Professor Luke Nottage

Professor Luke Nottage

Professor of Comparative and Transnational Business Law
Co-Director, Australian Network for Japanese Law
Professor Luke Nottage

Dr Luke Nottage is Professor of Comparative and Transnational Business Law at Sydney Law School, specialising in arbitration, contract law, consumer product safety law and corporate governance, with a particular interest in Japan and the Asia-Pacific. He is founding Co-Director of the Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL) and Associate Director of the Centre for Asian and Pacific Law at the University of Sydney. He is also Managing Director of Japanese Law Links Pty Ltd and Special Counsel with Williams Trade Law.

Luke has or had executive roles in the Australia-Japan Society (NSW), the Law Council of Australia, the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA), and the Asia-Pacific Forum for International Arbitration. He has contributed to several looseleaf commentaries and made numerous media appearances and public Submissions to the Australian government especially regarding arbitration and consumer law reform. Luke was admitted as a barrister and solicitor in New Zealand in 1995 and in NSW in 2001. He has consulted for law firms world-wide as well as ASEAN, the European Commission, OECD, UNCTAD, UNDP and the Governments of Japan and Saudi Arabia. Luke is also a Rules committee member of ACICA and on the Panel of Arbitrators for the AIAC (KLRCA), BIAC, CAAI, JCAA, KCAB, NZIAC, SCIA, TAI and THAC. Luke was invited to become a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law, was elected in 2019 as a titular (full) member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, and is a member of the Heterodox Academy. He supervises postgraduate students mostly in international investment law and/or arbitration. Luke was awarded SUPRA Supervisor of the Year in 2019, and ADR Academic of the Year in 2020 by the Australian Disputes Centre.

Luke studied at Kyoto University (LLM, LLD) and Victoria University of Wellington (BCA, LLB, PhD), and first taught at the latter and then Kyushu University Law Faculty, before arriving at the University of Sydney in 2001. He has held fellowships at other leading institutions in Japan and Australia as well as Germany, Italy, Canada, Thailand, Brunei and Singapore. Luke’s 20 books include Product Safety and Liability Law in Japan (Routledge, 2004), Corporate Governance in the 21st Century: Japan’s Gradual Transformation (eds, Elgar 2008),International Arbitration in Australia (eds, Federation Press 2010), Foreign Investment and Dispute Resolution Law and Practice in Asia (eds, Routledge 2011), Consumer Law and Policy in Australia and New Zealand (eds, Federation Press 2013), Asia-Pacific Disaster Management (eds, Springer 2014), Who Rules Japan? Popular Participation in the Japanese Legal Process (eds, Elgar 2015), ASEAN Product Liability and Consumer Product Safety Law (eds, Winyuchon 2016; in English and Thai); Independent Directors in Asia (eds, Cambridge UP 2017), International Investment Treaties and Arbitration Across Asia (eds, Brill 2018), Contract Law in Japan (Kluwer 2019, with Hiroo Sono et al), ASEAN Consumer Law Harmonisation and Cooperation (Cambridge UP, 2019, with Justin Malbon et al), New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (eds, Wolters Kluwer, 2021), International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration: Australia and Japan in Regional and Global Contexts (Elgar, 2021), Comparing Online Legal Education (eds, Intersentia, 2023) and Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration (eds, Springer, 2024). Luke has also published over 250 chapters and refereed or other academic articles, mainly in English and Japanese.

Main teaching responsibilities:

  • Contract Law
  • International Commercial Arbitration
  • International Commercial Transactions
  • International Business Law
  • Japanese Law (Kyoto and Tokyo Seminars)


  • Consumer Contracts and Product Defects
  • Law and Investment in Asia

Doctoral thesis completions:

