Professor Myfany Turpin
Associate Dean Indigenous Strategy and Services
Myfany Turpin is Associate Professor at Sydney Conservatorium of Music with a specialisation in ethnomusicology, linguistics and ethnobiology. Her research interests include the relationship between language and music, and identifying ways to support the continuation and revival of endangered performance arts, languages and ecological knowledge. Her research aims to address three broad questions:
Turpin works with custodian communities to develop appropriate cultural learning resources and skills transfer. She is also passionate about field methods that empower custodians with knowledge, skills and opportunities to further their language and performance practices.Turpin’s research explores poetic meter in Aboriginal Australian song-poetry and finds they are based on counting syllables and prosodic words rather than stress. Her lexical research focuses on Kaytetye, a central Australian language; and in particular patterns of meaning extension in vocabulary and the structure of the lexicon.
Turpin teaches Words and Music: song across cultures (MUSC2648), Research skills for Performers (MCGY5610), Recordings Archiving and Repatriating (OLET5801), and Exploring Ethnomusicology (MCGY2621) with Dr Ingram. Together with April Ngampart Campbell she gives guest lectures on central Australian Aboriginal music and education across a range of Music units including Musical Traditions and Globalization (MUSC3610), Children, Music and Educational setting (MUED2605), Australian Musical Worlds (MCGY1031) and Aural Perception (MCGY2005).
Turpin supervises higher degree research students in music, linguistics and ethnobiology; and is currently supervising:
- 'Women and Contemporary Music Making in Maningrida', Jodie Kell
- 'The Ancient Voice of the Future: Reawakening Ewamian Song and Language', Markos Koumoulas
- 'Lifting up our Warlpiri songs and voices: Song transmission and the use of narratives to activate new spaces for the performance and learning of songs', Evelyn Quispe Loka
- 'Roots and Reverberation: The Cultural and stylistic changes of First Nations Hip Hop', Ben Druitt
- 'Building Cultural Resilience through Bamboo Musical Instruments in Philippine Ethnolinguistic Groups', Regina Abelardo
- 'Arrernte Food Sovereignty: Defining Mpweringke Anapipe Food Groups', Kelsie Kahl, , Charles Darwin University
Reconnecting Warlpiri communities with cultural heritage materials
Centred in Yuendumu, NT, the project aims to unpack the significance of past documentation of cultural heritage for present day Warlpiri people who live in vastly different social worlds from their forebears. It involves researchers from University of Sydney, Warlpiri Media Aboriginal Corporation, Edith Cowan University, and Australian National University. Funded by the ARC Linkage scheme, 2023—2025.
Yaru! A Dictionary and Learner’s Guide to Gudjal
Gudjal is an Australian language of the Charters Towers region, Queensland. The researchers on this project are William Santo, Cassy Nancarrow, Alex Anderson, Jakelin Troy and Myfany Turpin. Funded by an Australian Government Indigenous Languages and Arts grant, 2022-2023.
Kaytetye and Warlpiri ethnobiology and song
This project aims to integrate Indigenous Ecological Knowledge with Indigenous ceremonial knowledge in two central Australian Aboriginal languages: Kaytetye and Warlpiri. Co-researchers on this grant are Georgia Curran, Linda Barwick, Linda Ford (CDU), Rona Glynn-McDonald (Commonground) and Glenn Wightman (Department of Environment and Natural Resources NT). Funded by the ARC Discovery Scheme, 2022—2025.
Modularised cultural heritage archives - future proofing PARADISEC
The Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures has been running for 20 years. With this grant the ageing infrastructure on which the collection is built will be renewed to ensure access and curation into the future. It involves researchers from University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, Australian National University, La Trobe University, University of Newcastle and Charles Darwin University. Funded by the ARC Linkage scheme, 2022—2024.
