Dr Ruigang Wang
Research Associate
Australian Centre for Field Robotics
Australian Centre for Field Robotics
+61 2 8627 8258
J07 - Mechanical Engineering Building
The University of Sydney
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- Wang, R., Tóth, R., Koelewijn, P., Manchester, I. (2024). Virtual control contraction metrics: Convex nonlinear feedback design via behavioral embedding. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. [More Information]
- Wang, R., Barbara, N., Revay, M., Manchester, I. (2023). Learning over All Stabilizing Nonlinear Controllers for a Partially-Observed Linear System. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7, 91-96. [More Information]
- Revay, M., Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2023). Recurrent Equilibrium Networks: Flexible Dynamic Models with Guaranteed Stability and Robustness. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. [More Information]
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- Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2023). Direct Parameterization of Lipschitz-Bounded Deep Networks. 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2023, NA: ML Research Press.
- Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2022). Youla-REN: Learning Nonlinear Feedback Policies with Robust Stability Guarantees. Proceedings of the American Control Conference, : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Revay, M., Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2021). A Convex Parameterization of Robust Recurrent Neural Networks. 2021 American Control Conference (ACC 2021), New Orleans: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
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- Wang, R., Tóth, R., Koelewijn, P., Manchester, I. (2024). Virtual control contraction metrics: Convex nonlinear feedback design via behavioral embedding. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. [More Information]
- Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2023). Direct Parameterization of Lipschitz-Bounded Deep Networks. 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2023, NA: ML Research Press.
- Wang, R., Barbara, N., Revay, M., Manchester, I. (2023). Learning over All Stabilizing Nonlinear Controllers for a Partially-Observed Linear System. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7, 91-96. [More Information]
- Revay, M., Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2023). Recurrent Equilibrium Networks: Flexible Dynamic Models with Guaranteed Stability and Robustness. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. [More Information]
- Yi, B., Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2022). Reduced-Order Nonlinear Observers Via Contraction Analysis and Convex Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(8), 4045-4060. [More Information]
- Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2022). Youla-REN: Learning Nonlinear Feedback Policies with Robust Stability Guarantees. Proceedings of the American Control Conference, : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Revay, M., Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2021). A Convex Parameterization of Robust Recurrent Neural Networks. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 5(4), 1363-1368. [More Information]
- Revay, M., Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2021). A Convex Parameterization of Robust Recurrent Neural Networks. 2021 American Control Conference (ACC 2021), New Orleans: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Manchester, I., Revay, M., Wang, R. (2021). Contraction-Based Methods for Stable Identification and Robust Machine Learning: A Tutorial. 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2021, Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
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- Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2020). Continuous-time Dynamic Realization for Nonlinear Stabilization via Control Contraction Metrics. 2020 American Control Conference (ACC 2020), Denver: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Yi, B., Wang, R., Manchester, I. (2020). On Necessary Conditions of Tracking Control for Nonlinear Systems via Contraction Analysis. 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2020, Jeju Island: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Wang, R., Bao, J., Yao, Y. (2019). A data-centric predictive control approach for nonlinear chemical processes. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 142, 154-164. [More Information]
- Wang, R., Bao, J. (2019). A differential Lyapunov-based tube MPC approach for continuous-time nonlinear processes. Journal of Process Control, 83, 155-163. [More Information]
- Wang, R., Zhang, X., Bao, J. (2019). A self-interested distributed economic model predictive control approach to battery energy storage networks. Journal of Process Control, 73, 9-18. [More Information]
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- Wang, R., Tan, C., Bao, J., Hussain, M. (2018). A modified moving horizon estimation scheme for multi-timescale chemical processes. 1st Australian and New Zealand Control Conference, ANZCC 2017, Australia: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Zhang, X., Wang, R., Bao, J. (2018). A novel distributed economic model predictive control approach for building air-conditioning systems in microgrids. Mathematics, 6(4), 60. [More Information]
- Lei, Q., Wang, R., Bao, J. (2018). Fault diagnosis based on dissipativity property. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 108, 360-371. [More Information]
- Wang, R., Lei, Q., Bao, J. (2017). A behavior based robust fault detection approach for LTI systems. 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2017), Gold Coast: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Wang, R., Bao, J. (2017). Advanced-step Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Based on Contraction Analysis. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1), 9071-9076. [More Information]
- Zhang, X., Wang, R., Bao, J., Skyllas-Kazacos, M. (2017). Control of distributed energy storage systems in residential microgrids. 2016 Australian Control Conference, AuCC 2016, United States: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
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- Wang, R., Bao, J. (2016). Asymptotic Tracking of Periodic Operation Based on Control Contraction Metrics. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(7), 574-578. [More Information]
- Wang, R., Bao, J. (2015). Decentralized control of polynomial systems using differential dissipativity. 2015 IEEE Conference on Control and Applications (CCA 2015), Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Bao, J., Wang, R. (2015). Distributed Plantwide Process Control based on Dissipativity. 5th Australian Control Conference, AUCC 2015, United States: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
- Wang, R., Tippett, M., Bao, J. (2015). Fast wavelet-based model predictive control of differentially flat systems. Processes, 3(1), 161-177. [More Information]
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