Professor Wei Chen

Professor Wei Chen

Head of School, Biomedical Engineering
Professor Wei Chen

Prof. Wei Chen is Head of School of Biomedical Engineering and full Professor at the University of Sydney. She received B. Eng. degree and M. Eng. degree from Xian Jiaotong University, China. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in 2007 from the University of Melbourne, Australia. She worked at Bell Laboratories Germany, Alcatel-Lucent, Stuttgart, Germany as an intern in 2005. From 2007 to 2015, she was an Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. From 2015 to 2023, she worked as a full Professor and Director of Center of Intelligent Medical Electronics at School of Information Science and Technology and Director of the Physiological Signal and Sleep platform in the Human Phenome Institute at Fudan University. She serves/served as Chair of IEEE Sensor and Systems Council China Chapter (2020-2022), Managing Editor of IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering (RBME) (2020-2022), Associate Editor of IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME), IEEE Journal on Biomedical Health Informatics (JBHI), IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE), IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM), Editorial Board member of Phenomics and the IEEE EMBS AdCom Asia/Pacific representative.

Unobtrusive sensor systems and health informatics, wearable sensor systems, health monitoring system design for people from neonates to elderly, physiological and behavioral data sensing and analysis, intelligent health sensing and multimodal approaches for health regulation, patient health monitoring, home monitoring, artificial intelligence, biomedical signal processing, ambient intelligence, sleep monitoring, neonatal monitoring, brain activity monitoring, smart rehabilitation, medical devices and instrument.

Teaching and supervision in the areas of unobtrusive sensor systems and health informatics. Prof. Chen has graduated more than 25 PhD students, more than 40 master students and more than 100 bachelor students. Projects for PhD, Postdocs, Master and Bacholar students are open for applications. Please contact

- Unobtrusive sensor systems for healthcare

- Physiological and behavioural data processing

- Intelligent multimodal systems for health regulation

Previous Projects:

• EU H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017, 1.53 million Euro, project title: HEART-HEalth related Activity Recognition system based on IoT, 2017.9-2020.12. In collaboration with Philips, KU Leuven, and University of Macerata, Italy.

• EU Horizon 2020 PHC 26-2014, € 4.7 million, project title – “DO Cardiac Health: Advanced New Generation Ecosystem (DO CHANGE)”, 2015-2018.

• Philips Research project, 150k Euro, project title: Neonatal sleep monitoring, 2019- 2023

• Philips Research project, 130k RMB, project title: Mobile fetal monitoring, 2017- 2018

• EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate program, € 5 million, project title - “Cognitive and Interactive Environments Doctorate program (ICE)”, 2009-2017.

• IOP IPCR (Netherlands Innovation funding), € 1 million, project title - “Developing Transformative Design Strategies and Tools to build and measure products and services for “Social Wellbeing” (Design for Wellbeing/DfW)”, 2009-2012.

•Point One (SenterNovem), € 1.4 million, project title - “Embedded Neonatal Monitoring (E-NEMO)”, 2010-2013. In collaboration with Philips Research and Maxima Medical Center in the Netherlands.

•STW Autonomous Sensor Systems, € 900k, project title – “Smart Energy Body Area Sensor Networks for Pregnancy Monitoring (SEBAN)”, 2010-2014. In collaboration with Philips Research and Maxima Medical Center in the Netherlands.

•NWO Aspasia 2015, € 200k

•Netherlands VIVIS funding, € 79k, “Bioresponse of physiological signals of blind and mentally disabled patients”, partners: Vrij University Amsterdam, Bartimeus care center, 2015-2016.

•“AI algorithm for automatic sleep staging”, Jiahao Fan, Wei Zhou, Hangyu Zhu, Chen Chen and Wei Chen, 1st prize, 2021 AI sleep staging contests.

•“Wearable system for neonatal seizure monitoring”, Hongyu Chen Xiao Gu, Ke Xu, Zhenning Mei and Wei Chen, Silver medal, 2018 Geneva Invention Expo.