Following the Trade Routes: exchange and innovations in cultural economy
aims to advance understanding of pre-colonial economies and Trade Routes that have operated across our continent. It explores how such knowledge informs Indigenous society today, particularly in the Kimberley and Desert Regions. Co-researchers are Maya Haviland (ANU), Stephen Kinnane (WA Museum), Wayne Barker (Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre) and John Carty (SA Museum). Funded by the ARC Special Research Initiatives, 2021—2023.
provides digital access to early sources of Australia’s Indigenous languages, using various ways to turn images of manuscripts into text. It involves researchers from Australian National University, University of Queensland, La Trobe University, University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, and University of Adelaide, and the project is guided by an Indigenous Steering Committee. Funded by the ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment, and Facilities scheme, 2021—2023.
Member of the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language
Research affiliate of Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education
Council member of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Editor for the Indigenous Music, Language and Performing Arts Series Sydney University Press.
"Central Australian Aboriginal Songs and Biocultural Knowledge: Evidence from Women’s Ceremonies Relating to Edible Seeds.” ByGeorgia Curran, Linda Barwick,Myfany Turpin,Fiona Walsh, andMary Laughren.Journal of Ethnobiology39(3), 2019: 354–370. International Council for Traditional Music Best Article Honarable Mention in 2021.
United Kingdom | (Professor Nigel Fabb, University of Strathclyde) co author and collaborator in music and language research |
United States | (Dr Scott Carroll and Dr Jenella Loye) Biologists, ethnobiologists and biological research, UC Davis |
United States | (Megan Morais) co-author of in press publication, 'Art and Song in Warlpiri womens ceremonies from Willowra' Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press |
Project title | Research student |
Building Cultural Resilience through Bamboo Musical Instruments in Philippine Ethnolinguistic Groups | Starr ABELARDO |
The Ancient Voice of the Future: Reawakening Ewamian Song and Language | Markos KOUMOULAS |
Lifting up our Warlpiri songs and voices: Song transmission and the use of narratives to activate new spaces for the performance and learning of songs | Evelyn Marilyn QUISPE LOKA |
Selected publications
- Santo, W., Anderson, A., Nancarrow, C., Turpin, M. (2023). Yaru! Gudjal learner's guide and dictionary. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Meakins, F. (2019). Songs from the Stations. Wajarra as sung by Ronnie Wavehill Wirrpnga, Topsy Dodd Ngarnjal and Dandy Danbayarri. Sydney: Sydney University Press. [More Information]
- Meakins, F., Green, J., Turpin, M. (2018). Understanding Linguistic Fieldwork. Oxon: Routledge. [More Information]
Edited Books
- Thieberger, N., Harris, A., Treloyn, S., Turpin, M. (2024). Keeping time: Dialogues on music and archives in honour of Linda Barwick. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Wafer, J. (2017). Recirculating songs: Revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics.
- Pensalfini, R., Turpin, M., Guilleman, D. (2014). Language Description Informed by Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Book Chapters
- Green, J., Turpin, M. (2024). Agents of song: Exploring the cultural meanings of Arandic verbs of vocal production. In Nick Thieberger, Amanda Harris, Sally Treloyn, Myfany Turpin (Eds.), Keeping time: Dialogues on music and archives in honour of Linda Barwick, (pp. 145-166). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. [More Information]
- Thieberger, N., Harris, A., Treloyn, S., Turpin, M. (2024). Dialogues on music and archives: A tribute to Linda Barwick. In Nick Thieberger, Amanda Harris, Sally Treloyn, Myfany Turpin (Eds.), Keeping time: Dialogues on music and archives in honour of Linda Barwick, (pp. 1-20). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. [More Information]
- Turpin, M. (2020). Return of a travelling song: Wanji-wanji in the Pintupi region of Central Australia. In Linda Barwick, Jennifer Green, and Petronella Vaarzon-Morel (Eds.), Archival Returns: Central Australia and Beyond, (pp. 239-262). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.
