Digital Health and Informatics Network

Digital Health & Informatics Network

We are an open network created to improve future efficiency, quality, and efforts in digital health and informatics.
Our purpose is to connect interests, promote collaboration in research, share current projects and resources in these areas, and stimulate purposeful networking via DHIN-hosted events and online engagement.

About us

We want to provide a central connection point for those with an interest in digital health and informatics. Our vision is to prevent illness, promote wellness, and improve care through purposeful collaboration and innovation in digital health and informatics. While the DHIN is Sydney-based, our network is open and membership is available to anyone with an interest in these areas.

Our Groups

Digital Health ECR Community

The Digital Health ECR Community is an informal group to bring together emerging researchers working in digital health or with an interest in digital health research. The community is open to all researchers who identify as early in their career (ECR) who have an interest in digital health, including honours, masters and doctoral research students. 

Join the mailing list here
Follow Us on Twitter: @DigiHealthECR

View EMCR Community Past Webinars Here

Evidence-based Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group

The Evidence-Based AI SIG is committed to driving collaboration and innovation in healthcare AI by distilling scientific literature, fostering a common language, and empowering members to leverage AI capabilities while ensuring safety, quality, and improved patient outcomes.​

At the Evidence-Based AI Special Interest Group, our mission is to foster collaboration and innovation in healthcare AI. We are dedicated to distilling complex scientific literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities and limitations of modern generative AI. By establishing a common language for discussing healthcare AI in Australia, we aim to create a knowledge-sharing community that empowers our members to harness the potential of AI while ensuring safety, quality, and improved patient outcomes. Through curated content, networking opportunities, and practical playbooks, we strive to equip our members with the tools and knowledge necessary to feel lucky to be alive in this era of AI advancements. Our ultimate goal is to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare, enabling our members to unlock their superpower and be at the forefront of evidence-based medicine.​

Working Group: Malcolm Pradhan (Chair), Ben Hachey (Chair), Anna Janssen (coordinator, contact)

Join the LinkedIn Group to join the conversation and get the latest blog posts from our experts. 


Dr Melissa Brunner

Contact the DHIN