2024 | - Nottage, L. (2024). Aggravating Australia’s Arbitration Ambivalence: Zeph’s ISDS Claims. The ACICA Review, 12(2), 50-54. [More Information]
- Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (2024). Bribery and Other Serious Investor Misconduct in Asian International Arbitration. In Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (Eds.), Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration, (pp. 1-36). Singapore: Springer Singapore. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Kozuka, S. (2024). Consumer law redress and administration,
product safety regulation and contracts:
Comparing Japan and Australia. Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 30(3), 269-295.
- Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (2024). Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration. Singapore: Springer Singapore.
- Khoman, S., Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2024). Foreign Investment, Corruption, Investment Treaties and Arbitration in Thailand. In Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (Eds.), Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration, (pp. 393-421). Singapore: Springer Singapore. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Teramura, N. (2024). Foreign Investment, Treaties, Arbitration and Corruption: Comparing Japan. In Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (Eds.), Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration, (pp. 285-310). Singapore: Springer Singapore. [More Information]
- Kozuka, S., Nottage, L. (2024). Japan. In Jean Jacques du Plessis, Anil Hargovan, Beth Nosworthy (Eds.), Principles of Contemporary Corporate Governance - 5th edition, (pp. 383-394). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Nottage, L., Teramura, N., Tanna, J. (2024). Lawyers and Non-Lawyers in International Arbitration: Discovering Diminishing Diversity. Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, 47(2). [More Information]
- Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (2024). Towards a More Harmonised Asian Approach to Corruption and Illegality in Investment Arbitration. In Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (Eds.), Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration, (pp. 423-446). Singapore: Springer Singapore. [More Information]
2023 | - Nottage, L. (2023). "Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Investor-State Dispute Settlement", by Tomoko Ishikawa (Cambridge University Press, 2023). Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, 20(1), 172-180.
- Nottage, L. (2023). Australia's (Dis)Engagement with Investor-State Arbitration: A Sequel. The ACICA Review, 11(1), 50-55. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Ibusuki, M. (2023). Comparing Online Legal Education: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Intersentia Publishing Ltd.
- Nottage, L. (2023). Deference from National Courts to Tribunals on Issues of Procedure at the Post-award Stage. In Franco Ferrari and Friedrich Rosenfeld (Eds.), Deference in International Commercial Arbitration, (pp. 141-182). The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International BV.
- Nottage, L., Ibusuki, M. (2023). General Report: Comparing Online Legal Education. In Luke Nottage and Makoto Ibusuki (Eds.), Comparing Online Legal Education: Past, Present and Future, (pp. 1-33). Cambridge: Intersentia Publishing Ltd.
- Nottage, L. (2023). International Arbitration and Society at Large. In Stefan Kroll, Andrea K. Bjorklund, Franco Ferrari (Eds.), Cambridge Compendium of International Commercial and Investment Arbitration - Volume 1, (pp. 389-423). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Yoneda, K., Nottage, L. (2023). Japan. In Luke Nottage and Makoto Ibusuki (Eds.), Comparing Online Legal Education: Past, Present and Future, (pp. 183-204). Cambridge: Intersentia Publishing Ltd.
- Nottage, L., Teramura, N. (2023). Japan's International Investment, Evolving Treaty Practice and Arbitration Related to Corruption and Illegality. Journal of Japanese Law, 55, 63-91.
- Niven, C., Vuong, K., Nottage, L., Harrison, J., Moller, H., Catchpoole, J., Ivers, R., Vallmuur, K. (2023). Navigating Child Product Safety: Perspectives from Experts on International Challenges and Priorities in Regulation and Research. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 47(6), 1-8. [More Information]
2022 | - Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2022). ASEAN Economic Integration and Consumer Protection
in Southeast Asia. In Geraint Howells, Hans-W Micklitz, Mateja Durovic, Andre Janssen (Eds.), Consumer Protection in Asia, (pp. 515-524). Oxford: Hart Publishing Ltd. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2022). Consumer Product Liability and Safety Regulation: ASEAN in Asia. In Geraint Howells, Hans-W Micklitz, Mateja Durovic, Andre Janssen (Eds.), Consumer Protection in Asia, (pp. 437-449). Oxford: Hart Publishing Ltd. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Teramura, N., Tanna, J. (2022). Developing Diversity Within Diversity Discourse: Remembering Non-Lawyers in Arbitration. In Shahla Ali, Filip Balcerzak, Giorgio Colombo, Joshua Karton (Eds.), Diversity in International Arbitration: Why it Matters and How to Sustain It, (pp. 101-118). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2022). Independent Directors and Corporate Governance in Thailand: A New Frontier. Journal of Transnational Law and Policy, 31, 69-116.
- Armstrong, S., Nottage, L. (2022). Mixing Methodologies in Empirically Investigating Investment Arbitration and Inbound Foreign Investment. In Daniel Behn,Ole Kristian Fauchald, Malcolm Langford (Eds.), The Legitimacy of Investment Arbitration: Empirical Perspectives, (pp. 315-364). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Freedman, C., Nottage, L. (2022). Revisiting Ramseyer: The Chicago School of Law and Economics Comes to Japan. Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, 39(2), 225-296. [More Information]
2021 | - Nottage, L. (2021). Confidentiality and Transparency in International Arbitration: Asia-Pacific Tensions and Expectations. In Luke Nottage, Shahla Ali, Bruno Jetin, Nobumichi Teramura (Eds.), New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, (pp. 95-113). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
- Claxton, J., Nottage, L., Teramura, N. (2021). Disruption as a Catalyst for International Dispute Services in Japan: No Longer Business as Usual? In Luke Nottage, Shahla Ali, Bruno Jetin, Nobumichi Teramura (Eds.), New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, (pp. 237-259). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
- Nottage, L. (2021). International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration - Australia and Japan in Regional and Global Contexts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Morrison, J. (2021). International Commercial Arbitration: An Asia Pacific Perspective - 2014 Australia Report.
- Nottage, L., Eastwood, N. (2021). International Commercial Arbitration: An Asia Pacific Perspective - 2021 Australia Report.
- Teramura, N., Nottage, L., Morrison, J. (2021). Judicial Control of Arbitral Awards in Australia. In Larry DiMatteo, Marta Infantino and Nathalie Potin (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Judicial Control of Arbitral Awards, (pp. 175-197). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Claxton, J., Nottage, L., Williams, B. (2021). Litigating, Arbitrating and Mediating Japan-Korea Trade and Investment Tensions. In Luke Nottage, Shahla Ali, Bruno Jetin, Nobumichi Teramura (Eds.), New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, (pp. 261-285). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
- Nottage, L., Ali, S., Jetin, B., Teramura, N. (2021). New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
- Nottage, L., Jetin, B. (2021). New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific Trade, Investment and International Business Dispute Resolution. In Luke Nottage, Shahla Ali, Bruno Jetin, Nobumichi Teramura (Eds.), New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, (pp. 1-38). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
- Ubilava, A., Nottage, L. (2021). Novel and Noteworthy Aspects of Australia's Recent Investment Agreements and ISDS Policy: The CPTPP, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Mauritius Transparency Treaties. In Luke Nottage, Shahla Ali, Bruno Jetin, Nobumichi Teramura (Eds.), New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, (pp. 115-139). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
- Nottage, L. (2021). Rebalancing Investment Treaties and Investor-State Arbitration in the Asian Region. In Mahdev Mohan and Chester Brown (Eds.), The Asian Turn in Foreign Investment, (pp. 379-398). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2021). Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia, Volumes I-III. Journal of Japanese Law, 26(52), 283-306.
- Nottage, L., Dreosti, J., Tang, R. (2021). The ACICA Arbitration Rules 2021: Advancing
Australia's Pro-Arbitration Culture. Journal of International Arbitration, 38(6), 775-806.
- Nottage, L. (2021). The Investment Chapter and ISDS in the CPTPP: Lessons from and for Southeast Asia. In Cassey Lee and Pritish Bhattacharya (Eds.), The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership: Implications for Southeast Asia, (pp. 51-111). Singapore: ISEAS Publishing - Yusof Ishak Institute. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2021). Tonan Asia ni okeru Shoshishayo Seizobutsu Anzenho: Danpenka sareta Kiritsu to Daito shizutsu aru Seihin Seikinin Taikei/ASEAN Consumer Product Safety Law: Fragmented Regulation and Emergent Product Liability Regimes in Southeast Asia. Jochi Hogaku Ronshu (Sophia Law Review), 55(1-2), 117-145.
2020 | - Nottage, L. (2020). Commemorating Harald Baum's 25-Year General Editorship of the Journal of Japanese Law. Journal of Japanese Law, 25(50), 25-27.