- Harvey, M., San, N., Proctor, M., Turpin, M. (2023). The Kaytetye segmental inventory. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 43(1), 33-68. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Meakins, F., Yeoh, C. (2020). 'Puranguwana' ('Perishing in the Sun') as sung by Patrick Jupiter Smith, Jack Gordon and Marie Gordon. Aboriginal History, 44, 55-89. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Yeoh, C., Bracknell, C. (2020). Wanji-wanji: The Past and Future of an Aboriginal Travelling Song. Musicology Australia, 42(2), 123-147. [More Information]
- San, N., Bartelds, M., Browne, M., Clifford, L., Mansfield, J., Nash, D., Simpson, J., Turpin, M., Vollmer, M., Wilmoth, S., et al (2021). Leveraging Pre-Trained Representations to Improve Access to Untranscribed Speech from Endangered Languages. 2021 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2021, Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Turpin, M., San, N. (2021). Text-setting in Kaytetye. 2020 Annual Meeting of Phonology, Online: Linguistic Society of America.
- Lin, S., Harvey, M., Turpin, M., Nangala Ross, A., Demuth, K. (2015). The articulation of contrastive and non-contrastive prestopped consonants in Kaytetye. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS2015), Glasgow, UK: University of Glasgow.
Textual Creative Works
- Turpin, M., Campbell, A., Ingram, C., Meifang, W., Pinxian, W., Xuegui, W., Zhicheng, W. (2017). Songs of Home: Anmatyerr and Kam Singing Traditions, (pp. 1 - 50). Batchelor, NT, Australia: Batchelor Press.
Recorded / Rendered
- Turpin, M., Bracknell, C. (2022). A Song With No Boss. Australian Broadcasting Commission. [More Information]
Digital Creative Works
- Turpin, M., Ross, A., Foley, B., Carew, M. (2015). Thangkerne: Kaytetye Birds: Central Australian Indigenous Languages Bird App Project. iTunes, Brisbane, Australia: Two Galahs Pty Ltd.
Film / Video
- Turpin, M., Sometimes, B., Wighton, W., MacKenzie, P. (2020). The Kulkalanya ceremony: Inma Kulkalanya Wangkanyi. Talking about the ceremony 'Kulkalanya'. Web broadcast, Ciccone, Australia: ICTV. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Sometimes, B., Wighton, W., MacKenzie, P. (2020). The Kulkalanya ceremony: Pantjiti McKenzie-lu Inma Kulkalanyatjara Wangkanyi. Pantjiti McKenzie talks about the ceremony 'Kulkalanya'. Web broadcast, Ciccone, Australia: ICTV. [More Information]
- Turpin, M. (2010). Apmere Rtwerrpe. 2 videodiscs (DVD), Alice Springs, Australia: Central Land Council.
Exhibitions / Events
- Curran, G., Turpin, M., Walsh, F., Barwick, L. (2018). Songs of Seed. Sydney Conservatorium of Music Library Exhibit Space, Sydney, Australia: Sydney Conservatorium of Music, The University of Sydney.
- Turpin, M., Ingram, C. (2017). Songs of Home: Anmatyerr and Kam Singing Traditions. Music Workshop, SCM, Sydney, Australia: Sydney Conservatorium of Music, The University of Sydney.