  • Primary Supervisor for: Peter (Chan) Kwon, 'Reassessing Korean Legal Culture and the Rule of Law: Legal History, Constitutional Review and Negotiations in Cross-Border Finance' (PhD in Law, 2006)
  • Christine Oh, 'Evaluating the framework for international commercial arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in Korea' (SJD, 2003)
  • Australasian Forum for International Arbitration (AFIA) [Council member]
  • Australia-Japan Society [Board member, 2011-2013]
  • Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA) [Special Associate and Rules Committee member]
  • Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL) [founding Co-Director]
  • International Academy of Comparative Law [by election; National Committee co-convenor]
  • International Law Association [Committee for the International Protection of Consumers]
  • Law Council of Australia – International Law Section and ADR Committee
  • Australasian Law Teachers Association
  • German-Japan Association of Jurists (DJJV)
  • International Association of Consumer Law
  • Japanese Association of Sociology of Law (Hoshakaigakkai)
  • Law and Society Association
  • Lawasia
  • New South Wales Bar Association
  • New Zealand Association for Comparative Law
  • New Zealand Law Society
Project titleResearch student
The Meaning of Article 7(1) of the CISG: A Historical and Contemporary InterpretationInma CUMBRERA CONDE
Forum Disruption: The Overweening Application of Mandatory Rules and Public Policy to Transnational Choice of Forum ClausesDaniel FORSTER

Selected publications

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  • Nottage, L. (2021). International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration - Australia and Japan in Regional and Global Contexts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L., Malbon, J., Paterson, J., Beaton-Wells, C. (2019). ASEAN Consumer Law Harmonisation and Cooperation: Achievements and Challenges. TBC. [More Information]
  • Sono, H., Nottage, L., Pardieck, A., Saigusa, K. (2019). Contract Law in Japan. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. [More Information]

Edited Books

  • Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (2024). Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration. Singapore: Springer Singapore.
  • Nottage, L., Ibusuki, M. (2023). Comparing Online Legal Education: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Intersentia Publishing Ltd.
  • Nottage, L., Ali, S., Jetin, B., Teramura, N. (2021). New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.

Book Chapters

  • Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (2024). Bribery and Other Serious Investor Misconduct in Asian International Arbitration. In Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (Eds.), Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration, (pp. 1-36). Singapore: Springer Singapore. [More Information]
  • Khoman, S., Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2024). Foreign Investment, Corruption, Investment Treaties and Arbitration in Thailand. In Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (Eds.), Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration, (pp. 393-421). Singapore: Springer Singapore. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L., Teramura, N. (2024). Foreign Investment, Treaties, Arbitration and Corruption: Comparing Japan. In Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (Eds.), Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration, (pp. 285-310). Singapore: Springer Singapore. [More Information]


  • Nottage, L. (2024). Aggravating Australia’s Arbitration Ambivalence: Zeph’s ISDS Claims. The ACICA Review, 12(2), 50-54. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L., Kozuka, S. (2024). Consumer law redress and administration, product safety regulation and contracts: Comparing Japan and Australia. Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 30(3), 269-295.
  • Nottage, L., Teramura, N., Tanna, J. (2024). Lawyers and Non-Lawyers in International Arbitration: Discovering Diminishing Diversity. Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, 47(2). [More Information]

Edited Journals

  • Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2017). The Journal of World Investment and Trade. Journal of World Investment and Trade, 18(5-6).
  • Nottage, L. (2012). Journal of Japanese Law. Journal of Japanese Law, 34.
  • Bath, V., Nottage, L. (2012). Sydney Law Review: Asian Investment and Finance Law. Sydney Law Review, 34(1).


  • Aoun, F., Nottage, L. (2016). The Rise of Independent Directors in Australia: Adoption, Reform and Uncertainty. 25th Annual Corporate Law Teachers Association (CLTA) Conference 2016, Kensington, NSW: Presentation.
  • Nottage, L. (2015). Consumer Protection Law in International Perspective. Legal Studies Association (NSW) Conference 2015, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
  • Nottage, L. (2015). Investment treaty arbitration 'down under': international implications of policy and politics recently in Australia. 23rd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (ANZSIL) - International Law-Making at a Crossroads: Participants, Processes and Principles, Wellington, New Zealand: Presentation.

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Nottage, L. (2015). ISDS in the TPP Investment Chapter: Mostly More of the Same. Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA) Newsletter #20. [More Information]
  • Monichino, A., Nottage, L. (2013). Blowing Hot and Cold on the International Arbitration Act: Three Waves of Litigation in the Castel v TCL Air Conditioner Dispute. International Law Association, Victoria Chapter: News Bulletin - Issue 8.
  • Nottage, L. (2012). International Commercial Arbitration Developments in Model Law Jurisdictions: Japan Seen from Australia. The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA) Newsletter.