- Nottage, L. (2020). Confidentiality and Transparency in International Arbitration: Asia-Pacific Tensions and Expectations. Asian International Arbitration Journal, 16(1), 1-23.
- Wolff, L., Colombo, G., Nottage, L., Roberts, H. (2020). Endurance in Japanese Law. Journal of Japanese Law, 49, 1-4.
- Nottage, L. (2020). Fledgling Corporate Governance and Independent Directors in Cambodia's Securities Market. Australian Journal of Corporate Law, 35, 208-234.
- Nottage, L. (2020). Improving the Effectiveness of the Consumer Product Safety System: Australian Law Reform in Asia-Pacific Context. Journal of Consumer Policy, 43(4), 829-850. [More Information]
- Giorgetti, C., Ratner, S., Dunoff, J., Hamamoto, S., Nottage, L., Schill, S., Waibel, M. (2020). Independence and Impartiality of Adjudicators in Investment Dispute Settlement: Assessing Challenges and Reform Options. Journal of World Investment and Trade, 21, 441-474. [More Information]
- Bath, V., Nottage, L. (2020). International Investment Agreements and Investor-State Arbitration in Asia. In Julien Chaisse, Leila Choukroune and Sufian Jusoh (Eds.), Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy (Forthcoming), (pp. 1-36). Berlin, Germany: Springer. [More Information]
- Claxton, J., Nottage, L., Williams, B. (2020). Litigating, Arbitrating and Mediating Japan-Korea Trade and Investment Tensions. Journal of World Trade, 54(4), 591-613.
- Nottage, L., van Laer, T. (2020). Submission to Australian Parliament Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 inquiry into the Australian Government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Submission 56, (pp. 1 - 15). Canberra, Australia: Parliament of Australia. [More Information]
2019 | - Nottage, L., Malbon, J., Paterson, J., Beaton-Wells, C. (2019). ASEAN Consumer Law Harmonisation and Cooperation: Achievements and Challenges. TBC. [More Information]
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- Nottage, L. (2019). Book review - Piotr Machnikowski (ed), "European Product Liability: An Analysis of the State of the Art in the Era of New Technologies", (Intersentia, Cambridge 2016). Journal of European Tort Law, 10(3), 316-319. [More Information]
- Paton, A., Nottage, L. (2019). Confidentiality versus Transparency in International Commercial and Investment Treaty Arbitration in
Australia, Japan and Beyond. The ACICA Review, 7(2), 54-56.
- Nottage, L., Paterson, J. (2019). Consumer Contracts and Product Safety Law in Southeast Asia: Partly Trading Up? In Pasha L. Hsieh, Bryan Mercurio (Eds.), ASEAN Law in the New Regional Economic Order: Global Trends and Shifting Paradigms, (pp. 392-414). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Sono, H., Nottage, L., Pardieck, A., Saigusa, K. (2019). Contract Law in Japan. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. [More Information]
- Claxton, J., Nottage, L., Teramura, N. (2019). Developing Japan as a Regional Hub for International Dispute Resolution: Dream Come True or Daydream? Journal of Japanese Law, 47, 109-131.
- Nottage, L. (2019). The Development of Comparative Law in Japan. In Mathias Reimann, Reinhard Zimmermann (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law, (pp. 201-227). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Kawharu, A., Nottage, L. (2019). Towards an Asia-Pacific Regional Investment Regime:
The Potential Influence of Australia and New Zealand as a Collective Middle Power. In Julien Chaisse (Eds.), China's International Investment Strategy: Bilateral, Regional, and Global Law and Policy, (pp. 258-289). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
2018 | - Claxton, J., Nottage, L. (2018). 'Japan is Back' - for international dispute resolution services. International Arbitration Law Review, 21(1), 1-5.
- Teramura, N., Nottage, L. (2018). Arbitration Reform in Japan: Reluctant Legislature and Institutional Challenges. In Anselmo Reyes, Weixia Gu (Eds.), The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific, (pp. 83-108). Oxford: Hart Publishing. [More Information]
- Monichino, A., Nottage, L. (2018). Australia country update. Asian Dispute Review, July, 131-140.
- Nottage, L., Ubilava, A. (2018). Costs, Outcomes and Transparency in ISDS Arbitrations: Evidence for an Investment Treaty Parliamentary Inquiry. International Arbitration Law Review, 21(4), 111-117.
- Kawharu, A., Nottage, L. (2018). Foreign investment regulation and treaty practice in New Zealand and Australia: Getting it together in the Asia-Pacific? In Julien Chaisse, Luke Nottage (Eds.), International Investment Treaties and Arbitration Across Asia, (pp. 445-485). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2018). International investment arbitration in Thailand: Limiting contract-based claims while maintaining treaty-based ISDS. In Julien Chaisse, Luke Nottage (Eds.), International Investment Treaties and Arbitration Across Asia, (pp. 117-158). Leiden: Brill.
- Chaisse, J., Nottage, L. (2018). International Investment Treaties and Arbitration Across Asia. Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
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- Kozuka, S., Nottage, L. (2018). Japan. In Jean Jacques Du Plessis, Anil Hargovan, Jason Harris (Eds.), Principles of Contemporary Corporate Governance - 4th Edition, (pp. 338-358). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
- Nottage, L. (2018). Product Safety Regulation. In Geraint Howells, Iain Ramsay, Thomas Wilhelmsson (Eds.), Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law - 2nd Edition, (pp. 231-266). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
- Kawharu, A., Nottage, L. (2018). The Curious Case of ISDS Arbitration Involving Australia and New Zealand. University of Western Australia Law Review, 44(2), 32-70.
- Nottage, L., Hu, D. (2018). The Joys and Challenges of (Re-)Educating Australian Jurists in International Commercial Arbitration. In Augusto Zimmermann (Eds.), A Commitment to Excellence: Essays in Honour of Emeritus Professor Gabriel A. Moens, (pp. 281-311). Redland Bay: Connor Court Publishing.
2017 | - Hepburn, J., Nottage, L. (2017). A Procedural Win for Public Health Measures: Philip Morris Asia Ltd v. Commonwealth of Australia, PCA Case No. 2012-12, Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility, 17 December 2015 (Karl-Heinz Bockstiegel, Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, Donald M. McRae). Journal of World Investment and Trade, 18(2), 307-319. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Morrison, J. (2017). Accessing and assessing Australia's International Arbitration Act. Journal of International Arbitration, 34(06), 963-1006.
- Nottage, L., Ubilava, A. (2017). Asia's Changing International Investment Regime: Sustainability, Regionalization and Arbitration, Julien Chaisse, Tomoko Ishikawa and Sufian Jusoh (eds), Springer, 2017, xii + 260pp, ISBN 978-981-10-588. University of Western Australia Law Review, 44(2), 195-208.
- Bath, V., Nottage, L. (2017). Foreign investment law: Asian investment and the growth of regional investment agreements. In Not known (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Asian Law, (pp. 182-199). TBC. [More Information]
- Puchniak, D., Baum, H., Nottage, L. (2017). Independent Directors in Asia: A Historical, Contextual and Comparative Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Kozuka, S., Nottage, L. (2017). Independent Directors in Asia: Theoretical Lessons and Practical Implications. In Dan W. Puchniak, Harald Baum, Luke Nottage (Eds.), Independent Directors in Asia: A Historical, Contextual and Comparative Approach, (pp. 468-484). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
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- Puchniak, D., Baum, H., Nottage, L. (2017). Introduction. In Dan W. Puchniak, Harald Baum, Luke Nottage (Eds.), Independent Directors in Asia: A Historical, Contextual and Comparative Approach, (pp. 1-18). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2017). Investor-State Arbitration Policy and Practice in Australia. In Armand de Mestral (Eds.), Second Thoughts: Investor-State Arbitration between Developed Democracies, (pp. 377-430). Ontario: Centre for International Governance Innovation.
- Kawharu, A., Nottage, L. (2017). Models for Investment Treaties in the Asia-Pacific Region: An Underview. Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, 34(3), 461-528. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2017). Special Issue: International investment arbitration
in Southeast Asia - An introduction. Journal of World Investment and Trade, 18, 767-792. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2017), The Investment Chapter and ISDS in the TPP: Lessons from Southeast Asia. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2017). The Journal of World Investment and Trade. Journal of World Investment and Trade, 18(5-6).
- Aoun, F., Nottage, L. (2017). The Rise and Unlikely Demise of Independent Directors in Australia. In Dan W. Puchniak, Harald Baum, Luke Nottage (Eds.), Independent Directors in Asia: A Historical, Contextual and Comparative Approach, (pp. 393-430). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
2016 | - Nottage, L. (2016). A Weathermap for International Arbitration: Mainly Sunny, Some Cloud, Possible Thunderstorms. In Stavros L. Brekoulakis, Julian D.M. Lew, Loukas A. Mistelis (Eds.), The Evolution and Future of International Arbitration, (pp. 59-77). The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International BV.
- Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2016). ASEAN Product Liability and Consumer Product Safety Law. Bangkok: Winyuchon Publication House.
- Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2016). ASEAN Product Liability and Consumer Product Safety Law - Published in Thai. Thailand: Winyuchon Publication House.
- Nottage, L. (2016). Book Review: Long Term Contracts, edited by Kanaga Dharamananda and Leon Firios, Federation Press, Sydney, 2013, xxxviiii + 419 pp, ISBN 978-186287-915-7 (hardback), Aud225. Journal of Contract Law, 33(2), 156-159.
- Nottage, L. (2016). Contract Law in Japan. International Encyclopedia of Laws: Contract Law in Japan. Netherlands: Kluwer Law International.
- Aronson, B., Kozuka, S., Nottage, L. (2016). Corporate legislation in Japan. In Parissa Haghirian (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Japanese Business and Management, (pp. 103-113). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Kellam, J., Nottage, L. (2016). Europeanisation of Product Liability in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Preliminary Empirical Benchmark. In Luke Nottage, Sakda Thanitcul (Eds.), ASEAN Product Liability and Consumer Product Safety Law, (pp. 17-53). Bangkok: Winyuchon Publication House.
- Nottage, L., Aoun, F. (2016). Independent Director Requirements in Australia and the Asian Region. Company and Securities Law Journal, 34(8), 631-637.
- Nottage, L., Thanitcul, S. (2016). Introduction: ASEAN Product Liability and Consumer Product Safety Law. In Luke Nottage, Sakda Thanitcul (Eds.), ASEAN Product Liability and Consumer Product Safety Law, (pp. 1-15). Bangkok: Winyuchon Publication House.
- Nottage, L. (2016). Investor-State Arbitration Policy and Practice in Australia. [More Information]
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- Nottage, L. (2016), Submission to the Productivity Commission's study of 'Consumer Law Enforcement and Administration'. [More Information]
- Holmes, M., Nottage, L., Tang, R. (2016). The 2016 Rules of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration: Towards Further 'Cultural Reform'. Asian International Arbitration Journal, 12(2), 211-234.
- Nottage, L. (2016). The Futures of Legal Education in Japan. Journal of Japanese Law, 21(2016), 31-35.
- Hu, D., Nottage, L. (2016). The International Arbitration Act Matters in Australia: Where to litigate and why (not). The Arbitrator and Mediator, 35(1), 91-104.
- Nottage, L. (2016). The Limits of Legalization in Asia-Pacific Investment Treaty Arbitration? In Julien Chaisse, Tsai-yu Lin (Eds.), International Economic Law and Governance: Essays in Honour of Mitsuo Matsushita, (pp. 153-179). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Aoun, F. (2016). The Rise of Independent Directors in Australia: Adoption, Reform and Uncertainty. International and Comparative Law Review, 23(2), 443-560. [More Information]
- Aoun, F., Nottage, L. (2016). The Rise of Independent Directors in Australia: Adoption, Reform and Uncertainty. 25th Annual Corporate Law Teachers Association (CLTA) Conference 2016, Kensington, NSW: Presentation.
- Nottage, L. (2016). The TPP Investment Chapter and Investor-State Arbitration in Asia and Oceania: Assessing Prospects for Ratification. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 17(2), 1-36.
- Nottage, L. (2016). The TPP Investment Chapter: JSCOT Parliamentary Inquiry. The ACICA Review, 4(1), 33-34.
2015 | - Nottage, L. (2015). A Weather Map for International Arbitration: Mainly Sunny, Some Clouds, Possible Thunderstorms. American Review of International Arbitration, 26(4), 495-516.
- Nottage, L. (2015). Consumer Protection Law in International Perspective. Legal Studies Association (NSW) Conference 2015, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
- Kozuka, S., Nottage, L. (2015). Corporate governance in the EU, the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, and Corporate Governance in Germany, Japan, China and Indonesia: Japan. In Jean Jacques Du Plessis, Anil Hargovan. Mirko Bagaric, Jason Harris (Eds.), Principles of Contemporary Corporate Governance - 3rd Edition, (pp. 433-462). Australia: Cambridge University Press.
- Nottage, L. (2015). Do Many of Australia's Bilateral Treaties Really Not Provide Full Advance Consent to Investor-State Arbitration?: Analysis of Planet Mining v Indonesia and Regional Implications. Transnational Dispute Management, 12(1), 1-18.
- Nottage, L. (2015). Formation and Authority of Agents: Formation I: Arts 2.1.1-2.1.5 - Offer. In Stefan Vogenauer (Eds.), Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), (pp. 262-284). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Green, S., Nottage, L. (2015). In defence of Japan: government lawyers and judicial system reforms. In Leon Wolff, Luke Nottage, Kent Anderson (Eds.), Who Rules Japan? Popular Participation in the Japanese Legal Process, (pp. 63-107). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
- Wolff, L., Nottage, L., Anderson, K. (2015). Introduction: who rules Japan? In Leon Wolff, Luke Nottage, Kent Anderson (Eds.), Who Rules Japan? Popular Participation in the Japanese Legal Process, (pp. 1-17). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2015). Investment treaty arbitration 'down under': international implications of policy and politics recently in Australia. 23rd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (ANZSIL) - International Law-Making at a Crossroads: Participants, Processes and Principles, Wellington, New Zealand: Presentation.
- Nottage, L., Kurtz, J. (2015). Investment Treaty Arbitration 'Down Under': Policy and Politics in Australia. I C S I D Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal, 30(2), 465-480. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2015). Investment Treaty Arbitration Policy in Australia, New Zealand and Korea? Journal of Arbitration Studies, 25(3), 185-226. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2015). ISDS in the TPP Investment Chapter: Mostly More of the Same. Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA) Newsletter #20. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Butt, S. (2015). Recent International Commercial Arbitration and Investor-State Arbitration Developments Impacting on Australia's Investments in the Resources Sector. In Gabriel A. Moens, Philip Evans (Eds.), Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Resources Sector: An Australian Perspective, (pp. 153-179). Switzerland: Springer. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2015). The 'Anti-ISDS Bill' Before the Senate: What Future for Investor-State Arbitration in Australia? International Trade & Business Law Review, XVIII, 245-293.
- Nottage, L. (2015). The 2015 Senate Inquiry into the Commonwealth's Treaty Making Process - and ISDS Policy for Australia. The ACICA Review, 3(1), 48-51.
- Bath, V., Nottage, L. (2015). The ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement and 'ASEAN Plus' - The Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) and the PRC-ASEAN Investment Agreement. In Marc Bungenberg, Jorn Griebel, Stephan Hobe, August Reinisch (Eds.), International Investment Law, (pp. 283-303). Baden, Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
- Nottage, L. (2015). The Evolution of Foreign Investment Regulation, Treaties and Investor-State Arbitration in Australia. New Zealand Business Law Quarterly, 21(4), 266-276.
- Aoun, F., Nottage, L. (2015). The Rise of Independent Directors in Australia: Adoption, Reform and Uncertainty. Independent Directors in Asia Conference 2015, Singapore: Presentation.
- Wolff, L., Nottage, L., Anderson, K. (2015). Who Rules Japan? Popular Participation in the Japanese Legal Process. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
2014 | - Butt, S., Nasu, H., Nottage, L. (2014). Asia-Pacific Disaster Management: Comparative and Socio-legal Perspectives. Heidelberg: Springer. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2014). Asia-Pacific regional architecture and consumer product safety regulation beyond Free Trade Agreements. In Not known (Eds.), Trade Agreements at the Crossroads, (pp. 114-138). TBC. [More Information]
- Campbell, C., Nappert, S., Nottage, L. (2014). Assessing Treaty-Based Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Abandon, Retain or Reform? Transnational Dispute Management, 11(1), i-iv.
- Nottage, L. (2014). Contract Law (Non-)Reform in Japan and Australia. Sydney Law School - National University of Singapore Symposium 2014, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
- Nottage, L., Nasu, H., Butt, S. (2014). Disaster Management: Socio-Legal and Asia-Pacific Perspectives. In Simon Butt, Hitoshi Nasu, Luke Nottage (Eds.), Asia-Pacific Disaster Management: Comparative and Socio-legal Perspectives, (pp. 1-58). Heidelberg: Springer. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2014). In/formalisation and Glocalisation of International Commercial Arbitration and Investment Treaty Arbitration in Asia. In Joachim Zekoll, Moritz Baelz, Iwo Amelung (Eds.), Formalisation and Flexibilisation in Dispute Resolution, (pp. 211-249). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2014). International Commercial Arbitration in Australia: What's New and What's Next? In Nye Perram (Eds.), International Commercial Law and Arbitration: Perspectives, (pp. 307-341). Australia: Ross Parsons Centre of Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law.
