General Practice Clinical School - Faculty of Medicine and Health
Professor Fiona Robinson and patients
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The University of Sydney General Practice Clinical School

Making a difference to the future of healthcare
Promoting excellence in general practice teaching and research with effective links to the general practice community and wider primary health care network.

General Practice (GP) is a cornerstone of the Australian primary health care system and fundamental to health and wellbeing in our society.

Our General Practice Clinical School sits within Sydney Medical School, alongside six metropolitan hospital-based clinical schools and three rural clinical schools throughout NSW.

Our General Practice Clinical School has academic and professional staff across the metropolitan area and has strong links with rural clinical school academics and the Community and Primary Health Care Network within the Faculty of Medicine and Health.

It is responsible for general practice curriculum development within our Doctor of Medicine (MD) program, contributing to postgraduate coursework programs, academic GP registrar training and fostering research capacity building, collaborations and output.


Our General Practice Clinical School education team is responsible for delivering the General Practice curriculum in the Sydney Medical Program.

The General Practice Term, an eight-week immersive experience, takes place during year four and SLICE (Situated Learning in Community Environments), an eight-week block, during year two.

General Practice and primary health care medicine exposure have been increased in the revised curriculum, which began to roll out in 2020.

General Practice draws from all the major disciplines in personalised, contextual care for individuals and families and provides a coordinating role as patients move from one health care provider to another.

In a combination of guided experiential learning, structured teaching, interactive and reflective activities, the curriculum is designed to develop skills and understanding to work in diverse communities in Australia and beyond.

The specialty is decentralised and students are allocated to one of the urban clinical schools (Central, Concord, Northern, Nepean or Westmead) or can apply to undertake the course in one of the Rural Clinical School sites at Dubbo, Orange, Lismore or Broken Hill.

Find out more about our Doctor of Medicine (MD).

Our people

Joint Heads of Clinical School

Associate Professor Fiona Robinson
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Associate Professor Melissa Kang
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