• “Wearable sensor system for rehabilitation”, Shenjie Bao, Shubao Yin, Hongyu Chen, Zeguo Shao and Wei Chen, 1st prize, 2018 Intelligent Robotics Contest.

• 2022 IEEE EMBS best paper awards

• “Excellent supervisor award”, 2017 & 2018 Innovation in Biomedical Engineering Contest.

• "Smart Neck Supporting System for Stress Free Air Travel", Dr. C.F. Tan, Dr. W. Chen and Prof. M. Rauterberg, Bronze medal, Malaysia Technology Expo 2011, 17-19 Feb. 2011.

•“Smart NICU jacket” project by S. Bouwstra, Dr. W. Chen, Prof. dr. S. Bambang Oetomo, and Prof. dr. ir. L. Feijs received Brainport award nomination in March 2009 and 2nd prize of the TU/e excellent award, June 2009.

• Netherlands best thesis on the topic of innovation in health care, Misha Croes, supervised by Prof. dr. ir. Loe Feijs, Dr. Wei Chen, and Prof. dr. Sidarto Bambang Oetomo, March 2011.

• 2nd Prize of the Netherlands best thesis award on the topic of innovation in health care the (Ruimte voor Innovatie Scriptieprijs 2013), Rik van Donselaar, supervised by Dr. Wei Chen, March 2013.

• Idowu Ayoola, 1st year PhD student, supervised by Dr. Wei Chen and Prof. Loe Feijs, "A Telemedical System for Behavioral Intervention", Best presentation award, IEEE EMBS Summer School on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Telemedicine, Aug. 2013, Slovakia.

•Mart Wetzels, 1st year PhD student, supervised by Dr. Wei Chen, Prof. Loe Feijs, Prof. Panos Markopoulos, " Contextualisation and Mining of Personal Activity: Designing for the user experience of cardiovascular patients by information fusion", 2nd prize best presentation award, IEEE EMBS Summer School on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Telemedicine, Aug. 2015, Slovakia.

•Qi Wang, 2nd year PhD student, supervised by Dr. Wei Chen and Prof. Panos Markopoulos, “Smart rehabilitation garment design”, invited to present at Global Design Show, Dubai Design Week, 26-31 October 2015.

•Sibrecht Bouwstra, Cum Laude PhD thesis (top 5%), NICU neonatal monitoring - Designing for the parent-to-infant bonding experience, Oct. 2013.

•Leonid Ivonin, Cum Laude PhD thesis (top 5%), Digitizing archetypal human experience through physiological signals, May 2014.

•Huang-Ming Chang, Cum Laude PhD thesis (top 5%), Emotions in archetypal media content, Sept. 2014

Project titleResearch student
Unobtrusive Sensor Systems for HealthcareShilei WANG
Multimodal Systems for Health RegulationTian YANG
Home-use ear EEG systemChutao YAO



  • Wang, Y., Lin, W., Peng, H., Zhou, L., Chen, W., Hu, B. (2024). A Robust Causal Brain Network Measure and Its Application on Ictal Electrocorticogram Analysis of Drug-Resistant Epilepsy. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 32, 1851-1862. [More Information]
  • Zeng, Z., Tao, L., Zhu, H., Zhu, Y., Meng, L., Fan, J., Chen, C., Chen, W. (2024). A Robust Gaze Estimation Approach via Exploring Relevant Electrooculogram Features and Optimal Electrodes Placements. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 12, 56-65. [More Information]
  • Wang, Z., Ding, Y., Yuan, W., Chen, H., Chen, W., Chen, C. (2024). Active Claw-Shaped Dry Electrodes for EEG Measurement in Hair Areas. Bioengineering, 11(3). [More Information]


  • Chen, H., Gu, X., Mei, Z., Xu, K., Yang, K., Lu, C., Wang, L., Shu, F., Xu, Q., Bambang Oetomo, S., et al (2017). A wearable sensor system for neonatal seizure monitoring. 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, BSN 2017, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. [More Information]


