Professor Antonio Tricoli

Professor Antonio Tricoli

Antonio Tricoli is Professor of Materials Science at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Sydney, where he leads the Nanotechnology Research Laboratory, and Associate Editor of the Chemical Engineering Journal. His research focuses on understanding light-matter interactions over multi-scale interfaces for the design of innovative materials and devices with application in Personalized Medicine and Renewable Energy. Antonio received his bachelor and master degrees in Mechanical and Process Engineering, and his PhD in Nanotechnology from ETH Zurich. He completed his tenure at the Australian National University in 2016 and was promoted to Professor of Engineering in 2019. He is founding member and co-chair of the inaugural 2017 ANU Grand Challenge strategic research program “Our Health in Our Hands”, which brings together a large multidisciplinary team of scientists from HASS and STEM disciplines aiming at developing transformative technologies to better manage our health. He is author of more than 100 scientific publications, including book chapters and journal articles. He is recipient of the 2010 HILTI Prize for the most innovative PhD thesis of ETH Zurich, the 2012 Future Engineering Research Leadership Fellowship of the Australian National University, a 2015 Westpac Research Fellowships, a 2016 Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Award and a 2020 ARC Future Fellowship.

Personalized Medicine, Biomedical Sensors, Renewable Energy Storate, Renewable Fuels, Functional Coatings, Nanomaterials, Electrochemistry

Project titleResearch student
Design of Electronic Nose for Volatile Biomarker RecognitionFabian Steven GARAY RAIRAN
MEMS Enabled reconfigurable Piezo-photonicsSher Ali NAWAZ


Book Chapters

  • Tricoli, A., Bo, R. (2020). Nanoparticle-based biomedical sensors. In Paolo Milani, Mukhles Sowwan (Eds.), Cluster Beam Deposition of Functional Nanomaterials and Devices (Frontiers of Nanoscience Volume 15), (pp. 247-269). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. [More Information]
  • Noushin, N., Tricoli, A. (2019). Nanomaterials-based UV photodetectors. In Sabu Thomas, Yves Grohens, Yasir Beeran Pottathara (Eds.), Industrial Applications of Nanomaterials, (pp. 123-149). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier Inc. [More Information]


  • John, A., Taheri, M., Yuwono, J., Kumar, P., Nisbet, D., Murugappan, K., Tricoli, A. (2024). A monolithic nano-scale sensor architecture with tuneable gas diffusion for molecular fingerprinting. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. [More Information]
  • Bandara, Y., Dutt, S., Karawdeniya, B., Saharia, J., Kluth, P., Tricoli, A. (2024). A Robust Parallel Computing Data Extraction Framework for Nanopore Experiments. Small Methods. [More Information]
  • Abideen, Z., Arifeen, W., Tricoli, A. (2024). Advances in flame synthesis of nano-scale architectures for chemical, biomolecular, plasmonic, and light sensing. Nanoscale, 16(16), 7752-7785. [More Information]


  • Manjunath,, S., Karawdeniya,, B., John,, A., Murugappan,, K., Tricoli, A., Neshev,, D. (2022). Metal-organic framework decorated dielectric metasurfaces for optical sensing of VOC. Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2014, : SPIE.


  • John, A., Taheri, M., Yuwono, J., Kumar, P., Nisbet, D., Murugappan, K., Tricoli, A. (2024). A monolithic nano-scale sensor architecture with tuneable gas diffusion for molecular fingerprinting. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. [More Information]
  • Bandara, Y., Dutt, S., Karawdeniya, B., Saharia, J., Kluth, P., Tricoli, A. (2024). A Robust Parallel Computing Data Extraction Framework for Nanopore Experiments. Small Methods. [More Information]
  • Abideen, Z., Arifeen, W., Tricoli, A. (2024). Advances in flame synthesis of nano-scale architectures for chemical, biomolecular, plasmonic, and light sensing. Nanoscale, 16(16), 7752-7785. [More Information]


  • Wei, S., Li, Z., Murugappan, K., Li, Z., Zhang, F., Saraswathyvilasam, A., Lysevych, M., Tan, H., Jagadish, C., Tricoli, A., et al (2023). A Self-Powered Portable Nanowire Array Gas Sensor for Dynamic NO2 Monitoring at Room Temperature. Advanced Materials, 35(12). [More Information]
  • Ghosh Dastidar, M., Schumann, U., Lu, T., Liu, Y., Nisbet, D., Natoli, R., Murugappan, K., Tricoli, A. (2023). A simple yet highly sensitive and selective aptasensor architecture for rapid and portable miRNA detection. Chemical Engineering Journal, 454. [More Information]
  • Bandara, N., Karawdeniya, B., Dutt, S., Zhou, T., Afrin, N., Moazzam, P., Tricoli, A., Kluth, P. (2023). Advancements in the performance of nanopore sensing and its implications towards the identification of biomarkers. Biophysical Journal, 122(3S1). [More Information]


