Bioceramics engineering implant technology

Biotechnology could help improve quality of life – here’s how

3 September 2024
New innovations in bioceramics offer new possibilities
Thanks to groundbreaking research in bioceramics, the future of ageing can be made easier with new technologies in medical implants.

New innovations in bioceramics have the potential to change the way we think about medical implants. As advanced materials manufacturing continues to make ground amidst an ageing population, the possibilities of this field are being noticed.

Moving away from metal implants

Metal materials make up the bulk of medical implants across cranial, dental, stents, joint replacements, scaffolding, as well as help enable healing in bone fractures. This approach comes with its own set of problems, including implant failure, bacterial infections, and with it, subsequent reliance and high costs associated with hospitalisation.

As an ageing population commands longer lifespans and desires for greater quality of life, more sustainable ways of addressing the longevity of medical implants have come to the forefront. For this demographic, bioceramics offer the most promise in enabling longer term bone health.

“Our bioceramics are specifically formulated to support better bone regeneration,” explains Professor Hala Zreiqat.

For an ageing population, where bone healing is often compromised, these materials are designed to target the unique needs of older patients, helping them recover more effectively from injuries or surgeries.
Professor Hala Zreiqat

Image: Bioceramics in a research lab.

Nanotechnology is also a key contributor to the research, leveraging nanostructuring techniques to create materials significantly stronger and tougher than traditional bioceramics.

“It’s a world-first technology that addresses the brittleness typically associated with bioceramics, making them more suitable for use in medical implants, potentially replacing riskier metallic alternatives.”

How bioceramic medical implants improve the healing process

With most implant research focusing on general applications, Professor Zreiqat’s team have taken a long-term approach.

“This research specifically addresses compromised bone healing,” she says. “As we age, our cells lose their ability to regenerate effectively, which can make recovery from bone injuries slower and less complete.”

The development of anti-senescent bioceramic scaffolds is tailored to enhance bone healing in older patients, helping them experience better and faster bone healing, and improving overall quality of life.
Professor Hala Zreiqat

How AI enables faster materials manufacturing sustainably

As part of their research, AI-based predictive modelling has been incorporated into the formulation and synthesis of bioceramic materials – a new approach to this field.

“It not only accelerates the development process,” explains Professor Zreiqat. “But also allows for more precise and efficient creation of materials with optimised properties, ensuring they meet the specific demands of medical industry.”

Generative AI accelerates materials manufacturing by rapidly generating and optimising design prototypes, which can significantly reduce the time required for product development.

By simulating various material properties and manufacturing conditions, AI can identify the most efficient and effective methods for production, minimising waste and reducing energy consumption
Professor Hala Zreiqat
Professor holding bioceramic prototype.

Pictured: Bioceramic prototype.

Generative AI also optimises material use, enabling the creation of lightweight, durable products that require fewer resources to produce and have a longer lifecycle, ultimately reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing processes.

Sustainability embedded in the process

According to Professor Zreiqat, bioceramics offer a more sustainable alternative to metallic implants due to their biocompatibility, degradability, resorption, and ability to integrate with surrounding tissue.

“These properties reduce the need for revision surgeries and associated medical waste, further minimising environmental impact by eliminating the need for implant removal surgeries,” she explains.

Bioceramics can be sourced from abundant, naturally occurring materials, making their production more environmentally friendly.
Professor Hala Zreiqat
Professor Hala Zreiqat

Pictured: Professor Hala Zreiqat.

The future of bioceramics

The team hopes their research and advancements will enable bioceramics to begin replacing traditional metallic implants, offering safer and more effective options for patients, particularly in orthopaedics.

The project’s focus on multidisciplinary collaboration can help drive partnerships with industry leaders, fostering innovation and driving the translation of research findings into real-world applications.

“We expect the integration of an AI platform in bioceramic synthesis and predictive modelling to lead to more efficient and cost-effective production processes, making these materials more accessible to manufacturers,” says Professor Zreiqat.  

Professor Hala Zreiqat

Professor Hala Zreiqat
A leader in the field of biomaterials and tissue engineering
Find out more

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