  • Nottage, L., Morrison, J. (2021). International Commercial Arbitration: An Asia Pacific Perspective - 2014 Australia Report.
  • Nottage, L., Eastwood, N. (2021). International Commercial Arbitration: An Asia Pacific Perspective - 2021 Australia Report.
  • Nottage, L. (2016). Investor-State Arbitration Policy and Practice in Australia. [More Information]

Reference Works

  • Nottage, L. (2016). Contract Law in Japan. International Encyclopedia of Laws: Contract Law in Japan. Netherlands: Kluwer Law International.
  • Nottage, L. (2007). Legal Harmonization. In David S. Clark (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives. United States: Sage Publications.
  • Nottage, L. (2006). Commercial Regulation. (Vol. 1, pp. 135-144).


  • Nottage, L. (2017), The Investment Chapter and ISDS in the TPP: Lessons from Southeast Asia. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L. (2016), Submission in response to the Australian Consumer Law Review Issues Paper. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L. (2016), Submission to the Productivity Commission's study of 'Consumer Law Enforcement and Administration'. [More Information]

Research Reports

  • Nottage, L., van Laer, T. (2020). Submission to Australian Parliament Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 inquiry into the Australian Government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Submission 56, (pp. 1 - 15). Canberra, Australia: Parliament of Australia. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L., Anderson, K., Ibusuki, M., Johnson, D. (2011). Research Studies on the Organisation and Functioning of the Justice System in Five Selected Countries (China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation) | Japan Final Report, (pp. 283 - 393). Hanoi, Vietnam: Judicial Publishing House.


  • Nottage, L. (2024). Aggravating Australia’s Arbitration Ambivalence: Zeph’s ISDS Claims. The ACICA Review, 12(2), 50-54. [More Information]
  • Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (2024). Bribery and Other Serious Investor Misconduct in Asian International Arbitration. In Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (Eds.), Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration, (pp. 1-36). Singapore: Springer Singapore. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L., Kozuka, S. (2024). Consumer law redress and administration, product safety regulation and contracts: Comparing Japan and Australia. Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 30(3), 269-295.


  • Nottage, L. (2023). "Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Investor-State Dispute Settlement", by Tomoko Ishikawa (Cambridge University Press, 2023). Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, 20(1), 172-180.
  • Nottage, L. (2023). Australia's (Dis)Engagement with Investor-State Arbitration: A Sequel. The ACICA Review, 11(1), 50-55. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L., Ibusuki, M. (2023). Comparing Online Legal Education: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Intersentia Publishing Ltd.


  • Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2022). ASEAN Economic Integration and Consumer Protection in Southeast Asia. In Geraint Howells, Hans-W Micklitz, Mateja Durovic, Andre Janssen (Eds.), Consumer Protection in Asia, (pp. 515-524). Oxford: Hart Publishing Ltd. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2022). Consumer Product Liability and Safety Regulation: ASEAN in Asia. In Geraint Howells, Hans-W Micklitz, Mateja Durovic, Andre Janssen (Eds.), Consumer Protection in Asia, (pp. 437-449). Oxford: Hart Publishing Ltd. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L., Teramura, N., Tanna, J. (2022). Developing Diversity Within Diversity Discourse: Remembering Non-Lawyers in Arbitration. In Shahla Ali, Filip Balcerzak, Giorgio Colombo, Joshua Karton (Eds.), Diversity in International Arbitration: Why it Matters and How to Sustain It, (pp. 101-118). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. [More Information]


  • Nottage, L. (2021). Confidentiality and Transparency in International Arbitration: Asia-Pacific Tensions and Expectations. In Luke Nottage, Shahla Ali, Bruno Jetin, Nobumichi Teramura (Eds.), New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, (pp. 95-113). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
  • Claxton, J., Nottage, L., Teramura, N. (2021). Disruption as a Catalyst for International Dispute Services in Japan: No Longer Business as Usual? In Luke Nottage, Shahla Ali, Bruno Jetin, Nobumichi Teramura (Eds.), New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, (pp. 237-259). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
  • Nottage, L. (2021). International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration - Australia and Japan in Regional and Global Contexts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]


  • Nottage, L. (2020). Commemorating Harald Baum's 25-Year General Editorship of the Journal of Japanese Law. Journal of Japanese Law, 25(50), 25-27.
  • Nottage, L. (2020). Confidentiality and Transparency in International Arbitration: Asia-Pacific Tensions and Expectations. Asian International Arbitration Journal, 16(1), 1-23.
  • Wolff, L., Colombo, G., Nottage, L., Roberts, H. (2020). Endurance in Japanese Law. Journal of Japanese Law, 49, 1-4.