  • Brew-Sam, N., Desborough, J., Parkinson, A., Murugappan, K., Daskalaki, E., Brown, E., Ebbeck, H., Pedley, L., Hannon, K., Brown, K., Tricoli, A., et al (2022). A user preference analysis of commercial breath ketone sensors to inform the development of portable breath ketone sensors for diabetes management in young people. PloS One, 17(7 July). [More Information]
  • Lu, H., Zhao, Y., Saji, S., Yin, X., Wibowo, A., Tang, C., Xi, S., Cao, P., Tebyetekerwa, M., Liu, B., Tricoli, A., et al (2022). All room-temperature synthesis, N2 photofixation and reactivation over 2D cobalt oxides. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 304(2022), 121001. [More Information]
  • Ta, X., Daiyan, R., Nguyen, T., Amal, R., Tran, P., Tricoli, A. (2022). Alternatives to Water Photooxidation for Photoelectrochemical Solar Energy Conversion and Green H2 Production. Advanced Energy Materials, 12(42). [More Information]


  • John, A., Murugappan, K., Nisbet, D., Tricoli, A. (2021). An outlook of recent advances in chemiresistive sensor-based electronic nose systems for food quality and environmental monitoring. Sensors, 21(7), 2271. [More Information]
  • Hou, T., Liu, B., Sun, X., Fan, A., Xu, Z., Cai, S., Zheng, C., Yu, G., Tricoli, A. (2021). Covalent Coupling-Stabilized Transition-Metal Sulfide/Carbon Nanotube Composites for Lithium/Sodium-Ion Batteries. ACS Nano, 15(4), 6735-6746. [More Information]
  • Zhao, G., Yao, Y., Lu, W., Liu, G., Guo, X., Tricoli, A., Zhu, Y. (2021). Direct Observation of Oxygen Evolution and Surface Restructuring on Mn2O3Nanocatalysts Using in Situ and Ex Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy. Nano Letters, 21(16), 7012-7020. [More Information]


  • Heya, M., Gao, X., Tricoli, A., Lipinski, W. (2020). Effect of specific surface area on syngas production performance of pure ceria in high-temperature thermochemical redox cycling coupled to methane partial oxidation. RSC Advances, 10(60), 36617-36626. [More Information]
  • Pargoletti, E., Hossain, U., Di Bernardo, I., Chen, H., Tran-Phu, T., Chiarello, G., Lipton-Duffin, J., Pifferi, V., Tricoli, A., Cappelletti, G. (2020). Engineering of SnO2-Graphene Oxide Nanoheterojunctions for Selective Room-Temperature Chemical Sensing and Optoelectronic Devices. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12(35), 39549-39560. [More Information]
  • Liu, G., Karuturi, S., Chen, H., Wang, D., Ager, J., Simonov, A., Tricoli, A. (2020). Enhancement of the photoelectrochemical water splitting by perovskite BiFeO3 via interfacial engineering. Solar Energy, 202, 198-203. [More Information]


  • Pargoletti, E., Tricoli, A., Pifferi, V., Orsini, S., Longhi, M., Guglielmi, V., Cerrato, G., Falciola, L., Derudi, M., Cappelletti, G. (2019). An electrochemical outlook upon the gaseous ethanol sensing by graphene oxide-SnO 2 hybrid materials. Applied Surface Science, 483, 1081-1089. [More Information]
  • Wainer, P., Kendall, O., Lamb, A., Barrow, S., Tricoli, A., Gómez, D., Van Embden, J., Della Gaspera, E. (2019). Continuous Growth Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanocrystals with Tunable Size and Doping. Chemistry of Materials, 31(23), 9604-9613. [More Information]
  • Pistone, A., Iannazzo, D., Celesti, C., Piperopoulos, E., Ashok, D., Cembran, A., Tricoli, A., Nisbet, D. (2019). Engineering of chitosan-hydroxyapatite-magnetite hierarchical scaffolds for guided bone growth. Materials, 12(14), 2321. [More Information]


  • Liu, G., Tran-Phu, T., Chen, H., Tricoli, A. (2018). A Review of Metal- and Metal-Oxide-Based Heterogeneous Catalysts for Electroreduction of Carbon Dioxide. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2(8-9), 1800028. [More Information]
  • Wong, W., Tricoli, A. (2018). Cassie-Levitated Droplets for Distortion-Free Low-Energy Solid-Liquid Interactions. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10(16), 13999-14007. [More Information]
  • Wong, W., Gengenbach, T., Nguyen, H., Gao, X., Craig, V., Tricoli, A. (2018). Dynamically Gas-Phase Switchable Super(de)wetting States by Reversible Amphiphilic Functionalization: A Powerful Approach for Smart Fluid Gating Membranes. Advanced Functional Materials, 28(2), 1704423. [More Information]