Web based exhibition
- Turpin, M., Brain, C., Heffernan, M., Janima, P., Lea, B. (2023). Kaytetyemoji. Australia: Indigemoji. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Bracknell, C., Meakins, F. (2023). Wanji-wanji. Australia: University of Sydney. [More Information]
Reference Works
- Turpin, M. (1997). Arandic Music. In Warren Bebbington (Eds.), Oxford Companion to Australian Music. (pp. 26-27). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
- Green, J., Turpin, M. (2024). Agents of song: Exploring the cultural meanings of Arandic verbs of vocal production. In Nick Thieberger, Amanda Harris, Sally Treloyn, Myfany Turpin (Eds.), Keeping time: Dialogues on music and archives in honour of Linda Barwick, (pp. 145-166). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. [More Information]
- Thieberger, N., Harris, A., Treloyn, S., Turpin, M. (2024). Dialogues on music and archives: A tribute to Linda Barwick. In Nick Thieberger, Amanda Harris, Sally Treloyn, Myfany Turpin (Eds.), Keeping time: Dialogues on music and archives in honour of Linda Barwick, (pp. 1-20). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. [More Information]
- Thieberger, N., Harris, A., Treloyn, S., Turpin, M. (2024). Keeping time: Dialogues on music and archives in honour of Linda Barwick. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Brain, C., Heffernan, M., Janima, P., Lea, B. (2023). Kaytetyemoji. Australia: Indigemoji. [More Information]
- Harvey, M., San, N., Proctor, M., Turpin, M. (2023). The Kaytetye segmental inventory. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 43(1), 33-68. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Bracknell, C., Meakins, F. (2023). Wanji-wanji. Australia: University of Sydney. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Bracknell, C. (2022). A Song With No Boss. Australian Broadcasting Commission. [More Information]
- San, N., Bartelds, M., Browne, M., Clifford, L., Mansfield, J., Nash, D., Simpson, J., Turpin, M., Vollmer, M., Wilmoth, S., et al (2021). Leveraging Pre-Trained Representations to Improve Access to Untranscribed Speech from Endangered Languages. 2021 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2021, Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [More Information]
- Turpin, M., San, N. (2021). Text-setting in Kaytetye. 2020 Annual Meeting of Phonology, Online: Linguistic Society of America.
- Turpin, M., Meakins, F., Yeoh, C. (2020). 'Puranguwana' ('Perishing in the Sun') as sung by Patrick Jupiter Smith, Jack Gordon and Marie Gordon. Aboriginal History, 44, 55-89. [More Information]
- Turpin, M. (2020). Return of a travelling song: Wanji-wanji in the Pintupi region of Central Australia. In Linda Barwick, Jennifer Green, and Petronella Vaarzon-Morel (Eds.), Archival Returns: Central Australia and Beyond, (pp. 239-262). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.
- Turpin, M., Sometimes, B., Wighton, W., MacKenzie, P. (2020). The Kulkalanya ceremony: Inma Kulkalanya Wangkanyi. Talking about the ceremony 'Kulkalanya'. Web broadcast, Ciccone, Australia: ICTV. [More Information]
- Curran, G., Barwick, L., Turpin, M., Walsh, F., Laughren, M. (2019). Central Australian Aboriginal Songs and Biocultural Knowledge: Evidence from Women's Ceremonies Relating to Edible Seeds. Journal of Ethnobiology, 39(3), 354-370. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Meakins, F. (2019). Songs from the Stations. Wajarra as sung by Ronnie Wavehill Wirrpnga, Topsy Dodd Ngarnjal and Dandy Danbayarri. Sydney: Sydney University Press. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Yeoh, C. (2018). An Aboriginal Women's Song from Arrwek, Central Australia. Musicology Australia, 40(2), 98-123. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Green, J. (2018). Rapikwenty: 'A loner in the ashes' and other songs for sleeping. Studia Metrica e Poetica, 5(1), 52-79. [More Information]
- Curran, G., Turpin, M., Walsh, F., Barwick, L. (2018). Songs of Seed. Sydney Conservatorium of Music Library Exhibit Space, Sydney, Australia: Sydney Conservatorium of Music, The University of Sydney.
- Turpin, M., Campbell, A., Ingram, C., Meifang, W., Pinxian, W., Xuegui, W., Zhicheng, W. (2017). Songs of Home: Anmatyerr and Kam Singing Traditions, (pp. 1 - 50). Batchelor, NT, Australia: Batchelor Press.
- Turpin, M., Moyle, R., Bonney, E. (2017). Alyawarr Women's Rain Songs. In Kirsty Gillespie, Sally Treloyn, Don Niles (Eds.), A Distinctive Voice in the Antipodes: Essays in Honour of Stephen A Wild, (pp. 117-145). Canberra: ANU Press. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Fabb, N. (2017). Brilliance as Cognitive Complexity in Aboriginal Australia. Oceania, 87(2), 209-230. [More Information]
- Barwick, L., Turpin, M. (2016). Central Australian Women's Traditional Songs: Keeping Yawulyu/Awelye Strong. In Huib Schippers and Catherine Grant (Eds.), Sustainable Futures for Music Cultures: An Ecological Perspective, (pp. 111-144). New York: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Green, J., Gibson, J. (2016). Mustering up a song: an Anmatyerr cattle truck song. In Peter K Austin, Harold Koch, Jane Simpson (Eds.), Language, Land and Song: Studies in honour of Luise Hercus, (pp. 450-465). London: EL Publishing.