- Nottage, L. (2014). Investor-State Arbitration: Not in the Australia-Japan Free Trade Agreement, and Not Ever for Australia? Journal of Japanese Law, 19(38), 37-52.
- Kozuka, S., Nottage, L. (2014). Policy and Politics in Contract Law Reform in Japan. In Maurice Adams, Dirk Heirbaut (Eds.), The Method and Culture of Comparative Law: Essays in Honour of Mark Van Hoecke, (pp. 235-253). Oxford: Hart Publishing. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Brown, C. (2014). Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: The Application of the New York Convention by National Courts - National Report for Australia. XIXth International Congress of Comparative Law 2014, Vienna, Austria: Presentation.
- Armstrong, S., Kurtz, J., Nottage, L., Trakman, L. (2014). The Fundamental Importance of Foreign Direct Investment to Australia in the 21st Century: Reforming Treaty and Dispute Resolution Practice. The ACICA Review, 2(2), 22-35.
- Nottage, L. (2014). The Government's Proposed Review of Australia's Contract Law: An Interim Positive Response. In Mary Keyes, Therese Wilson (Eds.), Codifying Contract Law: International and Consumer Law Perspectives, (pp. 131-164). Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing. [More Information]
2013 | - Malbon, J., Nottage, L. (2013). Appendix: Updated Submission to the Australia Government's Consultation on 'Consumer Voices: Sustaining Advocacy and Research in Australia's New Consumer Policy Framework'. In Justin Malbon and Luke Nottage (Eds.), Consumer Law and Policy in Australia and New Zealand, (pp. 407-424). Sydney, Australia: The Federation Press.
- Nakamura, T., Nottage, L. (2013). Arbitration in Japan. In Shahla F. Ali and Tom Ginsburg (Eds.), International Commercial Arbitration in Asia 3rd Ed., (pp. 223-262). Huntington, New York: Juris Publishing.
- Monichino, A., Nottage, L. (2013). Blowing hot and cold on the International Arbitration Act: Three waves of litigation in the Castel v TCL Air Conditioner dispute. Law Society Journal, 51, 56-59.
- Monichino, A., Nottage, L. (2013). Blowing Hot and Cold on the International Arbitration Act: Three Waves of Litigation in the Castel v TCL Air Conditioner Dispute. International Law Association, Victoria Chapter: News Bulletin - Issue 8.
- Nottage, L., Riefa, C., Tokeley, K. (2013). Comparative Consumer Law Reform and Economic Integration. In Justin Malbon and Luke Nottage (Eds.), Consumer Law and Policy in Australia and New Zealand, (pp. 52-94). Sydney, Australia: The Federation Press.
- Malbon, J., Nottage, L. (2013). Consumer Law and Policy in Australia and New Zealand. Sydney, Australia: The Federation Press.
- Nottage, L. (2013). Consumer Product Safety Regulation and Investor-State Arbitration Policy and Practice after Philip Morris Asia v Australia. In Leon Trakman and Nicola Ranieri (Eds.), Regionalism in International Investment Law, (pp. 452-474). New York, United States of America: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2013). Contract Law Reforms in Asia: Implications for Australia. 14th International Association of Consumer Law Conference (IACL) 2013: Diversity, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
- Nottage, L. (2013). Innovating for 'Safe Consumer Credit': Drawing on Product Safety Regulation to Protect Consumers of Credit. In Not known (Eds.), International Responses to Issues of Credit and Over-indebtedness in the Wake of Crisis, (pp. 185-206). TBC. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Monichino, A. (2013). International Commercial Arbitration Developments in Model Law Jurisdictions: Japan Seen from Australia. International Arbitration Law Review, 16(1), 31-42.
- Nottage, L. (2013). International Commercial Arbitration in Australia: What's New and What's Next? Journal of International Arbitration, 30(5), 465-494.
- Nottage, L., Malbon, J. (2013). Introduction - Consumer Law and Policy in Australia and New Zealand. In Justin Malbon and Luke Nottage (Eds.), Consumer Law and Policy in Australia and New Zealand, (pp. 3-38). Sydney, Australia: The Federation Press.
- Hamamoto, S., Nottage, L. (2013). Japan. In Chester Brown (Eds.), Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties, (pp. 472-486). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Baum, H., Nottage, L., Rheuben, J., Thier, M. (2013). Japanese Business Law in Western Languages: An Annotated Selective Bibliography - Second Edition. United States: William S. Hein & Company, Inc.
- Baum, H., Nottage, L. (2013). Looking Back from Abroad on the Accomplishments of Professor Zentaro Kitagawa. Journal of Japanese Law, 18(36), 304-305.
- Nottage, L. (2013). Negotiating and Applying Investor-State Abitration Provisions in Free Trade Agreements and Investment Treaties: Australia, Japan and the Asia-Pacific. Chuo Law Review, 119(9-10), 103-164.
- Rheuben, J., Nottage, L. (2013). Now that the (Radioactive) Dust Has Settled: Resolution of Claims from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. Asian Dispute Review, 2013 (3), 126-131.
- Nottage, L., Kellam, J. (2013). Product Liability and Safety Regulation. In Justin Malbon and Luke Nottage (Eds.), Consumer Law and Policy in Australia and New Zealand, (pp. 187-237). Sydney, Australia: The Federation Press.
- Nottage, L. (2013). Review - Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global Financial Markets. By Annelise Riles. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2011. xii, 295 pages. $91.00, cloth; $27.50, paper; $27.50, E-book. Journal of Japanese Studies, 39(1), 230-235.
- Nottage, L. (2013). Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater: Australia's New Policy on Treaty-Based Investor-State Arbitration and its Impact in Asia. Asian Studies Review, 37(2), 253-272. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2013). Tracing Trajectories in Contract Law Theory: Form in Anglo-New Zealand Law, Substance in Japan and the United States. Yonsei Law Journal, 4(2), 175-271.
2012 | - Nottage, L. (2012). Addressing International Arbitration's Ambivalence: Hard Lessons from Australia. In V Bhatia, C Candlin and M Gotti (Eds.), Discourse and Practice in International Commercial Arbitration: Issues, Challenges and Prospects, (pp. 11-43). England: Ashgate. [More Information]
- Burch, M., Nottage, L., Williams, B. (2012). Appropriate Treaty-Based Dispute Resolution for Asia-Pacific Commerce in the 21st Century. UNSW Law Journal, 35(3), 1013-1043.
- Heath, C., Nottage, L. (2012). Arbitration Law - Separability and Arbitrability - Terminated Contract. In M Balz, M Dernauer, C Heath, A Petersen-Padberg (Eds.), Business Law in Japan - Cases and Comments: Intellectual Property, Civil, Commercial and International Private Law, (pp. 773-784). 2400 AH Alphen aan den Rijn The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (Kluwer Law International).
- Nottage, L., Aoun, F. (2012). Book Review: Dan Puchniak, Harald Baum, Michael Ewing-Chow (eds), The Derivative Action in Asia: A Comparative and Functional Approach (2012) Cambridge University Press, 425pp. Sydney Law Review, 34(1), 213-217.
- Nottage, L. (2012). Civil Law - Tort Law - Product Liability Law - Claim for Damages. In M Balz, M Dernauer, C Heath, A Petersen-Padberg (Eds.), Business Law in Japan - Cases and Comments: Intellectual Property, Civil, Commercial and International Private Law, (pp. 85-95). 2400 AH Alphen aan den Rijn The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (Kluwer Law International).
- Nottage, L. (2012). Consumer Product Safety Regulation and Investor-State Arbitration Policy and Practice after Philip Morris Asia v Australia. Transnational Dispute Management, 9(5), 1-24.
- Rheuben, J., Nottage, L. (2012). Cyberspace Revisited: Japanese Business Law Online Today. Australian Journal of Asian Law, 13(1), 1-8.
- Nottage, L. (2012). Free Trade Agreement and Investment Treaty Innovations to Promote More Sustainable Financial Markets for Consumers. In C Lima Marques, D P Fernandez Arroyo, I Ramsay and G Pearson (Eds.), The Global Financial Crisis and the Need for Consumer Regulation: New Developments on International Protection of Consumers, (pp. 493-500). Porto Alegre: Orquestra Editora. [More Information]
- Monichino, A., Nottage, L., Hu, D. (2012). International Arbitration in Australia: Selected Case Notes and Trends. Australian International Law Journal, 19, 181-211.
