News and events

News and events

The latest news, events and podcasts from our researchers and experts in medicine and health.


News and events

The latest news, events and podcasts from our researchers and experts in medicine and health.

Read our latest news and opinions, listen to our latest podcast or discover upcoming events hosted by the Faculty of Medicine and Health.

All news

The graduate undertaking global learning to drive local change

University of Sydney graduate Dr Sami Mukhdari Mushta is a health expert at the Public Health Authority (PHA) in Saudi A...

Swimming education in Australia: a proud history now in decline

A once proud swimming nation is no longer offering lessons to every school student. What are the risks?

Bottle feeding toddlers to sleep linked to dental decay and excess weight

New Australian research strengthens evidence against bottle feeding in bed.

Supporting healthy aquaculture in Lake Victoria

An international team of multidisciplinary experts has come together to sustainably support the booming fish farming ind...

35 disciplines in the global top 50 in QS Subject Rankings

First in Australia in nine disciplines. Five subjects in top 20 and 52 in top 100.

Partnership to advance oral health in Western Sydney

The Sydney School of Dentistry and the Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) Oral Health Service have partnered t...

Raising the Bar 2025: one night, 20 free talks at venues across Sydney

Keen to inject some knowledge into your night out? Pull up a chair at a local pub and let experts quench your thirst for...

World-first experimental cancer treatment paves way for clinical trial

Experimental treatment for glioblastoma published in Nature Medicine


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