Elise Herrman Scholarship: Fuelling passion and opportunity for music students - The University of Sydney

Elise Herrman Scholarship: Fuelling passion and opportunity for music students

23 September 2024
Unlocking opportunities for future music leaders
Musicology student and vocal artist Purva Kolwalkar is following her calling with the support of a scholarship from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

Con student Purva Kolwalkar

It was during high school that Purva Kolwalkar found her voice. Attending Rouse Hill Anglican College, Purva began to explore a variety of genres and singing styles, from music theatre to opera and Hindustani classical. 

"As I realised the anatomical differences in the way I use my larynx for these different genres, I eventually began to grow a passion for vocology and was eager to learn more,” says Purva.  

This led Purva to enrol in a Bachelor of Music at the Con and pursue a major in musicology – a discipline that explores how music is constructed, understood, and used around the world and throughout history. 

As she settled into the first weeks of her degree, Purva learnt she had been awarded The Elise Herrman Scholarship. Established in 2004 from the estate of Elise Herrman, the scholarship provides financial support to undergraduate and postgraduate music students. For Purva, this scholarship has allowed her to concentrate on her studies without financial burden. 

"I feel extremely fortunate to be a recipient of The Elise Herrman Scholarship," she shares.

"It allows great financial freedom, especially for purchasing learning resources and materials like textbooks, music software and stationery.”
Purva Kolwalkar

The Conservatorium offers over $2 million in scholarships annually to address barriers and allow more students to pursue their passion at university. Not only does this kind of support allow students to focus on their studies, but it also frees students to become immersed in the Con’s vibrant creative community. 

“Pursuing music on a tertiary level is truly a rewarding experience. I really enjoy all the content I am learning and feel as though I have made so many meaningful connections with my peers and staff members," she reflects. 

Purva received the Director's Choice Award at Sur Samrat Asia Pacific

Alongside her studies, Purva is a prolific artist and performer within Sydney’s Indian community. She recently achieved the Director’s Choice Award at the Sur Samrat Asia Pacific, an international vocal performance competition, and in October she will perform a fusion of Indian and Western contemporary music with a live band at Timeless Memories.

“Coming from an immigrant family and as someone who was born and brought up in Australia, I sometimes find it more difficult to identify with the culture I come from, especially with relatives living so far away,” shares Purva.

However, through her music, Purva has been able to connect more closely with her heritage and find community in Sydney’s Indian diaspora.

“I believe that music is informed by society and cultural values, so being able to sing and perform with these communities helps me to further realise my identity.”
Purva Kolwalkar

Later this year she will present a speech at the Sydney Hindustani Music Group, discussing musicology and the evolution of vocal performance in theatre. Through both her artistic practice and academic work, she has been able to delve deeply into the topic and enrich her understanding.

“My subjects at the Con have encouraged me to consider how factors such as culture, values and history of a place shape the musical traditions of communities and groups” she reflects.

“As a vocalist, who is passionate about musical theatre and opera, I notice so many compositional differences and similarities between these styles and Indian styles of music."

Looking into the future, Purva is keen to pursue her interests in vocology and musicology through higher study and explore the complexities of vocal performance across various traditions.

"After university, I would love to continue studying and researching vocal practices of different styles, genres and cultures," she shares. 

“I am keen to continue researching different vocal practices within the Western and Hindustani realm of music, to eventually extend beyond.”

Through the generosity of our donors, Sydney Conservatorium of Music offers over $2 million in merit and equity scholarships annually.

Explore our music scholarships and begin your journey at the Con.

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