  • Wang, Y., Lin, W., Peng, H., Zhou, L., Chen, W., Hu, B. (2024). A Robust Causal Brain Network Measure and Its Application on Ictal Electrocorticogram Analysis of Drug-Resistant Epilepsy. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 32, 1851-1862. [More Information]
  • Zeng, Z., Tao, L., Zhu, H., Zhu, Y., Meng, L., Fan, J., Chen, C., Chen, W. (2024). A Robust Gaze Estimation Approach via Exploring Relevant Electrooculogram Features and Optimal Electrodes Placements. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 12, 56-65. [More Information]
  • Wang, Z., Ding, Y., Yuan, W., Chen, H., Chen, W., Chen, C. (2024). Active Claw-Shaped Dry Electrodes for EEG Measurement in Hair Areas. Bioengineering, 11(3). [More Information]


  • Zhou, W., Zhu, H., Shen, N., Chen, H., Fu, C., Yu, H., Shu, F., Chen, C., Chen, W. (2023). A Lightweight Segmented Attention Network for Sleep Staging by Fusing Local Characteristics and Adjacent Information. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 31, 238-247. [More Information]
  • Huang, X., Tang, J., Luo, J., Shu, F., Chen, C., Chen, W. (2023). A Wearable Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) System for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 31, 1837-1846. [More Information]
  • Irfan, M., Shun, P., Felix, B., Mustafa, N., Abbasi, S., Nahli, A., Subasi, A., Westerlund, T., Chen, W. (2023). An IoT-Based Noncontact ECG System: Sole of the Feet/Hands Palm. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 10(21), 18718-18732. [More Information]


  • Zhou, W., Zhao, X., Wang, X., Zhou, Y., Wang, Y., Meng, L., Fan, J., Shen, N., Zhou, S., Chen, W., et al (2022). A Hybrid Expert System for Individualized Quantification of Electrical Status Epilepticus During Sleep Using Biogeography-Based Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 30, 1920-1930. [More Information]
  • Akbarzadeh, S., Ghayvat, H., Chen, C., Zhao, X., Hosier, S., Yuan, W., Pun, S., Chen, W. (2022). A Simple Fabrication, Low Noise, Capacitive Tactile Sensor for Use in Inexpensive and Smart Healthcare Systems. IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(9), 9069-9077. [More Information]
  • Dong, C., Ye, T., Long, X., Aarts, R., Van Dijk, J., Shang, C., Liao, X., Chen, W., Lai, W., Chen, L., et al (2022). A Two-Layer Ensemble Method for Detecting Epileptic Seizures Using a Self-Annotation Bracelet With Motor Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71. [More Information]


  • Chen, C., Xu, Y., Wang, Z., Sun, C., Zhao, X., Fan, J., Niemarkt, H., Andriessen, P., Wang, L., Chen, W. (2021). A digitized approach for amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram transformation towards a standardized procedure. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 66. [More Information]
  • Awais, M., Long, X., Yin, B., Abbasi, S., Akbarzadeh, S., Lu, C., Wang, X., Wang, L., Zhang, J., Dudink, J., et al (2021). A Hybrid DCNN-SVM Model for Classifying Neonatal Sleep and Wake States Based on Facial Expressions in Video. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25(5), 1441-1449. [More Information]
  • Zhang, Y., Chen, Z., Tian, H., Kido, K., Ono, N., Chen, W., Tamura, T., Altaf-Ul-Amin, M., Kanaya, S., Huang, M. (2021). A Real-Time Portable IoT System for Telework Tracking. Frontiers in Digital Health, 3. [More Information]


  • Sun, C., Chen, C., Li, W., Fan, J., Chen, W. (2020). A Hierarchical Neural Network for Sleep Stage Classification Based on Comprehensive Feature Learning and Multi-Flow Sequence Learning. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 24(5), 1351-1366. [More Information]
  • Zhao, X., Wang, X., Chen, C., Fan, J., Yu, X., Wang, Z., Akbarzadeh, S., Li, Q., Zhou, S., Chen, W. (2020). A knowledge-based approach for automatic quantification of epileptiform activity in children with electrical status epilepticus during sleep. Journal of Neural Engineering, 17(4). [More Information]
  • Diao, Y., Ma, Y., Ma, Y., Xu, D., Chen, W., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. (2020). A novel gait parameter estimation method for healthy adults and postoperative patients with an ear-worn sensor. Physiological Measurement, 41(5). [More Information]


