Medicine Alumni Reunite - The University of Sydney
Medical school

Medicine Alumni Reunite

10 May 2022

The Class of 1960, 1961 and 1972 Reunion

After two unbelievably restricted years of COVID 19, lockdowns and social distancing, the 1961 and 1972 Class of the Medicine managed to hold their reunions and were ready to 'party', mingle, catch up and reminisce.

Class of 1960

The Class of 1960 reunion went beautifully and everyone was so happy and thankful. Through the wild weather, 25 alumni made it to the event. 

Light classical music in the background, a PowerPoint on stage with an image of The University and food and drink flowing as the Class of 1960 reunited.  

The event included a very tasty lunch, a presentation and viewing of the new health buildings, a singalong and a microphone on each table for the alumni to talk about their time at Sydney University and reminisce.

A wonderful day!

Class of 1961

The 1961 Class of the Medicine Faculty of the University of Sydney managed to hold their Reunion on March 20th 2022 in spite of the Covid 19 virus and weather problems.  All were delighted to have a fine, sunny, autumnal day.

The event was held in the impressive Sibyl Centre of the Women’s College.  63 Guests registered for the Reunion. Some of that number included spouses, partners and even daughters who assisted their graduate parents. We acknowledged two nonagenarian graduates, Drs Joan Killick and Rampal Singh.

Before Dr Bill Molloy welcomed us all, Dr Frank Cheok played “Over the Rainbow” on his harmonica.

Sophia de Mestre from the Alumni Office presented a short video showing the University campus in past decades and new recent buildings including the Susan Wakil Health building.

Professor Margaret Burgess toasted The Medical School and University.

A picture of the Sydney Morning Herald front page of April 29th 1955 showing the student protest on Parramatta Rd., was shown on the big screen.  Many graduates recalled their fun on that afternoon in the first year of their University life.

Speaker of the day was class member Dr Donald Wilson.  Don showed photos taken when an undergraduate.  In addition, he showed the part-time phase of his career as a cardiothoracic surgeon in northern California, in which he does follow up of his patients by light plane!  Dr Rae Riley (nee Howard) thanked Don for his long journey to the reunion and for his interesting talk.

The reunion organisers appreciated the assistance provided by Alumni Office personnel, Sophia de Mestre and Edwin Spindler as well as Women’s College Events Manager Gineke de Haan.

Dr Ruth McMahon
Dr William Molloy

Class of 1972

After two unbelievably restricted years of COVID 19, the ‘baby-boomer’ class of 1972 emerged from lockdowns, social distancing, working from home, and meetings by ZOOM. We were ready to ‘party’, to mingle, catch up, and to reminisce about better times. And this is just what we did and it was great fun.

But first a book – The best of times – with over 150 short bios and updated photos set against the original entries in the original Year Book. Condensing a lifetime into 300 words (60 words/decade)! But the entries were fascinating; we achieved a lot and have witnessed so many changes, this year of 1972! 

We chose to celebrate over several days at the Quarantine Station – a unique location, and very special in view of the circumstances of these last 2 years.  

Our first formal meeting was an evening reception. Who are all those old people?  But soon age was forgotten and our conversations took off where they left off often 50 years ago.

We assembled the following day to hear from some of our colleagues on a broad selection of topics that vaguely fitted the overall theme of ‘recollections’. How many were filling in their retirement; a quick review of 50 years of medical advances; historical vignettes.

Over 140 colleagues and partners joined the celebration Gala Dinner.  There were numerous toasts, formal and informal speeches - all entertaining. The underlying theme of all the presentations was that we were a lucky generation. Many of our parents had come to Australia in the aftermath of the 2nd World War, seeking a better life and we were the beneficiaries.

It was the ‘best of times’.

Catherine Storey OAM