Journals | - John, A., Taheri, M., Yuwono, J., Kumar, P., Nisbet, D., Murugappan, K., Tricoli, A. (2024). A monolithic nano-scale sensor architecture with tuneable gas diffusion for molecular fingerprinting. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. [More Information]
- Bandara, Y., Dutt, S., Karawdeniya, B., Saharia, J., Kluth, P., Tricoli, A. (2024). A Robust Parallel Computing Data Extraction Framework for Nanopore Experiments. Small Methods. [More Information]
- Abideen, Z., Arifeen, W., Tricoli, A. (2024). Advances in flame synthesis of nano-scale architectures for chemical, biomolecular, plasmonic, and light sensing. Nanoscale, 16(16), 7752-7785. [More Information]
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