The legacy of a gentleman supporting young dentists - The University of Sydney

The legacy of a gentleman: supporting young dentists

10 July 2018
Inaugural Armin Roth scholarship
The Armin Roth Scholarship honours the memory of a long-time supporter of the University of Sydney School of Dentistry, and will assist promising dentistry students.

If you’re lucky, your business or organisation will have an Armin Roth. They’re the person whose name is almost synonymous with the company, the first port of call to answer difficult or obscure questions.

“We’ll need to ask Armin that one,” was the common refrain when Mike Covey, Managing Director of Henry Schein Halas, joined the company in 2012 – despite Armin’s retirement 7 years earlier.

“When I met Armin, it was obvious why everyone looked up to him – he was a true gentleman who was eager to share his knowledge and showed respect for others,” says Mike.

“His technical knowledge and familiarity for details from long ago was admired by everyone. Dentists would trust anything he said, knowing that he had done the research to ensure the information he was giving them was correct.”

Armin Roth

Armin Roth

Henry Schein Halas established a scholarship in Armin’s name at the University of Sydney School of Dentistry to honour his memory after he passed away in July 2017. As an Honorary Associate of the Sydney Dental School, Armin was a long-time friend and supporter of the school.

The inaugural recipient is Dayna Fairweather, currently in her second year of the Doctor of Dental Medicine. Dayna is a young mother of two, who is committed to providing equitable oral health information and care.

“My husband and I aim to open a dental practice, where we can provide free dental treatment to some of the homeless in Sydney and Newcastle regions, to empower them to re-establish themselves as part of their community,” says Dayna.

“Receiving the Armin Roth scholarship will afford me more time to spend with my family and apply myself the best academically.”

“We’re grateful to Henry Schein Halas for their generous support in establishing the Armin Roth Scholarship, which will allow students like Dayna to reach their full academic potential,” says Professor Heiko Spallek, Acting Head of School and Dean of the Sydney Dental School.

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