Dr Amy McHugh

Dr Amy McHugh

Academic Facilitator, National Centre for Cultural Competence
02 9036 6599
A20 - John Woolley Building
The University of Sydney
Dr Amy McHugh

Dr. Amy McHugh serves as an Academic Facilitator at the National Centre for Cultural Competence, where she fosters subtle yet impactful shifts in existing mindsets through her thoughtful, dynamic, and flexible facilitation and presentation style. She encourages others to engage thoughtfully and creatively with the Centre's ethos, strongly advocating for the idea that there are multiple ways of knowing, being, and doing. This belief is reflected in her dissertation on reconceptualizing intercultural competence as a co-constructed and situated achievement.

In her role, Dr. McHugh is involved in teaching, course coordination, facilitation, and research. She brings extensive experience in teaching and research, particularly in Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and its influence on (inter)cultural competence, to the NCCC. Her research interests focus on the roles of technology and motivation in our continuous pursuit of cultural competence.

intercultural/cultural competence, interculturality, online learning, intercultural communication, social justice, motivation, artificial intelligence

Amy facilitates workshops for both staff and students at the University of Sydney, and is the unit coordinator for the centres OLE: The Fundamentals of Cultural Competence. Amy also teaches online courses to undergraduate and graduate students in intercultural communication for the State University of New York at Oswego.

Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research (SIETAR)

International Communication Association (ICA)

Diversity Council Australia (DCA)


Book Chapters

  • McHugh-Cole, A., Simons, R., Russell, G. (2020). Creating Effective Cultural Competence Workshops for Australian Higher Education Staff. In Jack Frawley, Tran Nguyen, & Emma Sarian (Eds.), Transforming Lives and Systems: Cultural Competence and the Higher Education Interface, (pp. 9-19). Singapore: Springer Nature. [More Information]


  • Paul, M., McHugh-Cole, A. (2023). “Walking the cultural competence talk”: how educator’s professional identity influences cultural competence teaching and learning. Management and Organisational Behaviour Teaching Society (MOBTS) Oceania Conference, Sydney, Australia: Management and Organisational Behaviour Teaching Society (MOBTS). [More Information]
  • McHugh, A., Russell, G., Gabrielle, S., Simons, R. (2018). Cultural competence: a key component for training global citizens. 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'18), Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. [More Information]

Research Reports

  • McHugh, A., Paul, M., Young-Ferris, A., Vale, C., Sarago, L. (2024). Walking Together: Education Guide for the Indigenous Leadership in Business Video Series. The University of Sydney Business School, Australia: The University of Sydney Business School. [More Information]


  • McHugh, A., Paul, M., Young-Ferris, A., Vale, C., Sarago, L. (2024). Walking Together: Education Guide for the Indigenous Leadership in Business Video Series. The University of Sydney Business School, Australia: The University of Sydney Business School. [More Information]


  • Paul, M., McHugh-Cole, A. (2023). “Walking the cultural competence talk”: how educator’s professional identity influences cultural competence teaching and learning. Management and Organisational Behaviour Teaching Society (MOBTS) Oceania Conference, Sydney, Australia: Management and Organisational Behaviour Teaching Society (MOBTS). [More Information]


  • McHugh-Cole, A., Simons, R., Russell, G. (2020). Creating Effective Cultural Competence Workshops for Australian Higher Education Staff. In Jack Frawley, Tran Nguyen, & Emma Sarian (Eds.), Transforming Lives and Systems: Cultural Competence and the Higher Education Interface, (pp. 9-19). Singapore: Springer Nature. [More Information]


  • McHugh, A., Russell, G., Gabrielle, S., Simons, R. (2018). Cultural competence: a key component for training global citizens. 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'18), Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Understanding of aged care - a global learning experience, Du Toit S, Barton R, Chapparo C, McHugh A, Dylke E, DVC Education/Small Educational Innovation Grant