
Spanners and Routing in Computational GeometryShuei SAKAGUCHI



  • Aichholzer, O., Korman, M., Okamoto, Y., Parada, I., Perz, D., van Renssen, A., Vogtenhuber, B. (2023). Graphs with large total angular resolution. Theoretical Computer Science, 943, 73-88. [More Information]
  • Korman, M., van Renssen, A., Roeloffzen, M., Staals, F. (2023). KINETIC GEODESIC VORONOI DIAGRAMS IN A SIMPLE POLYGON. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 37(4), 2276-2311. [More Information]
  • Gudmundsson, J., van de Kerkhof, M., van Renssen, A., Staals, F., Wiratma, L., Wong, S. (2022). Covering a set of line segments with a few squares. Theoretical Computer Science, 923, 74-98. [More Information]


  • Gudmundsson, J., van de Kerkhof, M., van Renssen, A., Staals, F., Wiratma, L., Wong, S. (2021). Covering a Set of Line Segments with a Few Squares. 12th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, CIAC 2021, Cham: Springer. [More Information]
  • Brankovic, M., Grujic, N., van Renssen, A., Seybold, M. (2020). A simple dynamization of trapezoidal point location in planar subdivisions. 47th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2020), Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing. [More Information]
  • van Renssen, A., Wong, G. (2020). Bounded-Degree Spanners in the Presence of Polygonal Obstacles. 26th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2020), Cham: Springer. [More Information]


  • Aichholzer, O., Korman, M., Okamoto, Y., Parada, I., Perz, D., van Renssen, A., Vogtenhuber, B. (2023). Graphs with large total angular resolution. Theoretical Computer Science, 943, 73-88. [More Information]
  • Korman, M., van Renssen, A., Roeloffzen, M., Staals, F. (2023). KINETIC GEODESIC VORONOI DIAGRAMS IN A SIMPLE POLYGON. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 37(4), 2276-2311. [More Information]


  • Gudmundsson, J., van de Kerkhof, M., van Renssen, A., Staals, F., Wiratma, L., Wong, S. (2022). Covering a set of line segments with a few squares. Theoretical Computer Science, 923, 74-98. [More Information]
  • Brankovic, M., Gudmundsson, J., van Renssen, A. (2022). Local routing in a tree metric 1-spanner. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 44(4), 2642-2660. [More Information]
  • Ashvinkumar, V., Gudmundsson, J., Levcopoulos, C., Nilsson, B., van Renssen, A. (2022). Local Routing in Sparse and Lightweight Geometric Graphs. Algorithmica, 84(5), 1316-1340. [More Information]


  • van Renssen, A., Wong, G. (2021). Bounded-Degree Spanners in the Presence of Polygonal Obstacles. Theoretical Computer Science, 854, 159-173. [More Information]
  • Bose, P., Korman, M., van Renssen, A., Verdonschot, S. (2021). Constrained routing between non-visible vertices. Theoretical Computer Science, 861, 144-154. [More Information]
  • Gudmundsson, J., van de Kerkhof, M., van Renssen, A., Staals, F., Wiratma, L., Wong, S. (2021). Covering a Set of Line Segments with a Few Squares. 12th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, CIAC 2021, Cham: Springer. [More Information]


  • Brankovic, M., Grujic, N., van Renssen, A., Seybold, M. (2020). A simple dynamization of trapezoidal point location in planar subdivisions. 47th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2020), Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing. [More Information]
  • Carmi, P., Chiu, M., Katz, M., Korman, M., Okamoto, Y., van Renssen, A., Roeloffzen, M., Shiitada, T., Smorodinsky, S. (2020). Balanced line separators of unit disk graphs. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 86, 1-14. [More Information]
  • van Renssen, A., Wong, G. (2020). Bounded-Degree Spanners in the Presence of Polygonal Obstacles. 26th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2020), Cham: Springer. [More Information]


  • Barba, L., Cardinal, J., Korman, M., Langerman, S., van Renssen, A., Roeloffzen, M., Verdonschot, S. (2019). Dynamic Graph Coloring. Algorithmica, 81(4), 1319-1341. [More Information]
  • Ahn, H., Bae, S., Choi, J., Korman, M., Mulzer, W., Oh, E., Park, J., van Renssen, A., Vigneron, A. (2019). Faster Algorithms for Growing Prioritized Disks and Rectangles. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 80, 23-39. [More Information]
  • de Berg, M., Leijsen, T., Markovic, A., van Renssen, A., Roeloffzen, M., Woeginger, G. (2019). Fully-Dynamic and Kinetic Conflict-Free Coloring of Intervals with Respect to Points. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 29(1), 49-72. [More Information]


  • Bose, P., De Carufel, J., van Renssen, A. (2018). Constrained generalized Delaunay graphs are plane spanners. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 74, 50-65. [More Information]
  • Bakhshesh, D., Barba, L., Bose, P., De Carufel, J., Damian, M., Fagerberg, R., Farshi, M., van Renssen, A., Taslakian, P., Verdonschot, S. (2018). Continuous Yao graphs. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 67, 42-52. [More Information]
  • Kraaijer, R., van Kreveld, M., Meulemans, W., van Renssen, A. (2018). Geometry and Generation of a new Graph Planarity Game. IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG 2018), Maastricht: IEEE Computer Society. [More Information]