  • Nottage, L., Malbon, J., Paterson, J., Beaton-Wells, C. (2019). ASEAN Consumer Law Harmonisation and Cooperation: Achievements and Challenges. TBC. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L., Garnett, R. (2019). Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA). In Helene Ruiz Fabri (Eds.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law, (pp. 1-18). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L. (2019). Book review - Piotr Machnikowski (ed), "European Product Liability: An Analysis of the State of the Art in the Era of New Technologies", (Intersentia, Cambridge 2016). Journal of European Tort Law, 10(3), 316-319. [More Information]


  • Claxton, J., Nottage, L. (2018). 'Japan is Back' - for international dispute resolution services. International Arbitration Law Review, 21(1), 1-5.
  • Teramura, N., Nottage, L. (2018). Arbitration Reform in Japan: Reluctant Legislature and Institutional Challenges. In Anselmo Reyes, Weixia Gu (Eds.), The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific, (pp. 83-108). Oxford: Hart Publishing. [More Information]
  • Monichino, A., Nottage, L. (2018). Australia country update. Asian Dispute Review, July, 131-140.


  • Hepburn, J., Nottage, L. (2017). A Procedural Win for Public Health Measures: Philip Morris Asia Ltd v. Commonwealth of Australia, PCA Case No. 2012-12, Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility, 17 December 2015 (Karl-Heinz Bockstiegel, Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, Donald M. McRae). Journal of World Investment and Trade, 18(2), 307-319. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L., Morrison, J. (2017). Accessing and assessing Australia's International Arbitration Act. Journal of International Arbitration, 34(06), 963-1006.
  • Nottage, L., Ubilava, A. (2017). Asia's Changing International Investment Regime: Sustainability, Regionalization and Arbitration, Julien Chaisse, Tomoko Ishikawa and Sufian Jusoh (eds), Springer, 2017, xii + 260pp, ISBN 978-981-10-588. University of Western Australia Law Review, 44(2), 195-208.


  • Nottage, L. (2016). A Weathermap for International Arbitration: Mainly Sunny, Some Cloud, Possible Thunderstorms. In Stavros L. Brekoulakis, Julian D.M. Lew, Loukas A. Mistelis (Eds.), The Evolution and Future of International Arbitration, (pp. 59-77). The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International BV.
  • Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2016). ASEAN Product Liability and Consumer Product Safety Law. Bangkok: Winyuchon Publication House.
  • Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2016). ASEAN Product Liability and Consumer Product Safety Law - Published in Thai. Thailand: Winyuchon Publication House.


  • Nottage, L. (2015). A Weather Map for International Arbitration: Mainly Sunny, Some Clouds, Possible Thunderstorms. American Review of International Arbitration, 26(4), 495-516.
  • Nottage, L. (2015). Consumer Protection Law in International Perspective. Legal Studies Association (NSW) Conference 2015, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
  • Kozuka, S., Nottage, L. (2015). Corporate governance in the EU, the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, and Corporate Governance in Germany, Japan, China and Indonesia: Japan. In Jean Jacques Du Plessis, Anil Hargovan. Mirko Bagaric, Jason Harris (Eds.), Principles of Contemporary Corporate Governance - 3rd Edition, (pp. 433-462). Australia: Cambridge University Press.


  • Butt, S., Nasu, H., Nottage, L. (2014). Asia-Pacific Disaster Management: Comparative and Socio-legal Perspectives. Heidelberg: Springer. [More Information]
  • Nottage, L. (2014). Asia-Pacific regional architecture and consumer product safety regulation beyond Free Trade Agreements. In Not known (Eds.), Trade Agreements at the Crossroads, (pp. 114-138). TBC. [More Information]
  • Campbell, C., Nappert, S., Nottage, L. (2014). Assessing Treaty-Based Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Abandon, Retain or Reform? Transnational Dispute Management, 11(1), i-iv.