- Nottage, L. (2012). International Commercial Arbitration Developments in Model Law Jurisdictions: Japan Seen from Australia. The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA) Newsletter.
- Bath, V., Nottage, L. (2012). Introduction: Asian Investment and Finance Law. Sydney Law Review, 34(1), 1-4.
- Nottage, L., Weeramantry, R. (2012). Investment Arbitration in Asia: Five Perspectives on Law and Practice. Arbitration International, 28(1), 19-62.
- Nottage, L. (2012). Journal of Japanese Law. Journal of Japanese Law, 34.
- Nottage, L., Kozuka, S. (2012). Lessons from Product Safety Regulation for Reforming Consumer Credit Markets in Japan and Beyond. Sydney Law Review, 34(1), 129-161.
- Nottage, L. (2012). Preface: Japanese Law after the 3-11 Disasters, and ANJeL's Anniversary Conference on Asia-Pacific Disaster Management. Journal of Japanese Law, 34, 1-5.
- Nottage, L. (2012). Review - Lovesick Japan: Sex, Marriage, Romance, Law, MARK D. WEST - Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2011 ix, 219 pp. þ notes, index; tables ISBN 978-0-8014-4947-5 hb. Japanese Studies, 32(2), 299-301. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2012). Review - MARK D WEST, Lovesick Japan: Sex, Marriage, Romance, Law - Cornell University Press, Ithaca/London, 2011, viii + 259 pp. hardcover US$29, e-version $18.44. Journal of Japanese Law, 33, 253-258.
- Bath, V., Nottage, L. (2012). Sydney Law Review: Asian Investment and Finance Law. Sydney Law Review, 34(1).
- Bath, V., Nottage, L. (2012). The Sydney Law Review. Sydney Law Review, 34(1).
- Kellam, J., Nottage, L. (2012). Twenty Years of Strict Product Liability in Australia. PHi Haftpflicht International [PHi Liability International], 6.
- Garnett, R., Nottage, L. (2012). What Law (if any) now applies to International Commercial Arbitration in Australia? UNSW Law Journal, 35(3), 953-978.
2011 | - Baum, H., Nottage, L., Their, M. (2011). Auswahlbibliographie (Selective Bibliography of Japanese Business Law in Western Languages since 1998). In H Baum and M Balz (Eds.), Handbuch Japanisches Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht (Handbook of Japanese Commercial and Economic Law), (pp. 1523-1606). Cologne, Germany: Carl Heymanns Verlag.
- Butt, S., Nottage, L. (2011). Book Review, A. Black & G. Bell (eds), Law and Legal Institutions of Asia: Traditions, Adaptations and Innovations (2011) CUP: UK. LawAsia Journal, 2011, 143-155.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Book Review: Neil Boister & Robert Cryer (2008), 'The Tokyo International Military Tribunal: A Reappraisal', Oxford University Press: Oxford, 358pp. New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, 8, 343-350.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Confidentiality of mandatory consumer product accident reports: the Australian Consumer Law compared. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 21(9), 102-106.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Consumer product safety regulation and investor-state arbitration policy and practice after Philip Morris Asia v Australia. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 22(1-2), 154-158.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Consumer Rights in Japan. In P Haghirian (Eds.), Japanese Consumer Dynamics, (pp. 31-61). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2011). Deliktsrecht und Produkthaftung (Tort Law and Product Liability). In H Baum and M Balz (Eds.), Handbuch Japanisches Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht (Handbook of Japanese Commercial and Economic Law), (pp. 533-566). Cologne, Germany: Carl Heymanns Verlag.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Drafting Arbitration Clauses to Minimise Costs and Delays in ICA: An Asia-Pacific Perspective. The Australian ADR Reporter, Volume 16 (July 2011), pages 35-38,40.
- Bath, V., Nottage, L. (2011). Foreign Investment and Dispute Resolution Law and Practice in Asia. Abingdon: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
- Bath, V., Nottage, L. (2011). Foreign Investment and Dispute Resolution Law and Practice in Asia: An Overview. In Vivienne Bath and Luke Nottage (Eds.), Foreign Investment and Dispute Resolution Law and Practice in Asia, (pp. 1-24). Abingdon: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
- Hamamoto, S., Nottage, L. (2011). Foreign Investment In and Out of Japan: Economic Backdrop, Domestic Law, and International Treaty-based Investor-State Dispute Resolution. Transnational Dispute Management, 8(5), 1-59.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Implications of the "Gillard Government's Trade Policy Statement" for Investor-State Arbitration in Australasia. The Australian ADR Reporter, Volume 16 (July 2011), pages 49-55.
- Aoun, F., Nottage, L. (2011). Independent Directors in Australia and Singapore: Same But Different. East Asian Law and Society Conference 2011 - Dialects and Dialectics: East Asian Dialogues in Law and Society, Seoul, Republic of Korea: Presentation.
- Nottage, L. (2011). International Commercial Arbitration: An Asia-Pacific Perspective. Australian Law Journal, 85(8), 521-523.
- Nottage, L., Weeramantry, R. (2011). Investment Arbitration in Asia: Five Perspectives on Law and Practice. In Vivienne Bath and Luke Nottage (Eds.), Foreign Investment and Dispute Resolution Law and Practice in Asia, (pp. 25-52). Abingdon: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Investor - state arbitration provisions: what future? East Asia Forum Quarterly, 3(1), 33-34.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Investor-State Arbitration Policy and Practice after Philip Morris Asia v Australia. ACICA Newsletter.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Japan. In J Du Plessis, A Hargovan and M Bagaric (Eds.), Principles of Contemporary Corporate Governance, Second edition., (pp. 352-385). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Nottage, L. (2011). New Legislative Agendas, Legal Professionals and Dispute Resolution in Australia and Japan: 2009-2010. Ritsumeikan Law Review, 28(June 2011), 33-85.
- Burch, M., Nottage, L. (2011). Novel Treaty-Based Approaches to Resolving International Investment and Tax Disputes in the Asia-Pacific Region. Australian International Law Journal, 18, 127-140.
- Nottage, L., Anderson, K., Ibusuki, M., Johnson, D. (2011). Research Studies on the Organisation and Functioning of the Justice System in Five Selected Countries (China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation) | Japan Final Report, (pp. 283 - 393). Hanoi, Vietnam: Judicial Publishing House.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Responsive Regulation and Comparative Consumer Product Safety. Hokkaido Journal of New Global Law and Policy, 13, 211-244.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Review - International Commercial Arbitration: An Asia-Pacific Perspective, by Simon Greenberg, Christopher Kee and Romesh Weeramantry, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 2011, 543 pages + xxxvii tables: ISBN 9780521695701. Softcover $120.00. Australian Law Journal, 85(8), 521-523.
- Nottage, L. (2011). Suppliers' Duties to Report Product-Related Accidents Under the new Australian Consumer Law: A Comparative Critique. Commercial Law Quarterly, 25(2), 3-14.
- Garnett, R., Nottage, L. (2011). The 2010 Amendments to the International Arbitration Act: A New Dawn for Australia? Asian International Arbitration Journal, 7(1), 29-53.
- Nottage, L. (2011). The Rise and Possible Fall of Investor-State Arbitration in Asia: A Skeptic's View of Australia's "Gillard Government Trade Policy Statement". Transnational Dispute Management, 8(5), 1-25.
- Nottage, L., Green, S. (2011). Who Defends Japan?: Government Lawyers and Judicial System Reform in Japan. Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal, 13(1), 129-173.
2010 | - Deboos, J., Croft, C., Garnett, R., Gehle, B., Nottage, L. (2010). ACICA's Expedited Arbitration Rules. In Luke Nottage and Richard Garnett (Eds.), International Arbitration in Australia, (pp. 103-121). Sydney: The Federation Press.
- Nottage, L. (2010). Australia's Consumer Law Revival: Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts. Consumer Law News (Shohishaho Nyusu), 83, 300-309.
- Takao, T., Wolff, L., Nottage, L. (2010). Community and the Law: A Critical Reassessment of American Liberalism and Japanese Modernity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
- Nottage, L., Garnett, R. (2010). International Arbitration in Australia. Sydney: The Federation Press.
- Nottage, L., Garnett, R. (2010). Introduction. In Luke Nottage and Richard Garnett (Eds.), International Arbitration in Australia, (pp. 1-37). Sydney: The Federation Press.
- Bath, V., Nottage, L. (2010). Introduction: Investment Treaties and Foreign (Direct) Investment In and Out of Asia. Investment in Asia Book and Sydney Law Review Project Paper Discussion Workshop 2010, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
- Nottage, L. (2010). Law, Public Policy and Economics in Japan and Australia: Reviewing Bilateral Relations and Commercial Regulation in 2009. Ritsumeikan Law Review, 27(March 2010), 15-71.
