Microscopic image of hydatid cyst

Image bank

Parasitology image collection
The image bank is a historic archive of images produced by Dr John Walker during his career as a medical parasitologist.
Photo of Dr John Walker with a microscope

Dr John Walker

Dr John Walker is a University of Sydney alumni who worked at the Sydney School of Public Health and Westmead Hospital as a Senior Lecturer in Parasitology for 38 years. His work focused on diagnostic parasitology and epidemiological surveys of gastrointestinal parasites, malaria and filariasis. A major emphasis of his latter work was providing malaria reference laboratory services and maintenance of a register of malaria cases imported into NSW. Dr Walker retired in 2005 but has retained his interest in parasitology.

Image bank samples

Microscopic image of adult male necator

Necator americanus, adult male, bursa from human faeces tissue.

Microscopic image of dermatobia larva

Dermatobia hominis, larva from human subcutaneous lesion tissue.

Microscopic image of dermatobia larva

Fasciola hepatica, section of adult worm from human cervical lymph node tissue.

Microscopic image of trichuris showing spicule

Trichuris trichiura, male cloacal region showing spicule from human faeces tissue.

Microscopic image of hydatid cyst

Echinococcus granulosus, Hydatid cyst, protoscolices from human liver tissue.

Microscopic image of third stage filariform larva

Strongyloides stercoralis, third stage filariform larva from human sputum tissue.

Microscopic image of dermatobia larva

Ascaris lumbricoides, immature egg from human faeces tissue.

Microscopic image of coracidium released from an egg

Diphyllobothrium latum, coracidium released from egg in human faecal smear.