About Sydney MSK - Faculty of Medicine and Health
Sydney MSK staff

About Sydney Musculoskeletal Health

Leading multidisciplinary research in musculoskeletal health
We are a partnership between the University of Sydney, Sydney Local Health District and Northern Sydney Local Health District. We have cross-disciplinary collaboration across multiple faculties, research centres, clinics and local health districts.

Our goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals by undertaking high quality research that promotes the delivery of efficient, patient-centred, evidence-based care. We aim to discover new ways to prevent, manage and cure these debilitating musculoskeletal conditions and injuries, and to promote healthy ageing and physical activity

Less than 50% of the world’s population undertake physical activity known to improve health at an estimated cost of 1 billion dollars per year. We aim to address and change this. 

We will achieve these objectives by partnering with clinicians, industry, government, and professional organisations to co-design research that transforms the lives of billions worldwide. Our mission is to be the world leader in musculoskeletal health through science, research, education, treatment and prevention. 

We work with Sydney Health Partners, as well as clinicians, researchers, consumers and policymakers, to facilitate rapid translation into local health districts and primary health networks.

In 2021, a new partnership between the University of Sydney, Sydney Local Health District and Northern Sydney Local Health District was established to support world-leading research into musculoskeletal conditions and rapidly translate it to clinical practice. 

Sydney Musculoskeletal Health is a partnership that builds on a long history of impactful research in musculoskeletal conditions. It unites a diverse group of researchers from across the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney.

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