- Laughren, M., Curran, G., Turpin, M., Peterson, N. (2016). Women's yawulyu songs as evidence of connections to and knowledge of land: the Jardiwanpa. In Peter K Austin, Harold Koch, Jane Simpson (Eds.), Language, Land and Song: Studies in honour of Luise Hercus, (pp. 425-455). London: EL Publishing.
- Turpin, M. (2015). Alyawarr women's song-poetry of Central Australia. Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2015 (1), 66-96. [More Information]
- Harvey, M., Lin, S., Turpin, M., Davies, B., Demuth, K. (2015). Contrastive and non-contrastive pre-stopping in Kaytetye. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 35(3), 232-250. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Ross, A., Foley, B., Carew, M. (2015). Thangkerne: Kaytetye Birds: Central Australian Indigenous Languages Bird App Project. iTunes, Brisbane, Australia: Two Galahs Pty Ltd.
- San, N., Turpin, M. (2014). Acoustic correlates of stress in Kaytetye words. 45th annual meeting of the Australian Linguistics Society, Newcastle: Australian Linguistic Society.
- Lin, S., Harvey, M., Davies, B., Turpin, M., Ross, A., Demuth, K. (2014). Articulatory realization of Kaytetye coronals. LabPhon 2014: The 14th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Tokyo, Japan: Association for Laboratory Phonology.
- Turpin, M., Guilleman, D. (2014). Bibliography of Mary Laughren. In Rob Pensalfini, Myfany Turpin, Diana Guillemin (Eds.), Language Description Informed by Theory, (pp. 15-24). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Nangala Ross, A. (2013). Antarrengeny Awely. Alyawarr women's traditional ceremony of Antarrengeny country. Darwin: Batchelor Press.
- Turpin, M., Laughren, M. (2013). Edge Effects in Warlpiri Yawulyu Songs: Resyllabification, Epenthesis, Final Vowel Modification. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 33(4), 399-425. [More Information]
- Green, J., Turpin, M. (2013). If You Go Down to the Soak Today: Symbolism and Structure in an Arandic Children's Story. Anthropological Linguistics, 55(4), 358-394. [More Information]
- Turpin, M., Nangala Ross, A. (2012). Kaytetye to English Dictionary. Alice Springs: IAD Press.
- Turpin, M. (2012). Outback Harbingers. Australian Birdlife, 1(1), 60-61.
- Turpin, M. (2012). Song-poetry of Central Australia: sustaining traditions. Language Documentation and Description, 10, 15-36.
- O'Shanessy, C., Turpin, M., Harrison, A. (2011). Jaru-kurlu: Traditional stories and songs by senior Warlpiri women from Wirliyajarrayi. Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing.
- Laughren, M., Turpin, M. (2011). The semantics of song: expressing meaning through dance, design and text in an Aboriginal song series. Australian Linguistics Society Conference, Canberra: Australian Linguistic Society.
- Turpin, M., Green, J. (2011). Trading in terms: linguistic affiliation in Arandic songs and alternate registers. In Brett Baker, Ilana Mushin, Mark Harvey, Rod Gardner (Eds.), Indigenous Language and Social Identity: papers in honour of Michael Walsh, (pp. 297-318). Canberra, ACT: Pacific Linguistics.
- Turpin, M. (2010). Apmere Rtwerrpe. 2 videodiscs (DVD), Alice Springs, Australia: Central Land Council.
- Turpin, M., Stebbins, T. (2010). The Language of Song: A Special Issue of Australian Journal of Linguistics. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 30(1), 1-17.