- Nottage, L. (2010). Osutoraria no Shohishaho no Fukatsu - Shohisha Keiyaku ni okeru Futo Joko [Australia's Consumer Law Revival: Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts]. Shohishaho Nyusu [Consumer Law News], 83.
- Nottage, L. (2010). Product Safety Regulation. In Geraint Howells, Iain Ramsay, Thomas Wilhelmsson, David Kraft (Eds.), Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law, (pp. 256-294). United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Nottage, L. (2010). Proposed Australian Requirements to Disclose Consumer Product Related Incidents: International Perspectives. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 21(1), 8-12.
- Nottage, L. (2010). Reviews: Stacey Steele and Kathryn Taylor (eds): Legal Education in Asia: Globalization, Change and Contexts, Routlege (London, 2010). Journal of Japanese Law, 15(30), 255-264.
- Nottage, L., Miles, K. (2010). Revising Investor-State Arbitration Rules in Australia and Japan to Meet Public Interests. In Luke Nottage and Richard Garnett (Eds.), International Arbitration in Australia, (pp. 222-252). Sydney: The Federation Press.
- Nottage, L. (2010). Symposium Paper: Afterthoughts: International Commercial Contracts and Arbitration. Australian International Law Journal, 17, 197-204.
- Greenberg, S., Nottage, L., Weeramantry, R. (2010). The 2005 Rules of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration - Revisited. In Luke Nottage and Richard Garnett (Eds.), International Arbitration in Australia, (pp. 79-102). Sydney: The Federation Press.
- Nottage, L., Garnett, R. (2010). The Top Twenty Things to Change In or Around Australia's International Arbitration Act. In Luke Nottage and Richard Garnett (Eds.), International Arbitration in Australia, (pp. 149-190). Sydney: The Federation Press.
- Nottage, L., Garnett, R. (2010). Top 20 Things to Change In or Around Australia's International Arbitration Act. Asian International Arbitration Journal, 6(1), 1-43.
2009 | - Nottage, L., Miles, K. (2009). "Back to the Future" for Investor-State Arbitrations: Revising Rules in Australia and Japan to Meet Public Interests. Journal of International Arbitration, 26(1), 25-58.
- Nottage, L. (2009). Book review, Christine de Matos: Australia, Social Justice and Labour Reform in Occupation Japan. Japanese Studies, 29(3), 454-456.
- Nottage, L. (2009). Book Review: Hiroshi Oda. Japanese Law (3rd ed.), Oxford University Press, 2009. Australian Journal of Asian Law, 11(2), 322-326.
- Nottage, L. (2009). Book Review: The Power of Words in International Relations - Birth of an Anti-Whaling Discourse, by Charlotte Epstein, MIT Press, 2008. Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, 12(1), 240-246.
- Nottage, L. (2009). Chinese Dumplings and Dodgy Foods in Japan: Implications for the Australia-Japan FTA. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 19(4), 50-56.
- Nottage, L. (2009). Consumer Law Reform in Australia: Contemporary and Comparative Constructive Criticism. Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal, 9(2), 111-136. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2009). Economics, Politics, Public Policy and Law in Japan, Australasia and the Pacific: Corporate Governance, Financial Crisis, and Consumer Product Safety in 2008. Ritsumeikan Law Review, 26, 49-93.
- Kasahara, T., Yoneda, K., Nottage, L., Inagaki, N. (2009). Hogaku Kyoiku no IT-ka - Daigaku-kan Renkei o Shiya ni Irete [Developing Information Technology for Legal Education: Bringing Inter-University Links Into Perspective]. Joho Netwaku [Information Network] Law Review, , 191-244.
- Nottage, L. (2009). IAA Review: Towards More Informal, Global, and Comprehensive Solutions. ADR Reporter, March-June 2009, pages 15-17.
- Nottage, L. (2009). Product Safety Regulation in the Proposed
Australian Consumer Law: Proper Disclosure Please. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 19(10), 146-149.
- Nottage, L. (2009). Reviewing Standardisation in Australia: Another Dimension to Product Safety Regulation. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 17(5), 65-69.
- Nottage, L. (2009). The Cultural (Re)Turn in Japanese Law Studies. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 39(4), 755-777.
- Kozuka, S., Nottage, L. (2009). The Myth of the Cautious Consumer: Law, Culture, Economics and Politics in the Rise and Partial Fall of Unsecured Lending in Japan. In Ramsay, Iain; Niemi, Johanna; Whitford, William (Eds.), Consumer Credit, Debt and Bankruptcy: Comparative and International Perspectives, (pp. 199-224). Oregon: Hart Publishing.
- Nottage, L. (2009). The New Australian Consumer Law: What About Consumer ADR? Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal, 9(2), 176-197.
- Harland, D., Nottage, L. (2009). Trends Towards Strict Liability and Consumer Product Safety Regulation. In Kellam, Jocelyn (Eds.), Product Liability in the Asia-Pacific Third Edition, (pp. 559-578). Sydney, Australia: Federation Press.
2008 | - Nottage, L. (2008). Australia's Consumer Policy Framework-Inquiry Report: Few Surprises. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 19(3), 34-36.
- Nottage, L., Bennett, F., Prokati, K., Anderson, K., Wolff, L., Ibusuki, M. (2008). Beyond Borders in the Classroom - The Possibility of Transnational Legal Education. Ritsumeikan Law Review, 25(March 2008), 183-208.
- Nottage, L. (2008). Book review - Daniel H Foote (ed.), Law in Japan: A Turning Point. Journal of Japanese Law, 25, 261-265.
- Nottage, L. (2008). Book review: Klaus Peter Berger, "Private Dispute Resolution in International Business: Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration". Australian International Law Journal.
- Nottage, L. (2008). Book review: Trevor Ryan, "Dear Judge Ichiro". Japanese Studies, 28(1), 131-132.
- Nottage, L. (2008). Business Law in Japan - Volume 1. Japan: CCH Asia Pacific.
- Nottage, L., Wolff, L., Anderson, K. (2008). Corporate Governance in the 21st Century: Japans Gradual Transformation. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Kellam, J., Nottage, L. (2008). Europeanisation of Product Liability in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Preliminary Empirical Benchmark. Journal of Consumer Policy, 31(2), 217-241. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2008). International Arbitration and Commercial Law Education for an International World. In M Deguchi and M Storme (Eds.), The Reception and Transmission of Civil Procedure Law in the Global Society: Legislative and Legal Education Assistance to Other Countries in Procedural Law, (pp. 71-92). Belgium: Maklu Publishers.
- Nottage, L., Wolff, L., Anderson, K. (2008). Introduction: Japan's Gradual Transformation in Corporate Governance. In Luke Nottage, Leon Wolff and Kent Anderson (Eds.), Corporate Governance in the 21st Century: Japans Gradual Transformation, (pp. 1-20). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Nottage, L. (2008). Japan Business Law Guide. Singapore: CCH Asia Pacific.
- Nottage, L. (2008). Perspectives and Approaches: A Framework For Comparing Japanese Corporate Governance. In Luke Nottage, Leon Wolff and Kent Anderson (Eds.), Corporate Governance in the 21st Century: Japans Gradual Transformation, (pp. 21-52). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Kozuka, S., Nottage, L. (2008). Re-regulating Unsecured Consumer Credit in Japan: Over-indebted Borrowers, the Supreme Court and New Legislation. In D Parry, A Nordhausem, G Howells and C Twigg-Flesner (Eds.), The Yearbook of Consumer Law 2009 (Markets and the Law), (pp. 197-229). UK: Ashgate. [More Information]
- Nottage, L. (2008). Reforming International Commercial Arbitration (ICA) Law: The U.N., New Zealand - Why Not Australia? Australian ADR Reporter (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - Australian Branch).
- Nottage, L. (2008). Reforming International Commercial Arbitration (ICA) Law:The U.N., New Zealand - Why Not Australia? Australian ADR Reporter, Volume 7, pages 15-19.
- Nottage, L. (2008). The Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Australia's Consumer Policy Framework: a partial response. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 18(9), 122-127.
- Nottage, L., Miles, K. (2008). Why and How Investment Arbitration Should be in the Australia-Japan FTA. JCAA Newsletter, Volume 20, pages 1-12.
2007 | - Nottage, L. (2007). Arb-Med in Australia: The Time Has Come. Australian ADR Reporter (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - Australian Branch).
- Nottage, L. (2007). Book review: Roehl, W (ed) 'A History of Japanese Law Since 1868'. Journal of Japanese Law, 11(22), 283-291.
- Nottage, L. (2007). Changing Contract Lenses: Unexpected Supervening Events in English, New Zealand, U.S., Japanese, and International Sales Law and Practice. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 14(2), 385-418.