  • Sun, C., Chen, C., Fan, J., Li, W., Zhang, Y., Chen, W. (2019). A hierarchical sequential neural network with feature fusion for sleep staging based on EOG and RR signals. Journal of Neural Engineering, 16(6). [More Information]
  • Jiang, X., Xu, K., Zhang, R., Ren, H., Chen, W. (2019). A redundancy removed, dual-tree, discretewavelet transform to construct compact representations for automated seizure detection. Applied Sciences, 9(23). [More Information]
  • Sun, C., Fan, J., Chen, C., Li, W., Chen, W. (2019). A two-stage neural network for sleep stage classification based on feature learning, sequence learning, and data augmentation. IEEE Access, 7, 109386-109397. [More Information]


  • Ren, H., Jin, H., Chen, C., Ghayvat, H., Chen, W. (2018). A Novel Cardiac Auscultation Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensing for Healthcare. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 6. [More Information]
  • Mei, Z., Gu, X., Chen, H., Chen, W. (2018). Automatic atrial fibrillation detection based on heart rate variability and spectral features. IEEE Access, 6, 53566-53575. [More Information]
  • Mei, Z., Zhao, X., Chen, H., Chen, W. (2018). Bio-signal complexity analysis in epileptic seizure monitoring: A topic review. Sensors, 18(6). [More Information]


  • Sun, C., Li, W., Chen, W. (2017). A compressed sensing based method for reducing the sampling time of a high resolution pressure sensor array system. Sensors, 17(8). [More Information]
  • Chen, H., Gu, X., Mei, Z., Xu, K., Yang, K., Lu, C., Wang, L., Shu, F., Xu, Q., Bambang Oetomo, S., et al (2017). A wearable sensor system for neonatal seizure monitoring. 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, BSN 2017, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. [More Information]
  • Wang, Q., Markopoulos, P., Yu, B., Chen, W., Timmermans, A. (2017). Interactive wearable systems for upper body rehabilitation: A systematic review. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 14(1). [More Information]


  • Chen, H., Xue, M., Mei, Z., Bambang Oetomo, S., Chen, W. (2016). A review of wearable sensor systems for monitoring body movements of neonates. Sensors, 16(12). [More Information]
  • Kommers, D., Oei, G., Chen, W., Feijs, L., Bambang Oetomo, S. (2016). Suboptimal bonding impairs hormonal, epigenetic and neuronal development in preterm infants, but these impairments can be reversed. Acta Paediatrica, 105(7), 738-751. [More Information]


  • Ivonin, L., Chang, H., Díaz, M., Català, A., Chen, W., Rauterberg, M. (2015). Beyond cognition and affect: Sensing the unconscious. Behaviour and Information Technology, 34(3), 220-238. [More Information]
  • Ayoola, I., Chen, W., Feijs, L. (2015). Camera on vessel: A camera-based system to measure change in water volume in a drinking glass. Sensors, 15(9), 23847-23867. [More Information]
  • Chang, H., Ivonin, L., Díaz, M., Català, A., Chen, W., Rauterberg, M. (2015). Enacting archetypes in movies: grounding the unconscious mind in emotion-driven media. Digital Creativity, 26(2), 154-173. [More Information]


  • Perusquía-Hernández, M., Chen, W., Feijs, L. (2014). Garment design for an ambulatory pregnancy monitoring system. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 8868, 219-227. [More Information]
  • Chang, H., Ivonin, L., Díaz, M., Català, A., Chen, W., Rauterberg, M. (2014). Unspoken Emotions in Movies: The Basis of Emotion-Driven Storytelling Systems. Informatik-Spektrum, 37(6), 539-546. [More Information]


