Intel FPGA circuit board

Computer Engineering Laboratory

New techniques to solve computationally-intensive problems

Our Computer Engineering Laboratory (CEL) houses the latest equipment, including Australia’s only Intel® Hardware Accelerator Research Program (HARP) Xeon+FPGA machine, to enable research into reconfigurable computing, machine learning and nanoscale interfaces.

Intel Corporation Hardware Accelerator Research Program (HARP) Xeon+FPGA machine

This program provides access to a prototype 10 node machine located at the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC²). Each node contains a second generation Intel Xeon+Arria 10 FPGA.

Intel and Xilinx FPGA development boards

CEL has a number of Intel and Xilinx development boards for embedded and server applications.

Software defined radio

Research in applying machine learning to radio frequency signal is being undertaken using software defined radios, such as the Ettus X310.

Nvidia graphics processing units

This is a machine for training deep neural networks, powered by NVIDIA M40 Maxwell architecture graphics processing units.