Sydney Law School building

Our visitors

Local and international visitors to Sydney Law School
Visits from local and international researchers provide valuable opportunities for learning, collaboration, and cultural exchange.

Visiting Fellows

The Sir Percy Spender Visiting Fellowship was developed to recognise and support professors with an established record and international standing who wish to make a genuine contribution to the research environment at Sydney Law School.


Professor Carlos Bernal (USA)

  • Professor of Law, University of Dayton
  • Commissioner, Inter-American Human Rights Commission

Professor Elisa Hoven (Germany)

  • Professorship of German and Foreign Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Economic Criminal Law and Media Criminal Law, Leipzig University


Professor Jane C. Ginsburg (USA)

The Sir Percy Spender/ADM+S Visiting Fellowship is sponsored by the Sydney node of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADM+S).


Professor Leonardo Netto Parentoni (Brazil)

  • Professor of Law, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)


Professor Damiano Canale (Italy)

  • Professor in the Department of Law, Bocconi University

The George Flannery Visiting Fellowship was developed to recognise and support outstanding Early to Mid-Career Researchers who wish to visit and collaborate with the University of Sydney Law School. 


Dr Jeevan Hariharan (UK)

  • Lecturer in Private Law, Queen Mary University of London 

Associate Professor Michelle Lim (Singapore)

  • Associate Professor of Law, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University

Dr Lucas Clover Alcolea (New Zealand)

  • Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Otago

Dr Senthorun Raj (UK)

Dr Sharon Munedzi (South Africa)

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, North-West University
  • Expertise in Mercantile Law, Banking Law, and Financial Markets Law


Associate Professor Ashwini Vasanthakumar (Canada)

Associate Professor Kimihiro Hino (Japan)

  • Associate Professor, Department of Urban Engineering at the University of Tokyo
  • Advisor for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Fukuoka Prefectural Police
  • Research expertise includes Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Visiting researchers

Dr Tim Bowley (Australia)

  • Member of the Centre for Commercial Law and Regulatory Studies, Monash University
  • Consultant, Johnson Winter Slattery

Emma Miquel (France)

  • PhD candidate, Polytechnic University of Hauts de France (UPHF)

Associate Professor Andy Schmulow (Australia)

  • Associate Professor of Law, University of Wollongong

Professor Michael Welch (USA)

  • Professor of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University

Professor Alexander Bröstl (Slovak Republic)

  • Professor of Legal Theory/Jurisprudence at the Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

Professor Andrew Dickinson (UK)

  • Professor of the Conflict of Laws, University of Oxford

Professor Ozan Erözden (Türkiye)

  • Professor of Legal Theory at Kadir Has University, Istanbul

Associate Professor Eric Ghosh (Australia)

  • Associate Professor at the University of New England

Dr Irene Pollastro (Italy)

  • Lecturer and Research Fellow at Turin University

Professor Masayuki Tamaruya (Japan)

  • Professor of Law, University of Tokyo

Mr Helge Wieggrefe (Germany)

  • PhD candidate, University of Münster

Professor Mark Dawson (Germany)

  • Professor of EU Law and Governance, Hertie School in Berlin

Mr Michele Di Vita (Italy)

  • PhD student in renewable energy law, IUSS Pavia

Associate Professor Shohei Eto (Japan)

  • Associate Professor of Law, Hitotsubashi University

Dr Yarran Hominh (USA)

  • Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Bard College

Mr Heikki Jaatinen (Finland)

  • Doctoral Researcher, University of Turku

Associate Professor Jorge Feliu Rey (Spain)

  • Associate Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Dr Meng Jin (China)

  • Associate Professor, East China University of Political Science and Law

Dr Yixian Li (China)

  • Lecturer, Yunnan University

Professor Alex Mills (UK)

  • Professor of Public and Private International Law, University College London

Professor Kuei-Jung Ni (Taiwan)

  • Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Trans-Pacific Partnership and Transnational Trade Laws, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Dr Sirja-Leena Penttinen (Finland)

  • Senior Lecturer at UEF Law School 
  • Legal Advisor to the Energy Authority, Finland

Associate Professor Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell (Spain)

  • Associate Professor of Commercial Law, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 

Associate Professor Vivek Sehrawat (India)

  • Associate Professor, Mahindra University

Professor Gerry Simpson (UK)

  • Professor of Public International Law, LSE Law School

Professor Kim Talus (Finland) 

  • Professor of European Energy Law, UEF Law School (University of Eastern Finland)
  • Founder and co-director of UEF's Center for Climate, Energy and Environmental Law (CCEEL)

Professor Pierre Thielbörger (Germany) 

  • Professor of Public International Law and Executive Director of the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV)

Professor Kimberley Trapp (UK)

  • Professor of Public International Law, University College London

Judges in Residence

The Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL) has partnered with the Supreme Court of Japan's Overseas Training and Research Program for Japanese Judges and court officials since 2002. The program enables Judges from Japan to experience life in a jurisdiction outside Japan for a twelve-month period and provides them with a valuable opportunity to study Australian law courses, access University resources, and undertake research and training activities, including visits to courts and meetings with court personnel.


Judge Hirofumi Higashi

  • Civil Division of the Sendai District Court, Miyagi


Judge Kohei Sasaki

  • Yamagata District and Family Court 


Judge Saori Miyazaki

  • Takasaki Branch of Maebashi District Court, Takasaki Branch of Gunma Family Court and Takasaki Summary Court

Visitor news