  • Tan, C., Liew, K., Rosley, M., Khalil, S., Tan, B., Lim, T., Chen, W., Rauterberg, M., Said, M. (2013). Conceptual design of an integrated bus passenger seat. World Applied Sciences Journal, 28(5), 722-725. [More Information]
  • Chang, H., Ivonin, L., Díaz, M., Català, A., Chen, W., Rauterberg, M. (2013). From mythology to psychology: Identifying archetypal symbols in movies. Technoetic Arts: a journal of speculative research, 11(2), 99-113. [More Information]
  • Taka, B., Català, A., Martín, D., Van Der Aa, N., Chen, W., Rauterberg, M. (2013). Position and orientation tracking in a ubiquitous monitoring system for parkinson disease patients with freezing of gait symptom. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 1(2). [More Information]


  • Chen, W., Lie, J., Ng, B., Wang, T., Er, M. (2012). Joint gain/phase and mutual coupling array calibration technique with single calibrating source. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2012. [More Information]


  • Chen, W., Hu, J., Bouwstra, S., Bambang Oetomo, S., Feijs, L. (2011). Sensor integration for perinatology research. International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet), 9(1), 38-49. [More Information]


  • Chen, W., Bambang Oetomo, S., Feijs, L., Bouwstra, S., Ayoola, I., Dols, S. (2010). Design of an integrated sensor platform for vital sign monitoring of newborn infants at Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 1(4), 535-554. [More Information]
  • Chen, W., Bambang Oetomo, S., Feijs, L., Andriessen, P., Kimman, F., Geraets, M., Thielen, M. (2010). Rhythm of life aid (ROLA): An integrated sensor system for supporting medical staff during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) of newborn infants. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 14(6), 1468-1474. [More Information]
  • Ouveysi, I., Shu, F., Chen, W., Shen, G., Zukerman, M. (2010). Topology and routing optimization for congestion minimization in optical wireless networks. Optical Switching and Networking, 7(3), 95-107. [More Information]


  • Chen, W., Sonntag, C., Boesten, F., Bambang Oetomo, S., Feijs, L. (2009). A design of power supply for neonatal monitoring with wearable sensors. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 1(2), 185-196. [More Information]
  • Shu, F., Halgamuge, M., Chen, W. (2009). Building automation systems using wireless sensor networks: Radio characteristics and energy efficient communication protocols. Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 9, 66-73.
  • Chen, W., Buchali, F., Yi, X., Shieh, W. (2009). Dynamic PMD mitigation at 10 Gb/s using viterbi equalization in DPSK systems. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 21(4), 191-193. [More Information]


  • Chen, W., Buchali, F., Yi, X., Shieh, W., Evans, J., Tucker, R. (2007). Chromatic dispersion and PMD mitigation at 10 Gb/s using Viterbi equalization for DPSK and DQPSK modulation formats. Optics Express, 15(9), 5271-5276. [More Information]
  • Yi, X., Buchali, F., Chen, W., Shieh, W. (2007). Chromatic dispersion monitoring in electronic dispersion equalizers using tapped delay lines. Optics Express, 15(2), 312-315. [More Information]
  • Shieh, W., Tucker, R., Chen, W., Yi, X., Pendock, G. (2007). Optical performance monitoring in coherent optical OFDM systems. Optics Express, 15(2), 350-356. [More Information]


  • Yi, X., Chen, W., Shieh, W. (2006). An OSNR monitor for optical packet switched networks. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18(13), 1448-1450. [More Information]
  • Shieh, W., Chen, W., Tucker, R. (2006). Polarisation mode dispersion mitigation in coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexed systems. Electronics Letters, 42(17), 996-997. [More Information]


  • Chen, W., Tucker, R., Yi, X., Shieh, W., Evans, J. (2005). Optical signal-to-noise ratio monitoring using uncorrelated beat noise. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17(11), 2484-2486. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Wearable multi-modal sensing, Chen W, Nano Institute/Kickstarter