  • Malbon, J., Nottage, L. (2013). Appendix: Updated Submission to the Australia Government's Consultation on 'Consumer Voices: Sustaining Advocacy and Research in Australia's New Consumer Policy Framework'. In Justin Malbon and Luke Nottage (Eds.), Consumer Law and Policy in Australia and New Zealand, (pp. 407-424). Sydney, Australia: The Federation Press.
  • Nakamura, T., Nottage, L. (2013). Arbitration in Japan. In Shahla F. Ali and Tom Ginsburg (Eds.), International Commercial Arbitration in Asia 3rd Ed., (pp. 223-262). Huntington, New York: Juris Publishing.
  • Monichino, A., Nottage, L. (2013). Blowing hot and cold on the International Arbitration Act: Three waves of litigation in the Castel v TCL Air Conditioner dispute. Law Society Journal, 51, 56-59.


  • Nottage, L. (2012). Addressing International Arbitration's Ambivalence: Hard Lessons from Australia. In V Bhatia, C Candlin and M Gotti (Eds.), Discourse and Practice in International Commercial Arbitration: Issues, Challenges and Prospects, (pp. 11-43). England: Ashgate. [More Information]
  • Burch, M., Nottage, L., Williams, B. (2012). Appropriate Treaty-Based Dispute Resolution for Asia-Pacific Commerce in the 21st Century. UNSW Law Journal, 35(3), 1013-1043.
  • Heath, C., Nottage, L. (2012). Arbitration Law - Separability and Arbitrability - Terminated Contract. In M Balz, M Dernauer, C Heath, A Petersen-Padberg (Eds.), Business Law in Japan - Cases and Comments: Intellectual Property, Civil, Commercial and International Private Law, (pp. 773-784). 2400 AH Alphen aan den Rijn The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (Kluwer Law International).


  • Baum, H., Nottage, L., Their, M. (2011). Auswahlbibliographie (Selective Bibliography of Japanese Business Law in Western Languages since 1998). In H Baum and M Balz (Eds.), Handbuch Japanisches Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht (Handbook of Japanese Commercial and Economic Law), (pp. 1523-1606). Cologne, Germany: Carl Heymanns Verlag.
  • Butt, S., Nottage, L. (2011). Book Review, A. Black & G. Bell (eds), Law and Legal Institutions of Asia: Traditions, Adaptations and Innovations (2011) CUP: UK. LawAsia Journal, 2011, 143-155.
  • Nottage, L. (2011). Book Review: Neil Boister & Robert Cryer (2008), 'The Tokyo International Military Tribunal: A Reappraisal', Oxford University Press: Oxford, 358pp. New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, 8, 343-350.


  • Deboos, J., Croft, C., Garnett, R., Gehle, B., Nottage, L. (2010). ACICA's Expedited Arbitration Rules. In Luke Nottage and Richard Garnett (Eds.), International Arbitration in Australia, (pp. 103-121). Sydney: The Federation Press.
  • Nottage, L. (2010). Australia's Consumer Law Revival: Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts. Consumer Law News (Shohishaho Nyusu), 83, 300-309.
  • Takao, T., Wolff, L., Nottage, L. (2010). Community and the Law: A Critical Reassessment of American Liberalism and Japanese Modernity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]


  • Nottage, L., Miles, K. (2009). "Back to the Future" for Investor-State Arbitrations: Revising Rules in Australia and Japan to Meet Public Interests. Journal of International Arbitration, 26(1), 25-58.
  • Nottage, L. (2009). Book review, Christine de Matos: Australia, Social Justice and Labour Reform in Occupation Japan. Japanese Studies, 29(3), 454-456.
  • Nottage, L. (2009). Book Review: Hiroshi Oda. Japanese Law (3rd ed.), Oxford University Press, 2009. Australian Journal of Asian Law, 11(2), 322-326.


  • Nottage, L. (2008). Australia's Consumer Policy Framework-Inquiry Report: Few Surprises. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 19(3), 34-36.
  • Nottage, L., Bennett, F., Prokati, K., Anderson, K., Wolff, L., Ibusuki, M. (2008). Beyond Borders in the Classroom - The Possibility of Transnational Legal Education. Ritsumeikan Law Review, 25(March 2008), 183-208.
  • Nottage, L. (2008). Book review - Daniel H Foote (ed.), Law in Japan: A Turning Point. Journal of Japanese Law, 25, 261-265.


