Early Career Researcher training - Matilda Centre
Two early career researchers laughing together

Early Career Researcher training

Training future leaders in mental health and subtance use research
We offer a training program for Early Career Researcher's focused on the prevention, early intervention, treatment, and epidemiology of mental health and substance use disorders.

ECR Training Program

We aim to provide postdoctoral researchers with world-class training in the prevention, treatment and epidemiology of mental and substance use disorders. Our early-career researcher (ECR) training program provides the foundations upon which members can build their own successful programs of research.

Working alongside internationally recognised leaders in the field, members receive training in a variety of methodologies used to research each stream. In addition, researchers are provided with opportunities to develop their leadership and management skills.

The Matilda Centre ECR Training Program provides early career researchers with the necessary training, skills and support to develop as the future leaders of substance use and mental health research.
Associate Professor Katherine Mills

The ECR training program is delivered through a series of seminars and workshops tailored specifically to the needs of its members, formal and informal mentoring from senior academics, and participation in our grant development program.

Our ECR training program handbook (pdf, 717KB) provides a comprehensive overview of the training program as well as:

  • Program structure
  • Mentoring
  • Grant writing and workshops

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