  • Naz, M., Nasiri, N., Ikram, M., Nafees, M., Qureshi, M., Ali, S., Tricoli, A. (2017). Eco-friendly biosynthesis, anticancer drug loading and cytotoxic effect of capped ag-nanoparticles against breast cancer. Applied Nanoscience, 7(8), 793-802. [More Information]
  • Bo, R., Nasiri, N., Chen, H., Caputo, D., Fu, L., Tricoli, A. (2017). Low-voltage high-performance UV photodetectors: An interplay between grain boundaries and debye length. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9(3), 2606-2615. [More Information]
  • Wong, W., Liu, G., Nasiri, N., Hao, C., Wang, Z., Tricoli, A. (2017). Omnidirectional Self-Assembly of Transparent Superoleophobic Nanotextures. ACS Nano, 11(1), 587-596. [More Information]


  • Zhang, T., Costigan, P., Varshney, N., Tricoli, A. (2016). Disposable micro stir bars by photodegradable organic encapsulation of hematite-magnetite nanoparticles. RSC Advances, 6(40), 33843-33850. [More Information]
  • Gao, X., Vidal, A., Bayon, A., Bader, R., Hinkley, J., Lipinski, W., Tricoli, A. (2016). Efficient ceria nanostructures for enhanced solar fuel production: Via high-temperature thermochemical redox cycles. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4(24), 9614-9624. [More Information]
  • Mayon, Y., Duong, T., Nasiri, N., White, T., Tricoli, A., Catchpole, K. (2016). Flame-made ultra-porous TiO2 layers for perovskite solar cells. Nanotechnology, 27(50), 505403. [More Information]


  • Wong, W., Nasiri, N., Liu, G., Rumsey-Hill, N., Craig, V., Nisbet, D., Tricoli, A. (2015). Flexible Transparent Hierarchical Nanomesh for Rose Petal-Like Droplet Manipulation and Lossless Transfer. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2(9). [More Information]
  • Zhang, T., Go, M., Stricker, C., Daria, V., Tricoli, A. (2015). Low-cost photo-responsive nanocarriers by one-step functionalization of flame-made titania agglomerates with l-Lysine. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3(8), 1677-1687. [More Information]
  • Liu, G., Hall, J., Nasiri, N., Gengenbach, T., Spiccia, L., Cheah, M., Tricoli, A. (2015). Scalable Synthesis of Efficient Water Oxidation Catalysts: Insights into the Activity of Flame-Made Manganese Oxide Nanocrystals. ChemSusChem, 8(24), 4162-4171. [More Information]


  • Ou, J., Wang, F., Huang, Y., Li, D., Jiang, Y., Qin, Q., Stachurski, Z., Tricoli, A., Zhang, T. (2014). Fabrication and cyto-compatibility of Fe3O4/SiO2/graphene-CdTe QDs/CS nanocomposites for drug delivery. Colloids And Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 117, 466-472. [More Information]
  • Wong, W., Nasiri, N., Rodriguez, A., Nisbet, D., Tricoli, A. (2014). Hierarchical amorphous nanofibers for transparent inherently super-hydrophilic coatings. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2(37), 15575-15581. [More Information]
  • Yu, Y., Chen, H., Liu, Y., Craig, V., Li, L., Chen, Y., Tricoli, A. (2014). Porous carbon nanotube/polyvinylidene fluoride composite material: Superhydrophobicity/superoleophilicity and tunability of electrical conductivity. Polymer, 55(22), 5616-5622. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Lowering the cost of proton exchange water electrolysis systems, Tricoli A, Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)/Strategic Research Initiative
  • Research and Translation Hub for Environmental Remediation Technologies, Tricoli A, Kaisare N, Montoya A, Rabha S, D'Alessandro D, Varghese J, Solomon M, Goyal H, Miller K, Sahu S, Gu Q, Kueh C, Roy S, Ramanujam K, Office of Global Engagement/International SDG Collaboration Program
  • University of Sydney, Advanced Manufacturing Alkaline Electrolyser Cell-Stacks for Affordable and Scalable Green Hydrogen Production, Tricoli A, Li F, Hocking R, Simonov A, Evans D, Swiegers G, Toogood G, Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)/Competitive Component R&D Project


  • Versatile water electrolysis systems based on liquid-to-gas separator-electrode assemblies, Tricoli A, US Office of Naval Research (USA)/Research Grants
  • Advanced Manufacturing of Next Generation Fluorine-Free High-Performance Easy-Clean Optical Coatings - Carl Zeiss Vision Australia, Tricoli A, Carl Zeiss Vision Australia Holdings Pty Ltd/Client Commissioned Research
  • Boron-doped diamond based electrolysis: Giving a second life to industrial waste water, Tricoli A, Ramanujan K, Aguey-Zinsou K, Rao M, Liu W, Das G, Liu B, Office of Global Engagement/Partnership Collaboration Awards