  • Nottage, L. (2007). Arb-Med in Australia: The Time Has Come. Australian ADR Reporter (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - Australian Branch).
  • Nottage, L. (2007). Book review: Roehl, W (ed) 'A History of Japanese Law Since 1868'. Journal of Japanese Law, 11(22), 283-291.
  • Nottage, L. (2007). Changing Contract Lenses: Unexpected Supervening Events in English, New Zealand, U.S., Japanese, and International Sales Law and Practice. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 14(2), 385-418.


  • Nottage, L. (2006). Commercial Regulation. (Vol. 1, pp. 135-144).
  • Nottage, L., Abe, M. (2006). Japanese Law. (Vol. 1, pp. 357-371).
  • Nottage, L. (2006). Nothing New in the (North) East? Interpreting the Rhetoric and Reality of Japanese Corporate Governance. Pacific Economic Papers, 359, 1-46.


  • Nottage, L. (2005). A Decade of Strict Liability Litigation under Japan's Product Liability Law of 1994. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 16(5), 65-69.
  • Nottage, L. (2005). Build Postgraduate Law Schools in Kyoto, and Will They Come - Sooner and Later? Australian Journal of Asian Law, 7(3), 241-263.
  • Nottage, L. (2005). Civil Procedure Reforms in Japan: The latest round. Ritsumeikan Law Review, 22, 81-86.


  • McAlinn, G., Nottage, L. (2004). Changing The (Jcaa) Rules: Improving International Commercial Arbitration In Japan. Journal of Japanese Law, 9(18), 23-36.
  • Nottage, L. (2004). Civil procedure reforms in Japan: The latest round. Journal of Japanese Law, 18(9), 204-209.
  • Nottage, L. (2004). Convergence, Divergence And The Middle Way In Unifying Or Harmonizing Private Law. In Russell A. Miller and Peer Zumbansen (Eds.), Annual of German and European Law, Volume 1 (2003), (pp. 166-245). New York: Blackwell Publishers.


  • Nottage, L. (2003). Americanisation of Japanese - and Australian - Law? CCH Asiawatch, Volume 60, pages 11-12.
  • Nottage, L. (2003). Comparative Law, Asian law and Japanese Law. Journal of Japanese Law, 11, 41-62.
  • Nottage, L. (2003). Has Australian Law been Americanised? Implications for Japan's system for educating the legal profession. Causa, September 2003, pages 66-69.


  • Nottage, L. (2002). A History of Legal Education in New Zealand: Implications for Legal Education Reform in Japan. In S Bengoshikai (Eds.), Legal Education in New South Wales, (pp. 89-103). Sopporo, Japan: Sopporo Bar Association.
  • Nottage, L. (2002). Book review: The Practice of Transnational Law (Klaus Peter Berger ed., 2001). Journal of International Arbitration, 19(1), 67-71.
  • Nottage, L. (2002). Is (International Commercial) Arbitration ADR? The Arbitrator and Mediator, 24(1), 83-92.


  • Nottage, L. (2001). Book review - B.Jazulot "La bonne foi dans les contrats". Journal of Japanese Law, 12, 271-273.
  • Nottage, L. (2001). Book review - P.Parkinson "Tradition and Change in Australian Law. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 50(4), 998-1000.
  • Nottage, L. (2001). Comment on Civil Law and Common Law: Two Different Parths Leading to the Same Goal. La revue juridique polynesienne, 7, 843-851.


  • Nottage, L. (2000). Reformist Conservatism and Failures of Imagination in Japanese Legal Education. Journal of Japanese Law, 9, 23-47.
  • Nottage, L. (2000). The present and future of product liability dispute resolution in Japan. William Mitchell Law Review, 27(1), 215-235.
  • Nottage, L. (2000). The Vicissitudes of Transnational Commercial Arbitration and the Lex Mercatoria: A view from the periphery. Arbitration International, 16, 53-78.


  • Nottage, L., Kano, H. (1999). Japan. In Kellam, Jocelyn (Eds.), Product Liability in the Asia-Pacific Third Edition, (pp. 171-180). Sydney, Australia: Federation Press.

Selected Grants


  • Confidentiality versus Transparency in International Arbitration: Asia-Pacific Tensions and Expectations, Nottage L, Sydney Southeast Asia Centre/Conference Fund Grant


  • Evaluating consumer product regulatory responses to improve child safety, Vallmuur K, Ivers R, Harrison J, Nottage L, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)