- Nottage, L. (2007). Comparing Product Safety and Liability Law in Japan: Path-Dependant Globalization. In Harry N. Schreiber and Laurent Mayali (Eds.), Emerging Rights in Japanese Law, (pp. 159-183). UCLA, California: The Robbins Collection.
- Nottage, L. (2007). Consumer Product Safety Regulation Reform in Australia: Ongoing Processes and Possible Outcomes. In G. Howells, A. Nordhausen, D. Parry & C. Twigg-Flesner (Eds.), The Yearbook of Consumer Law 2007, (pp. 327-344). Aldershot, England: Ashgate.
- Nottage, L. (2007). Consumers Beware!. New Zealand Law Journal, 2007 (September), 309-311.
- Kitagawa, T., Nottage, L. (2007). Globalization of Japanese Corporations and the Development of Corporate Legal Departments: Problems and Prospects. In William P. Alford (Eds.), Raising the Bar: The Emerging Legal Profession in East Asia, (pp. 201-285). Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
- Kellam, J., Nottage, L. (2007). Happy 15th Birthday, TPA Part VA ! Australia's Product Liability Morass. Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 15(1), 26-73.
- Nottage, L. (2007). Japan. In D Ream (Eds.), Products Liability Defenses: A State-by-State Compendium, (pp. 829-834). Chicago: Defense Research Institute.
- Nottage, L. (2007). Legal Harmonization. In David S. Clark (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives. United States: Sage Publications.
- Nottage, L. (2007). Product Liability and Safety Regulation. In Gerald Paul McAlinn (Eds.), Japanese Business Law, (pp. 221-262). The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (Kluwer Law International).
- Nottage, L. (2007). Product Safety Regulation Reform in Australia and Japan: Harmonising Towards European Models? In C. Twigg-Flesner, D. Parry, G. Howells & A. Nordhausen (Eds.), The Yearbook of Consumer Law 2008, (pp. 429-445). UK: Ashgate.
- Nottage, L. (2007). Studie: Produkthaftung in Asienpazifik (Teil 1). Produkt- und Umwelthaftpflicht International - Recht und Versicherung, 2007(1), 22-28.
2006 | - Nottage, L. (2006). Commercial Regulation. (Vol. 1, pp. 135-144).
- Nottage, L., Abe, M. (2006). Japanese Law. (Vol. 1, pp. 357-371).
- Nottage, L. (2006). Nothing New in the (North) East? Interpreting the Rhetoric and Reality of Japanese Corporate Governance. Pacific Economic Papers, 359, 1-46.
- Nottage, L. (2006). Nothing New in the (North) East? Interpreting the Rhetoric and Reality of Japanese Corporate Governance.
- Nottage, L. (2006). Re-regulating Japan: Asbestos, Defectively Designed Buildings, and Secondhand Electrical Products. Journal of Japanese Law, 11(22), 89-114.
- Nottage, L. (2006). Report on Clayton Utz Asia-Pacific Product Liability Survey. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 17(9), 121-140.
- Nottage, L. (2006). Responsive Re-regulation of Product Safety: Soft and Hard Law in Australia and Japan.
- Nottage, L. (2006). Shihoseikatsuyohin no Saikisei in mukete - Nihon, Osutoraria, Oshu o torimaku Kaikaku no Arashi [Towards Consumer Product Safety Re-regulation: The Law Reform Tempest Enveloping Japan, Australia and Europe]. NBL, 847.
- Nottage, L. (2006). Shohiseikatsuyohin no ototeki Saikise - Osutoraria to Nihon ni okeru Hado-ro to Sofuto-ro [Responsive Re-regulation of Consumer Product Safety: Hard and Soft Law in Australia and Japan] (Hitoshi Nasu, translator). Soft Law Kenkyu, 7, 111-144.
- Nottage, L. (2006). Tetsuzukikihan to shite no Lex Mercatoria: Kokusai Shoji Chusai no Kako, Genjo, Mirai (The Procedural Lex Mercatoria: The Past, Present and Future of International Commercial Arbitration). In Yasushi Kinunaki & Akira Saito (Eds.), Kokusai Keiyaku Ruru no Tanjo (The Genesis of International Contract Law Rules), (pp. 113-156). Tokyo, Japan: Dobunkan.
- Nottage, L. (2006). The ABCs of Product Safety Re-regulation in Japan: Asbestos, Buildings, Consumer Electrical Goods, and Schindler's Lifts. Griffith Law Review, 15(2), 242-286.
- Freedman, C., Nottage, L. (2006). The Chicago School of Economics and (Japanese) Law: Resisting the Invasions by Stigler and Ramseyer. ANJeL Conference in Japanese Law 2006: War of the Worlds in Japanese Law? Implications for Business Law Harmonisation in an FTA World, Kensington, NSW: Presentation.
- Freedman, C., Nottage, L. (2006). The Chicago School of Economics and (Japanese) Law: Resisting the Invasions by Stigler and Ramseyer. 16th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) 2006, Canberra: Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA).
- Nottage, L. (2006). The Latest Round in Australia's Review of Consumer Product Safety Regulation: The Productivity Commission's Final Research Report. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 17, 1-8.
- Freedman, C., Nottage, L. (2006). You Say Tomato, I Say Tomahto, Let's Call the Whole Thing Off: The Chicago School of Law and Economics Comes to Japan. 5th Australian Society of Heterodox Economist Conference SHE 2006, Australia: University of New South Wales - Faculty of Commerce & Economics.
2005 | - Nottage, L. (2005). A Decade of Strict Liability Litigation under Japan's Product Liability Law of 1994. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 16(5), 65-69.
- Nottage, L. (2005). Build Postgraduate Law Schools in Kyoto, and Will They Come - Sooner and Later? Australian Journal of Asian Law, 7(3), 241-263.
- Nottage, L. (2005). Civil Procedure Reforms in Japan: The latest round. Ritsumeikan Law Review, 22, 81-86.
- Nottage, L. (2005). Comparing Product Safety and Liability Law in Japan: From Minamata to Mad Cows - and Mitsubishi. In Duncan Fairgrieve (Eds.), Product Liability in Comparative Perspective, (pp. 334-340). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Nottage, L., Wolff, L. (2005). Corporate Governance and Law Reform in Japan: From the lost decade to the end of history? In Rene Haak & Markus Pudelko (Eds.), Japanese management : the search for a new balance between continuity and change, (pp. 133-166). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Nottage, L., Wolff, L. (2005). Japan. Doing Business in Asia. The Hague: Kluwer Law International.
- Nottage, L. (2005). Osutoraria ni okeru Chusai Kyoiku - Kokkyo o koeru Teikei ni mukete (Teaching Arbitration in Australia: Towards Transnational Associations). JCA Jyanaru, Volume 52(4), pages 50-54.
- Nottage, L. (2005). Redirecting Japan's Multi-Level Governance. In K. Hopt, E. Wymeersch, H. Kanda & H. Baum (Eds.), Corporate Governance in Context: Corporations, States, and Markets in Europe, Japan, and the US, (pp. 571-598). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Nottage, L. (2005). Reviewing product safety regulation in Australia - and Japan? Part 1. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 16(7), 100-106.
- Nottage, L. (2005). Reviewing product safety regulation in Australia - and Japan? Part 2. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 16(8), 124-128.
- Nottage, L. (2005). Who's Afraid of the Vienna Sales Convention (CISG)? A New Zealander's View from Australia and Japan. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 36(4), 815-845.
2004 | - McAlinn, G., Nottage, L. (2004). Changing The (Jcaa) Rules: Improving International Commercial Arbitration In Japan. Journal of Japanese Law, 9(18), 23-36.
- Nottage, L. (2004). Civil procedure reforms in Japan: The latest round. Journal of Japanese Law, 18(9), 204-209.
- Nottage, L. (2004). Convergence, Divergence And The Middle Way In Unifying Or Harmonizing Private Law. In Russell A. Miller and Peer Zumbansen (Eds.), Annual of German and European Law, Volume 1 (2003), (pp. 166-245). New York: Blackwell Publishers.
- Nottage, L. (2004). Is (International) Commercial Arbitration ADR? In David Spencer (Eds.), Dispute Resolution in Australia: Cases, Commentary and Materials. Australia: Lawbook Co.
- Nottage, L. (2004). Japan's New Arbitration Law: Domestication Reinforcing Internationalisation. International Arbitration Law Review, 2, 54-60.
- Nottage, L. (2004). Product Safety And Liability Law In Japan: From Minamata To Mad Cows. London: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
- Nottage, L., Saito, T. (2004). Proposals For The Reform Of Japan'S System For Educating Legal Professionals - From An Australian Law Viewpoint. Horitsu Jiho, 76(2), 30-36.