  • Carmi, P., Chiu, M., Katz, M., Korman, M., Okamoto, Y., van Renssen, A., Roeloffzen, M., Shiitada, T., Smorodinsky, S. (2017). Balanced line separators of unit disk graphs. 15th International Symposium on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS 2017), Cham: Springer International Publishing. [More Information]
  • Bose, P., Fagerberg, R., van Renssen, A., Verdonschot, S. (2017). Competitive Local Routing with Constraints. Journal of Computational Geometry, 8(1), 125-152. [More Information]
  • Bose, P., De Carufel, J., van Renssen, A. (2017). Constrained generalized Delaunay graphs are plane spanners. International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Information Systems (CIIS 2016), Cham: Springer. [More Information]


  • Buchin, K., Meulemans, W., van Renssen, A., Speckmann, B. (2016). Area-Preserving Simplification and Schematization of Polygonal Subdivisions. ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, 2(1), 2. [More Information]
  • Baffier, J., Chiu, M., Diez, Y., Korman, M., Mitsou, V., van Renssen, A., Roeloffzen, M., Uno, Y. (2016). Hanabi is NP-complete, even for cheaters who look at their cards. 8th International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN 2016), La Maddalena: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics. [More Information]
  • De Carufel, J., Katz, M., Korman, M., van Renssen, A., Roeloffzen, M., Smorodinsky, S. (2016). On interference among moving sensors and related problems. 24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA 2016, Aarhus, Denmark: Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing. [More Information]


  • Bose, P., Fagerberg, R., van Renssen, A., Verdonschot, S. (2015). Competitive local routing with constraints. 26th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2015), Nagoya: Springer. [More Information]
  • Bose, P., De Carufel, J., van Renssen, A. (2015). Constrained Empty-Rectangle Delaunay Graphs. 27th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2015, kingston: Queens University.
  • Barba, L., Bose, P., Damian, M., Fagerberg, R., Keng, W., O'Rourke, J., van Renssen, A., Taslakian, P., Verdonschot, S., Xia, G. (2015). New and Improved Spanning Ratios for Yao Graphs. Journal of Computational Geometry, 6(2), 19-53.


  • Barba, L., Bose, P., De Carufel, J., Damian, M., Fagerberg, R., van Renssen, A., Taslakian, P., Verdonschot, S. (2014). Continuous Yao graphs. 26th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2014), Halifax: Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry.
  • Bose, P., Jansens, D., van Renssen, A., Saumell, M., Verdonschot, S. (2014). Making triangulations 4-connected using flips. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 47(2), 187-197. [More Information]
  • Barba, L., Bose, P., Damian, M., Fagerberg, R., Keng, W., O'Rourke, J., van Renssen, A., Taslakian, P., Verdonschot, S., Xia, G. (2014). New and improved spanning ratios for Yao graphs. 30th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG 2014, Kyoto, Japan: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). [More Information]


  • Bose, P., van Renssen, A., Verdonschot, S. (2013). On the spanning ratio of theta-graphs. 13th International Symposium on Algorithms and Data Structures, London, Canada: Springer. [More Information]
  • Barba, L., Bose, P., De Carufel, J., van Renssen, A., Verdonschot, S. (2013). On the stretch factor of the theta-4 graph. 13th International Symposium on Algorithms and Data Structures, London, Canada: Springer. [More Information]
  • Bose, P., Morin, P., van Renssen, A., Verdonschot, S. (2013). The (theta)5-graph is a spanner. 39th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Lubeck, Germany: Springer Verlag. [More Information]


  • Bose, P., Fagerberg, R., van Renssen, A., Verdonschot, S. (2012). Competitive routing in the half-Theta 6-graph. 23rd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2012), Kyoto: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
  • Bose, P., Fagerberg, R., van Renssen, A., Verdonschot, S. (2012). Competitive routing on a bounded-degree plane spanner. 24th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2012), Charlottetown: Elsevier.
  • Bose, P., Fagerberg, R., van Renssen, A., Verdonschot, S. (2012). On plane constrained bounded-degree spanners. 10th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics (LATIN 2012), Berlin: Springer. [More Information]


  • Bose, P., Jansens, D., van Renssen, A., Saumell, M., Verdonschot, S. (2011). Making triangulations 4-connected using flips. 23rd Annual Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2011), Toronto: Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry.
  • van Renssen, A., Speckmann, B. (2011). The 2x2 simple packing problem. 23rd Annual Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2011), Toronto: Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry.


  • Meulemans, W., van Renssen, A., Speckmann, B. (2010). Area-preserving subdivision schematization. 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010), Zurich: Springer. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Algorithms for Future-Proof Networks, Gudmundsson J, van Renssen A, Umboh S, Umboh S, Berg M, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)

International collaboration

  • Carleton University [Canada]

    Prof. Prosenjit Bose
    Computational Geometry Lab, School of Computer Science