The Voice to Parliament - National Centre for Cultural Competence

The Voice to Parliament

Resources on the Voice to Parliament referendum.
Understanding the referendum on an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

Statement from the National Centre for Cultural Competence

As a group that firmly and actively supported a Yes vote, we are disappointed in the result of the referendum. Despite this, we believe the national conversation about First Nations recognition and justice has shifted. 

We have witnessed a remarkable coming together and mobilisation of people all over Australia over the past few months and we remain hopeful that the energetic collective action and powerful conversations will continue.

The generations of work from First Nations communities asking for truth-telling, recognition, and equity must not be in vain and we hope it will continue beyond this referendum. We must continue to listen and advocate for a better future.

Their voices and advocacy will persist, and so must ours.

Well-being and support resources

With the results of the referendum, we recognise that many First Nations people are expreriencing heightened cultural fatigue, racism and stress.

13YARN is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support line, offering a culturally safe and confidental space to yarn. They are available 24/7 at 13 92 76.


Wellmob is a hub of social, cultural and emotional wellbeing resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. From online counselling to podcasts and videos, Wellmob offers a range of accessible wellbeing resources you may need. 

They also offer a range of training resources that focus on improving the understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing. 

Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia is a national peak body for First Nations mental health, social and emotional wellbeing and suicide prevention. Their focus is to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices and concepts of wellbeing are integrated in Australia's national mental health system.

Their website lists a range of support resources such as crisis support hotlines, LGBTQI+ services, wellbeing online forums and more. 

The Stronger Together campaign launched by R U OK? is led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community voices who focus on the importance of yarning and culturally appropriate ways to listen and check-in.

Their resources include a podcast series, a video series with community voices, and a resource kit to encourage better conversation and stronger support. 

Statements in support for The Voice across the University 

Faculties, schools and centres across the campus continue to speak out in support of the Voice and the Uluru Statement form the Heart. 

The following schools, centres and portfolios are also in support of the Voice but have yet to release formal statements:

  • School of Chemistry voted to support a Yes vote following a school-wide consultation process.
  • The School of Geosciences.

The Yes Campaign

The Yes campaign is being led by Yes23, a group of advocates and campaigners who have come together to lead the education campaign for the Yes vote. On this website, you will find easy explainers about the referendum and what it means; a guide on how to have conversations about the Voice and other useful resources.

The Uluru Statement from the Heart is an invitation to the Australian people from First Nations Australians. It asks Australians to walk together to build a better future by establishing a First Nations Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution, and the establishment of a Makarrata Commission for the purpose of treaty-making and truth-telling. This website has useful resources to help understand the consultation processes that led to the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Blackfella Films, led by Rachel Perkins, has produced this film which succinctly outlines the background to the Uluru Statement of the Heart and the Voice to Parliament. The film highlights the long period of time that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been calling for recognition and representation.

This video from the University of Sydney Law School discusses the significance of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the importance of #YestoVoice in Australia's constitution and Parliament.

Books on The Voice to Parliament

The Voice to Parliament Handbook, Thomas Mayo & Kerry O'Brien

Indigenous leader Thomas Mayo and acclaimed journalist Kerry O’Brien have written an easy-to-follow guide for the millions of Australians who have expressed support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart, but want to better understand what a Voice to Parliament actually means.

The Voice to Parliament Handbook answers the most commonly asked questions about why the Voice should be enshrined in the Constitution, and how it might function to improve policies affecting Indigenous communities. It offers simple explanations, useful anecdotes, historic analogies and visual representations. If you are a staff member or student, the e-book is available through the University Library.

The Voice, A Question to the People, co-edited by Lisa Jackson Pulver

Professor Lisa Jackson Pulver, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Indigenous Services & Strategy, has co-edited this free and digitally available book that aims to promote respectful conversation and informed debate on the referendum. The Voice, A Question to the People examines the evidence and arguments in a non partisan manner to facilitate facts-based dialogue and empower Australians with their voting this October. You can read the full text or download a pdf version here

Voices on the Voice

You Can Ask Me That - The Voice to Parliament

We spoke to staff and students from the University in this You CAN Ask Me That video to dispell some common myths about the upcoming referendum and listen to their perspectives on The Voice.

Noel Pearson on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament

A keynote address by University of Sydney alumnus Noel Pearson (BA '87, LL B '93), a proud leader from the Guugu Yimidhirr community of Hopevale on the Eastern Cape York Peninsula, and hailed as one of the best orators in Australia. An AUSLAN translation of this video is also available online

Marcia Langton on the Voice and dispelling misinformation.

A keynote address by prominent anthropologist and geography Professor Marcia Langton AO, on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. 

Professor Tom Calma AO on First Nations Health and the Voice

Watch Profesor Tom Calma AO, a proud Kungarakan Elder and one of Australia's most respected human rights campaigners, discuss First Nations Health and the Voice to Parliament.

Voices from Our Community

Hear from the University of Sydney staff and student community in our Voices on the Voice: Voices from our Community vox pop series. You can watch a number of our vox pop videos in this YouTube playlist