- Nottage, L. (2004). Review: Vanoverbeke, D, "Community and State in the Japanese Farm Village: Farm Tenancy Conciliation (1924-1938)". Journal of Japanese Law, 9(18), 255-257.
- Nottage, L. (2004). Teaching Arbitration in Australia: Towards Transnational Associations.
2003 | - Nottage, L. (2003). Americanisation of Japanese - and Australian - Law? CCH Asiawatch, Volume 60, pages 11-12.
- Nottage, L. (2003). Comparative Law, Asian law and Japanese Law. Journal of Japanese Law, 11, 41-62.
- Nottage, L. (2003). Has Australian Law been Americanised? Implications for Japan's system for educating the legal profession. Causa, September 2003, pages 66-69.
- Ibusuki, M., Nottage, L. (2003). IT and transformations in legal practice and education in Japan and Australia. The U T S Law Review, 4, 31-48.
- Nottage, L. (2003). Japan, Inc Goes Global: Elective Corporate Governance Reform. CCH Asiawatch, No 57, April 2003, pages 6-8.
- Nottage, L. (2003). Mad cows and Japanese consumers. Australian Product Liability Reporter, 14(9), 125-136.
- Nottage, L. (2003). Review: Basedow, J, et al (ed), "Economic Regulation and Competition: Regulation of Services in the EU, Germany and Japan". Journal of Japanese Law, 8(16), 281-284.
- Nottage, L. (2003). Review: Pryles, M (ed), "Dispute Resolution in Asia". Uniform Law Review, 3, 794-797.
- Nottage, L. (2003). Reviewing the Arbitration Act 1996. New Zealand Law Journal, February 2003, 34-38.
- Nottage, L. (2003). The Procedural Lex Mercatoria: The Past, Present and Future of International Commercial Arbitration.
2002 | - Nottage, L. (2002). A History of Legal Education in New Zealand: Implications for Legal Education Reform in Japan. In S Bengoshikai (Eds.), Legal Education in New South Wales, (pp. 89-103). Sopporo, Japan: Sopporo Bar Association.
- Nottage, L. (2002). Book review: The Practice of Transnational Law (Klaus Peter Berger ed., 2001). Journal of International Arbitration, 19(1), 67-71.
- Nottage, L. (2002). Is (International Commercial) Arbitration ADR? The Arbitrator and Mediator, 24(1), 83-92.
- Nottage, L. (2002). Is (international) Commercial Arbitration ADR? Bar News: The Journal of the NSW Bar Association, Winter 2002, 27-30.
- Nottage, L. (2002). Japan's E-Initiatives, 2000-2001. CCH Asiawatch, No 52, March 2002, pages 7-9.
- Nottage, L. (2002). Japanese Corporate Governance at a Crossroads: Variation in 'Varieties of Capitalism'? North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation, 27, 255-299.
- Nottage, L. (2002). Re-tilting Japan's Civil Litigation Landscape. CCH Asiawatch, No 54, August 2002, pages 10-11.
- Nottage, L. (2002). Review: Wilmott, L, "Contract Law". Journal of Contract Law, 18, 145-151.
- Nottage, L. (2002). Review: Yasanobu Sato, "Commercial Dispute Processing and Japan". International Arbitration Law Review, , 133-135.
- Nottage, L. (2002). The Practical and Theoretical Significance of the Lex Mercatoria for Japan: CENTRAL's Empirical Study on the Use of Transnational Law. Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law, 30(9), 1229-1235.
- Nottage, L. (2002). The Practical and Theoretical Significance of the Lex Mercatoria for Japan: CENTRAL's Empirical Study on the Use of Transnational Law. Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law, 30(10), 1387-1392.
2001 | - Nottage, L. (2001). Book review - B.Jazulot "La bonne foi dans les contrats". Journal of Japanese Law, 12, 271-273.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Book review - P.Parkinson "Tradition and Change in Australian Law. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 50(4), 998-1000.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Comment on Civil Law and Common Law: Two Different Parths Leading to the Same Goal. La revue juridique polynesienne, 7, 843-851.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Comment on Civil Law and Common Law: Two Different Parths Leading to the Same Goal. In NZ Association for Comparative Law (Eds.), The New Zealand Association for Comparative Law Yearbook 6: 2000, (pp. 843-851). New Zealand: The New Zealand Association for Comparative Law.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Comment on Civil Law and Common Law: Two Different Paths Leading to the Same Goal. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 32, 843-851.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Comment on Civil Law and Common Law: Two Different Paths Leading to the Same Goal. In The New Zealand Association for Comparative Law (Eds.), The New Zealand Association for Comparative Law Yearbook 6, (pp. 843-851). New Zealand: The New Zealand Association for Comparative Law.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Digitalising Legal Education: Japan and the World(s). In Tom Ginsburg, Luke Nottage, Hiroo Sono (Eds.), The Multiple Worlds of Japanese Law: Disjunctions and Conjunctions, (pp. 167-186). Victoria, B.C Canada: University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Investing in Japan today. CCH Asia Watch Newsletter, Volume 49, pages 16-18.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Japan and the WTO Game. CCH Asiawatch, No 47, May 2001, pages 1-4.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Japan's Impending Reform of the Administration of Justice: Far from final. CCH Asia Watch Newsletter, Volume 40, pages 7-10.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Japanese Corporate Governance at a Crossroads: Variation in 'Varieties of Capitalism'? In Tom Ginsburg, Luke Nottage, Hiroo Sono (Eds.), The Multiple Worlds of Japanese Law: Disjunctions and Conjunctions, (pp. 66-97). Victoria, B.C Canada: University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Japanese Law Related Internet Resources. CCH Asiawatch, No 46, February 2001, pages 8-11.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Japanisches Recht, Japanese Law, and Nihon-ho. In Tom Ginsburg, Luke Nottage, Hiroo Sono (Eds.), The Multiple Worlds of Japanese Law: Disjunctions and Conjunctions, (pp. 20-24). Victoria, B.C Canada: University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Japanisches Recht, Japanese Law, and Nihon-ho: Towards New Transnational Collaboration in Research and Teaching. Journal of Japanese Law, 12, 17-21.
- Nottage, L. (2001). New Concerns and Challenges for Product Safety in Japan. In Tom Ginsburg, Luke Nottage, Hiroo Sono (Eds.), The Multiple Worlds of Japanese Law: Disjunctions and Conjunctions, (pp. 54-65). Victoria, B.C Canada: University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Reformist Conservatism and Failures of Imagination in Japanese Legal Education. Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal, 2(2), 28-65.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Reformist Conservatism and Failures of Imagination in Japanese Legal Education. In Tom Ginsburg, Luke Nottage, Hiroo Sono (Eds.), The Multiple Worlds of Japanese Law: Disjunctions and Conjunctions, (pp. 132-157). Victoria, B.C Canada: University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Reformist Conservatism and Failures of Imagination in Japanese Legal Education. Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, 8, 115-144.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Review: Nysten-Haarala, S, "The Long-term Contract". Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 8.3, 331-335.
- Nottage, L. (2001). Stakeholders in Japanese Corporate Governance. New Zealand Law Journal, February 2001, 35-40.
- Nottage, L., Ginsburg, T., Hiroo, S. (2001). The Multiple Worlds of Japanese Law: Disjunctions and Conjunctions. Victoria, B.C Canada: University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives.
- Nottage, L. (2001). The Still-Birth and Re-Birth of Product Liability in Japan. In D.Nelken, J.Feest (Eds.), Adapting Legal Cultures, (pp. 147-186). Oxford: Sage Publications.
- Nottage, L., Ginsburg, T., Hiroo, S. (2001). The Worlds, Vicissitudes and Futures of Japan's Law. In Tom Ginsburg, Luke Nottage, Hiroo Sono (Eds.), The Multiple Worlds of Japanese Law: Disjunctions and Conjunctions, (pp. 1-14). Victoria, B.C Canada: University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives.
2000 | - Nottage, L. (2000). Reformist Conservatism and Failures of Imagination in Japanese Legal Education. Journal of Japanese Law, 9, 23-47.
- Nottage, L. (2000). The present and future of product liability dispute resolution in Japan. William Mitchell Law Review, 27(1), 215-235.
- Nottage, L. (2000). The Vicissitudes of Transnational Commercial Arbitration and the Lex Mercatoria: A view from the periphery. Arbitration International, 16, 53-78.
1999 | - Nottage, L., Kano, H. (1999). Japan. In Kellam, Jocelyn (Eds.), Product Liability in the Asia-Pacific Third Edition, (pp. 171-180). Sydney, Australia: Federation Press.