- Turpin, M., Stebbins, T. (2010). The Language of Song: Some Recent Approaches in Description and Analysis. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 30(1), 1-17. [More Information]
- Turpin, M. (2009). Francois Dell & Mohamed Elmedlaoui, Poetic meter and musical form in Tashlhiyt Berber songs (Berber Studies 19). Journal of Linguistics, 45(1), 216-221. [More Information]
- Watts, L., Campbell, A., Kemarr Long, C., Turpin, M. (2009). Mer Rrkwer-akert. DVD, Alice Springs, Australia: Central Australian Research Network, Charles Darwin University.
- Turpin, M. (2008). Text, Rhythm and Metrical Form in an Aboriginal Song Series. 9th Conference of the International Speech Communication Association: Interspeech 2008, Baixas: International Speech Communications Association.
- Koch, G., Turpin, M. (2008). The Language of Central Australian Aboriginal Songs. In Claire Bowern, Bethwyn Evans and Luisa Miceli (Eds.), Morphology and Language History: In Honour of Harold Koch, (pp. 167-183). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Turpin, M. (2007). Artfully hidden: text and rhythm in a Central Australian Aboriginal song series. Musicology Australia, 29(1), 93-108. [More Information]
- Turpin, M. (2007). Landscapes of Indigenous Performance: Music, Song and Dance of the Torres Strait and Arnhem Land. Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2007 (2), 154-156.
- Turpin, M. (2007). The poetics of Central Australian song. Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2007 (2), 100-115.
- Koch, G., Barwick, L., Turpin, M., Ross, A. (2004). Awelye Akwelye: Kaytetye women’s songs from Arnerre, Central Australia. Audio CD and Cassette, Tennant Creek, NT, Australia: Papulu Apparr-kari Language and Culture Centre.
- Turpin, M. (2004). Ngarla Songs (Book Review). Aboriginal History, 28, 254-256.
- Turpin, M. (2003). Growing Up Kaytetye: Stories by Tommy Kngwarraye Thompson. Alice Springs: Jukurrpa books: an imprint of IAD PRess.
- Turpin, M. (2003). Kaytete Picture Dictionary. Alice Springs: IAD Press.
- Turpin, M. (2002). Body parts in Kaytetye feeling expressions. Pragmatics and Cognition, 10(1/2), 271-305.
- Turpin, M., Green, J. (2001). Common Sense: Continuing the comparative tradition. In Jane Simpson, David Nash, Mary Laughren, Peter Austin and Barry Alpher (Eds.), Forty Years On. Ken Hale and Australian Languages, (pp. 89-112). Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
- Turpin, M. (2000). A Learner's Guide to Kaytetye. Alice Springs, NT: IAD Press.
- Turpin, M., Kantour, T., Rowe, C. (2000). Arrkantele. Video, Yuendumu, NT., Australia: Warlpiri Media.
- Turpin, M., Skinner, K., Thompson, T. (1999). Akwerteyetenge 'The Rainbow Serpent'. VHS, Yuendumu, NT, Australia: Warlpiri Media.
- Turpin, M. (1998). Eastern and Central Arrernte to English Dictionary. International Journal of Lexicography, 11(3), 219-226. [More Information]
- Turpin, M. (1997). Arandic Music. In Warren Bebbington (Eds.), Oxford Companion to Australian Music. (pp. 26-27). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
- Koch, H., Turpin, M. (1997). Eastern and Central Arrernte to English Dictionary. Aboriginal History, 21, 233-237.
Selected Grants
- Reconnecting Warlpiri communities with cultural heritage materials, Curran G, Barwick L, Harris A, Peterson N, Bracknell C, Turpin M, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Linkage Projects (LP)
- Yaru A Learner's Guide to Gudjal, Turpin M, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development Communications and the Arts/Indigenous Languages and Arts Program (ILA)
- The role of song in Kaytetye and Warlpiri biocultural knowledge, Turpin M, Curran G, Barwick L, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)
- Modularised cultural heritage archives future-proofing PARADISEC, Harris A, Barwick L, Enfield N, Turpin M, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF)
Turpin also collaborates to produce language learning resources with organisations such as
Centre for Australian Languages and Linguistics, Batchelor Institute